Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo shot up a sheild of darkness that threw back Aiko's attack. "Temper, temper girl. My love doesn't want you hurt, but I will kill you if you are not careful." he grinned at them all. "And boy, do not order me about. So my chemical does nothing to you, so what? I figured out what worked on Serifina, I can find out what works on you."

    "Takeo, please. Just stop. You know you'll win. Stop playing." Serfina had lost her strength and her voice was pleading. "I'll go with you, just please stop this." she looked at the others with eyes that were sad and cold. Just go now, I'll find a way out. Oh please have sence and run you morons. she silently begged them. Disgust filled her for herself begging and pleading but she knew what he could do...

    Takeo threw her into the wall and put up a barrior of darkness around her. "I told you to shut up Serifina. Do not push my care for you." he looked at the group with a look of a snake ready to strike, "So, are you all going to run away like intellegent souls or do you want to face me full on? I will only hold off for my darling's wish so much, it is so much easier to kill you."

    OOC: hey, kekeira, what's wrong? <.>
  2. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko has now lost all common sense. She can't think straight, all she can think of is blood. 'Oh no...the blood's coming back.......i must not lose control this time....must not lose control....' She tried desperatly to think of something else beside the lust. She was trembling, in fear that her nightmare will take over again like last time.

    Kyoshi noticed her trembling. His eyes widened. 'Oh crap, Alex is coming through.....' He glared at Takeo, "Let Serifina go or you're really going to get it..." He warned.


    A look into the past:
    The horror in Irisacytla. It was when Alex was released for the first time, she terrorized the streets in Iris., she fed on fear and lived without fear. By the time Kyoshi had managed to trap her back inside Aiko, she had murdered about 7,000 men, women, and children....but mostly children. She seemed to love hearing the cries of the kids before she killed them. Once she is released, she will kill anyone she sees, be it enemies, civilians, friends, or family...

    OOC: nothing's wrong y?

    Another Pasttime:
    Alex and Hotaru were sisters. They used to be peace-loving people. They were charming and polite in everyway. Until December 12, in Irisacytla. A monster rose to the surface from the pits of hell and destroyed nearly 1/6 of the city. The monster then demanded a sacrifice of a maiden each month in order to prevent it from destroying the entire city. The city had survived for more than 1 year. On December 29th, when Hotaru was to be the next sacrifice, her parents came up with an excuse to tell Alex that Hotaru was going to go away to be married. Alex was content until late afternoon. She heard faint screams in the distant. Being curious, she ran over to the sound and found her sister blindfolded and led up towards the monster, jaws opened. She knew she had been tricked. She took revenge on the city and destroyed nearly all of its inhabitants. The few that survived died later of unknown causes, but not before killing Alexandra. When she drew her last breath, it was believed that she said, "I'll be back...".

    Several Centuries later,she took possession of Aiko, after she opened a mysterious box with a curse engraved into it. Aiko's not happy about the company.

    Alexandra and Hotaru
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: awesome! sounds scary!

    "Ah, I see. A monster in your friend, love? You always did have horrid choice in friends." Takeo said, looking over at Serifina. He released her from the sheild and, before she could move, picked her up and turned to leave. He didn't run, however, just walked away calmly.

    "Put me down!" Serifina beat her fists on his chest. "She'll kill you!"

    "Oh, do you care, darling? I knew you'd warm up to me." Takeo was grinning.

    Serifina pressed her palm on his chest, without answering, and a beam of light shot through him. "Stop it, Takeo." she muttered.

    Takeo stopped in his tracks, eyes narrowed, and he put her down. "Your little light trick doesn't scare me, Serifina. But if you want me to let you down, fine. Stay put. I'm going to fight these little brats of your friends, and kill them. If you so much as touch me, I'll use that little chemical you got a taste of earlier."

    "No-" but she was cut off by Takeo slapping her across teh face, knocking her down and out.

    "Now, girl, Alex or Aiko, or whatever. Come on, come and get me." Takeo took out his double sword and mentally checked to remember were his other weapons were. "We'll see what you've got."
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Lolz....she was bred for horror! muhahahaha...
    'He said to come and get him, leave it to me...I'll take care of him....'

    'N-No.....stay...back...GET OUT OF MY HEAD!'

    'Then release me once more...'


    'Then I'll have to use force...' Alex let out a wave of pain from her head. Aiko gave in easily. "Finally" Alex muttered as she emerged. As her vision came into focus, she saw Takeo and Kyoshi. She recognized Kyoshi from last time. She felt an urge to kill him for her revenge, but Aiko wouldn't let her. 'But he killed me!"

    "He killed you to protect me!!!"

    Alexandra glared at Takeo. "I assume you're the one who told us to come and take you out?" She took out her sword. "Kyoshi, I'll let you live this once because Aiko won't let me touch you, but don't expect the next time to be so lucky..."

    "I'm staying here..."

