Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo grinned, "Lovely lady aren't you." he was worried about her power but he didn't show it. Anyway, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. without missing a beat he moved to the side when she got to him and hit her on the back with his hand, sending tendrils of venom into her. "My your fast." he commented, seeing that she had actully hit him as well, he was bleeding. Gingerly he made a bandage of darkness.

    "yes! I can hear you!" Serifina yelled back, but her voice didn't get through. "Oh, shoot. Okay, how can I do anything to show them I'm here...?" she thought for a moment but could only come up with one thing. "Hm, I'll have to think of a better plan incase I have to do this again, but for now...: she whiped the air inside the sheild into winds going fast enough to tear skin (she kept it off herself easily), soon enough it was going fast enough to at least make the sheild shake. "I can hear you, got it?" she muttered through clenched teeth, even though the winds didn't hurt her, it was an effort to keep it that way.

    OOC: haha, it does fit huh? :D
  2. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex nearly fell over, but she managed a flip and landed back on her feet. You cracked her neck. "Your feeble venom won't work a second time on me, Aiko's body has build up an immunity against it...good luck trying to slow me down..." Alex laughed and began running towards Takeo again, only this time, she unleashed a little more of her power. B elow he ground, 3 huge brown snakes, positioned themselves right below Takeo's feet, ready to strike upon Alex's command. "NOW!" Alex yelled. The snakes come up from the ground and were about to attack Takeo.

    Kyoshi was still trying to bash the thiing open. He clearly heard Serifina. "Serifina! How can I take this darn thiing off of you?" yelled Kyoshi.

    Sartre was also trying to open the sphere by shooting at it with his shotgun. "Blasted thing won't open." he muttered.

    OOC: does...Alex is in her rare 'pissed' mood. LOLz..
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: rare? lol and this is different from the her other forms how? lol :P

    Takeo's shock didn't show on his face and he shot venom at the snakes as fast as he could. Their strikes hit him but each fell to the ground, writhing, as his venom took effect, quickly and painfully killing them. "Ah, i see. Well I work with much more than that my dear." he shot darkness at her and slamed his blades into her chest, trying to ignore the pain from the snake's attacks.

    Serifina pounded her fists on the sheild in frustration. "I don't know! He doesn't even pay attention to it and it stays up. I can't get through it. My light doesn't do anything or get hurt, they're too equal. Air does nothing. I can't survive space. What can you do?" she slammed her blades against a side she knew they weren't on but it had no effect. A thought accured to her. Maybe I could try that controled cut in space. I've never been able to do it, but maybe I could just cut the space of the sheild. But it takes so much energy and i'm already low... "I have an idea, but if you can do something first, do it!"
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Lolz. When she's in her pissed mood, she unleashes some power, what was back in the base, she was angry...her usual mood. ^-^

    [marquee]Alexandra kicks ASS![/marquee]

    Alex hit a tree from the blow caused by Takeo's blades. She tried to breathe, and coughed up some blood. She took a look at the blood in her hands, and clenched her fists. She was unable to think clearly. This time she had only one other option. And there was no turning back. She summoned all her strength and power. She let the demons loose from some cells in Hell, and she summoned many creatures that dwelled in the underworlds: Dragons, deadly scorpions, fire serpents, fire sprites, ice sprites, and other deadly and frightening creatures.

    Sartre was thinking of getting Serifina out. He thought of maybe slicing through space and going through it and out somewhere. Kinda like teleporting.

    Kyoshi was slamming the sphere with his fists, thinking of an idea."Serifina! I know this may sound stupid and I'm not a genius or anything, but couldn't you shriek and then amplify your voice and maybe the thing will burst or something....I don't know much about physics..."

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: ah, i get it now. ^-^

    BIC: Takeo's eyes got wide and he knew he was probably going to die. Even he couldn't deal with all of this. I will not leave her, not when I have her so close. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small remote with two buttons, this he held tightly in his fist and was ready to push both (you'll see what they do later) if he was to be on the brink of death. "I won't give up yet, girl." he snarled, running straight into the mass of creatures and used all his normal attacks on them, hoping that the use of energy would keep Alex off him for now.

    Serifina bit her lip, "It's an idea." she yelled through the sheild. "if you can hear my voice now, I think you'd better cover your ears." she warned them. "Here goes." and she took a very long deep breath before letting out the highest note she could reach, which was also the loudest(ouch). By working her fingers like she was playing an instrument she amplified it's volume up and up and up. She kept air cycling through her for breath and kept up the note.
  6. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: LOLZ...
    Alex yelled in fury. Some of the creatures responded to her yell by attacking. The snake coiled itself around Alex to defend her, while the demons and dragons took over. 'We'll see who has the last laugh...' Alex thought.