    "Don't be stupid...this gluttonous beast is mine....take Serifina and the other man away from here...." She pointed towards Sartre (He was unconcious, but with a little nudge, he'll wake up).
  5. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo stood infront of Serifina, "No, girl, she stays with me. She's mine." he formed a strong sheild around Serfina. "but the others can leave. I'll take you, girl." He moved into a fighting stance and waited for her attack, a smug look on his face.

    OOC: what were his powers we decided on? i forget. XD
  6. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Suit yourself..." Replied Alex lazily. With blinding speed, Alex struck Takeo in the side...blood spilled on the floor.

    Kyoshi was waiting for the chance to grab Serifina and Sartre and get away from the building. he wanted Takeo well out of the way.

  7. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Ah, I see." Takeo said, seemingly calmly, "You are strong, my mistake." he put his hand to his side and made a bandage of darkness. Dammit, she's is strong. I can win, but maybe I had better do some research. This is a good place to start, but I dont' think I'll finish here. Quickly he shot darts at her and waited until at least one hit to put poision into it. (OOC:btw, i think Poision, power negiation, and darkness were the powers. lol) The poison would slow her slightly. "My speciality girl, no one is immune because it suits who I give it to." a grin spread across his face and he seemed overly sure of himself but still, without showing it he was getting ready to make a break for it.

    Serifina groaned and opened her eyes. the sheild prevented her from looking out and when she shot light at it, the light simply bounced around the shield, neither being destroyed nor hurting the darkness. She made it vanish. "Damn, what can I do?" she knew from experience her powers would do nothing to his darkness. "Maybe he'll run..." she mumbled doubtfully, "But probably..." she stopped, not letting the thought finish. Instead she tried to listen.
  8. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex dodged some of the darts. Some darts reflected off her sword and hit the wall. As soon as she reflected one off her sword, one dart hit her side. Instead of being worried, she simply plucked the dart and threw it away as if it was a toothpick. She grabbed her sword again and began runniing towards Takeo. For some reason, she bagan to slow down and tire easily. Her heart was pumping very fast and loud, even so, she didn't worry at all that the poison might damage the body (As a demon possessing Aiko, she cannot feel pain as the body is not her own).

    Kyoshi could not see under the darkness. He tried to light up a matchstick, but failed when he couldn't find his pack. Frustrated, he threw his pack towards a wall. He heard the pack hit something, and that 'something' grunted.

    "Watch where you throw that will you?" Sartre grunted weakly.
  9. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo smirked, "I see I was right." he said, contemtously, parring her attack. "You may be good girl, but, and I'll happily admit it... I cheat." he grinned wickedly and sliced at her.

    Serifina winced, getting a bit of what he said, "So true you jerk..." the mere memory of the chemical's full effect on her made her angry. She uselessly pounded her fists on the sheild.

    "Now girl. I have a question, how do you feel? Slow? Tired? Don't lie, I can see it." Takeo taunted her, keeping a good distance from her more powerful blows, or at the very least keeping the pain from his face.
  10. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    'I can't..let him...slow me down....' Alex gained more speed, but her heart rate increased. She only had a limited time left before she would collapse with exhaustion. 'I have to weaken him....but how......' She winced from the pain in her side, along with the wound Takeo made. She could still see the faint image of Takeo, and then her vision became slightly blurry, and Takeo disappeared from her view. She grew worried, but she wasn't about to show it.

    Kyoshi was trying to find Sartre in the dark. He fell over several times, mainly because he was tripping over wires or something.

    Sartre was confused. 'How did I ever find myself in total darkness? I must be dead..but if that's the case..who hit me?'.
  11. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo grinned, "I think that answers my question, dear. You seem to be very strong, but I'm afraid your a bit to tired to fight." And that won't last forever... ha, but what she doesn't know, will not hurt me. "Good bye to you all." he snapped his fingers and the dark sheild around Serifina disapeared. He grabbed her by her arm and created a cover of darkness until they were gone.
    Serifina fell face first on the ground when the sheild dropped, she had been leaning on it. Then she shrieked as he pulled her away. "Let go you stuipid id-" and her voice was lost as they left.

    "Be quiet my love. Those fools will not hear you no matter how far your silly wind takes your voice." Takeo snapped, pulling her out of the building and deep into the forest. "Now, we'll go where I say and you will be quiet or I will use my special chemical on you again."

    "Fine, but they'll kill you, and I'll help." Serifina said viciously, under her breath.
  12. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    As soon as Alex stopped to catch her breath, she noticed that the darkness had started to go away. She panted heavily. 'The body must be in critical condition by now...I wonder how much damage I have caused it...' Alex wondered. She looked around for Serifina. 'Where'd Serifina go, she was just-' and then she realized that Takeo had taken her. She screamed in fury. She was trembling with anger.

    Kyoshi covered his ears as Alex screamed. "OW! You could at least give me a warning before you scream or something....jeez...and get Aiko back on...I need to tell her something..."