    Sartre and Kyoshi covered their ears as Serifina's voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

    Alex and the demons covered their ears, but the dragons and the serpents went mad. They began attacking everything hopeing the eerie sound would stop. Alexandra couldn't keep control. The dragons roared and began searching where the sound was coming from. They crept speedily towards the sphere, with anger in their eyes.

    [MARQUEE]Kyoshi *heart* Aiko[/MARQUEE]
  7. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo covered his ears with a yell but soon realized what was making the noise and saw that the creatures were going towards Serifina. He let go of his ears and ran after them. "No!" he screamed, forgetting Alex in a moment. He knew that the sheild was strong, but even it couldn't keep out all those evil creatures. He attacked the creatures left and right, trying to ward them off of the shield. "Stop Serifina, stop!" he reapeated under his breath hoplessly.

    Serifina kept the note up. Seeing the walls of the sheild start to shake, she took it for the work of her note when it was really the creatures attaking. Oblivious to the battle outside because of the volume of her note she closed her eyes and waited for the sheild to die.
  8. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex tried to stop the creatures from tearing apart the shield. The creatures ignored her. She clapped her hands once, then twice. The creatures stood amoment, as if paralyzed, then turned into mist. 'Well that sucked...' sighed Alex.

    Sartre rubbed his eyes. For one moment, He saw dragons and demons attacking the sphere, and the next moment, they turned into mist. "Kyoshi, you okay man?"

    Kyoshi rubbed his elbow. "Sort 'bout you?" Kyoshi asked.

    "Alright...what is Alex doing?"

    "I dunno..."

    "I thought you were supposed to know..."

    "Oh shut up...I'm trying to hear them..." Kyoshi crawled behind the bushes and listened.

    Sartre crept along beside him.

    "Guess plan A didn't work....demons are so unreliable..." Alex cursed. She groped her sword again. "Don't worry, I still have a lot of energy left...." she chuckled.
  9. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina stopped the note when the sheild stopped shaking. "What the-?" she said, annoyed, still oblivious to what had happened.

    Takeo strenghtened the sheild and then turned to Alex. "Let's not hurt who you want to steal from me, shall we dear?" he said, regaining his composure and readying to fight..
  10. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex laughed. "As if I'd hurt Aiko's close companion. I'm just here to kill you..I'm not interested in people, much less her friends..." She chanted again,and produced 2 basilisks from the ground, her eyes were protected from the basilisk's death stare. She also made sure that Kyoshi, Serifina,and Sartre would also be protected from its eyes. "Try and kill the beast, if you can..."

    Kyoshi took one look at the basilisk, and immediately closed his eyes.

    Sartre was about to close his eyes,when he saw the bright,yellow eyes of the basilisk. He thought he would turn to stone any moment, but he didn't. The snake them began slithering towards Takeo. The other one stayed behind. "K-Kyoshi! We can look! They eyes don't have any effecton us!"

    Kyoshi looked up. "That's odd, she would never protect me from anything, she always toldme to fend for myself..and never ask her help...I wonder why she's doing this...."

    "Know's not the time to ask questions..."
  11. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo closed his eyes and jumped into a tree. "Hm, good choice girl, thank you for the challenge." he started listening for the right moment to attack.

    Serifina tapped her fingers on her leg, "Hello?! What's going on out there?" she called, frustrated.

    OOC: i have to go so my mom can have the comp. i'll be back later in the evening, kk?
  12. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Aww...I gtg..cya tomorrow!

    Alex muttered to herself. She tried to think of a way to get Takeo off a tree. "Kyoshi, give me an, not tomorrow!" she muttered furiously.

    " about transforming the tree to poison ivy or poison sumac..something poisonous.....maybe?"

    "I'm not going to give him a rash....something really poisonous...something...deadly."

    "I have no idea....."

    "You are not reliable...I have no idea how Aiko came to love makes me wonder..."

    "Let's not talk about your opinions okay, let's focus on the battle.."

    "okay...fine. While I focus on the battle, you focus on trying to take Serifina out of that thing!!!"

    "Deal.." Kyoshi went towards the shield. "Right now, Alex formed 2 basilisks after Takeo, who is up a tree...and if you're wondering why the sphere didn't break when it was wasn't your voice that made it was the dragons and demons attacking the spheres....any questions?"

    Sartre placed abomb beneath the sphere. "Get back..."

    "What'll that do?"

    "Explode you ******....duh..."

    Kyoshi crossed his arms, annoyed.
  13. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo smirked, he was ready for anything she did to the tree at least. Thank you loud mouth children. he mused to himself, waiting.

    Serifina sighed, "Okay, so what are we-" she started to answer Kyoshi but stopped short when she heard 'explode'. "Wait, what?! Explode?" she demanded, punching the wall. "Sartre, do you hear me? I don't want to get blown up!"
  14. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex muttered to herself. Out of the air, a phoenix lingered above the tree, it's feathers did not make any sound, it was just as quiet as an owl. The phoenix spotted Takeo and attempted to turn the tree into a fiery torch. Alex stood well out of the way.

    "Dont you worry Seri! "We'll get you out of there....I'm sure the bomb won't have any effect on the sphere..."

    "Then why are you going to explode the bomb if it's not going to work?" Kyoshi asked confused.

    Sartre shrugged. "I don't know....just trying...."

    "I'm surrounded by idiots....and a homocidal demon..." Kyoshi muttered.

    "I HEARD THAT!!!" Alex shouted.
  15. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "don't call me Seri!" Serifina yelled at him. "And what do you mean it probably won't work?!" she was getting sick of this. "That's it, I'm done. Forget this damsel in distress act, I can take care of myself." she stood up and flexed her fingers, cyceling her breathing through herself to prepare herself for her idea.

    Takeo felt the heat and jump to the next tree, barely keeping his balance with his eyes closed. "Woah." he yelped quietly, catching his balance. "Hm, interesting. How did you set it on fire so quietly miss?" he asked, mockingly, getting ready to send out an attack to kill the creatures below. Spinning his hands around eachother fast a combination of darkness and poison formed larger and larger until he let it go and it blasted out in all directions. He held up a momentary sheild around hiimself similar to the one around Serifina so he would be protected.
  16. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex had little time to react. She was coughing and wasn't able to stop. She muttered a few words to cover Kyoshi and Sartre. There was nothing ini her abilities that enabled her to interfere with the toxic gas, and darkness. She could barely see her hands.

    *cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**cough**thump* A body fell to the ground, apparently dead.
    Kyoshi ans Sartre heard a thump as well. "ALEX!" Kyoshi yelled in worry. Sartre was busy covering his ears on account of Kyoshi 'screaming' beside him.

    "...It's...okay...*cough* ....was...*cough*..only the ph-*cough* phoenix..." Alex tried to fight the venom. It was a different kind of venom. A second later, she could not move her arms, another second, she could not move her legs. 'It's a paralysis toxin!' She couldn't feel a thing. She had lost her senses. 'I can't feel.....that means no pain....and now the real battle can begin..... Alex smiled.
  17. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina heard the noises, though they were softend by the sheild. "what's going on?!" she yelled.

    Takeo smiled, he knew he had time now. "So, tell me, will you all leave us be now, or would you prefer to have another little taste of my poision?"
  18. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    ooc: srry me was not here..i was practicing for swimming trials and finals....woot woot!! Oak Grove girls won!! *WOOT* :) can't eait to dunk our coach in the pool on monday!! :) I'm gonna videotape it..muhahahahhahahahahah :)

    Sartre was trying to speak, but his voice was muffled because of his sleeve covering his mouth.

    Kyoshi was running towards Serifina. "There's toxic gas everywhere!!!..." He yelled.

    Alex smiled. "Don't worry I'll soon as I murder you..." she taunted. Using nearly half of her power, she transformed herself into a large, dragon. The dragon was hidden from the gas. The paralysis venom doesn't affect the dragon, nor any other venom available.
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: cool! good job on winning! ^-^

    BIC: "Oh no.." Serifina's eyes got very wide. "Oh no, oh no! GET OUT OF THERE!" she yelled. "I'll take care of myself, but you two need to GO!" she closed her eyes and returned to her breaths, trying to block out her fright for them. "Gods help us." she whispered, taking her blade in her hands and waiting to hear that they were gone.

    Takeo frowned, he could feel the venom in the air not affecting Alex now, plus the fact that she was now a dragon put him off quick a lot. "Ah, now I see we play hard but be careful, dear, everytime you divide your power, you get weaker." he warned her, coyly.
  20. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex laughed."'That's what you think silly mortal....but know are dealing with an enraged demon.I will have absolutely no mercy on your pitiful soul....or what's left of it by the time I'm through with you..."
    The dragon shot out a blast of fire towards the tree where Takeo was hiding.

    Kyoshi was breathing within the sphere of protection. Kyoshi couldn't see a thing beyond the poisonous gas. He had a bad feeling. " you by any chance...have any of those things hat enables a person to actually 'breathe' in the toxic gas and not get intoxicated???"

    "You know...I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about........."Sartre replied honestly.

    Kyoshi sighed. "Yep, we're screwed..."

    OOC: sorry me hasn't been online...I was FILLED with homework.....homework scks.....cant wait till school ends!!! WOOT!!
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