    "She will sleep until I find Serifina and Takeo. I won't rest till I rip him to shreds!"

    "What did he ever do to you?"

    Alex looked at him in disbelief. "Well, for starters, he mocked me, he injured me, he poisoned me, and he tried to kill ME!"

    "Okay, Okay, I get it..."

    Sartre saw Kyoshi and Alex. "I'm not dead...good. Where's Seri? I thought she was with you?" He said looking towards Alex.

    "Takeo took her with him..."

    "Where'd they go?"

    "They went somewhere..."

    "No duh, stupid..."
    "SHUT UP!!" Alex shouted.

    Kyoshi sighed.
  13. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: haha, Seri, XD

    BIC: Takeo looked up and sighed, "Well it's getting dark. I'll make a fire." He kept a firm hold on Serifina and managed a good fire for them as well as an inclosed shelter of darkness.

    "Oh good job." Serfina said sarcasicly, "you can make fire, I'm soooo impressed."

    Takeo pulled her close to him as he sat down next to the fire. "Yeah yeah, mock me all you want my dear, your with me and not getting away."

    "Fine, I will mock you all I want, since I can't do much else at the moment." she crossed her arms, as best she could with him holding one, and turned her back, as much as she could again, on him.

    "Your so lovely when your angry." Takeo said, grinning like a wolf at her.

    "I hate pickup lines and I hate you, so don't ruin two already perfectly rotten things by mixing them."
  14. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex went out of the base. Still in fury, she knocked a several trees down with her sword, and punched a hole in a tree. "We have to search for her...sarting today and now."

    "We could search near a deserted village. There's one near not too far away. Some villans and criminals hide out there.." Kyoshi suggested.

    "Aiko was right, you do have brains...I was starting to think that your skull was empty." Alex teased.

    Kyoshi glared at her.

    "I guess we should be going there now...which way was the villlage Kyoshi?" Sartre wondered.

    Kyoshi pointed East, "It's that way..."

    "Isn't that Irisa-" He stopped midsentence after he saw Kyoshi with his 'end of sentence' gesture.

    Alex fidgeted. "What did you say?" She murmured.
  15. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo pulled Serifina close again. "Serifina, I know you hate me, but I think you should know that..." he frowned, "that I don't want you only for the family connection. I've always liked you... loved you." he whispered.

    Serifina tried to flinch away but he held her to close. "Y, your lying. I know you are..." she choaked out, barely being able to say anything from shock.

    "No, I'm not. I hate your family. Sorry but, espicailly your brother. I hate people like you who fight for others, I find it pointless. But I fell in love with you, and the family connection was the perfect cover. Serifina, love, I mean it when I call you that."

    "Just stop." Serifina said, harshly, not looking him in the eye, "Your lying."

    Takeo sighed and closed his eyes, "You are so stubborn. I hate that, but what can I do?" he gradually fell asleep after awhile but his hold on her didn't weaken. She was forced to sit there, staring at the fire, pressed shoulder to shoulder with him.
  16. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Nothing! He just said that he loved irises. Those flowers look pretty don't you think?" Kyoshi said while covering Sartre's mouth.

    Alex eyed him. She turned around and continued walking up East.

    Kyoshi felt relieved. He turned towards Sartre. "Never mention that city again...alright?"

    "Okay...sorry.... " Sartre muttered.

    "Are you guys coming or not?"

    "Coming!" replied Kyoshi ad Sartre together.

    OOC: Lawls! Only a few more posts till we're able to find you k? tell me when r ready to come back to us..lolz
  17. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: lol, okay. u can find them whenever u want.

    BIC: Serifina played with light in her hand as the night wore on, she knew they would be looking for her but until morning, at the very least, she couldn't do a thing.

    Takeo slept. (OOC: so exciting! haha, i love sarcasm)
  18. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex leaped about through the trees. Trying to locate where Takeo might be. She suddenly saw something in the shadows. 'A light?' she sneaked closer. She saw Takeo. She sneaked up towards Takeo...careful not to wake him. She suddenly tripped over a rock and fell oh her knees. As she fell, she hit a tall vase filled with flowers. The vase fell and shattered.

    Kyoshi sneaked back into the trees, waiting for a signal from Alex to attack or something. She was surpirsed to see Alex just as clumsy as Aiko. 'Well, they both share the same body..they probably share the same personality...'
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo woke up with a start. "Damn, not already. You have quite annoying friends my dear." he said, all his honesty from earlier gone. At least I can be sure they weren't around when I said that. He pulled Serifina up to her feet. "Don't try anything." he growled, making their shelter disapear.

    "Anything? You mean I should stop breathing?" Serifina muttered under her breath but he shook her arm and she fell silent.

    Takeo saw Alex on the ground and realized she had tripped, "For someone so powerful, you're not much else are you?" he taunted her, laughing.

    "Takeo..." Serifina warned.

    "Oh, alright. I'll be nicer." Takeo said, not bothering to stop laughing and getting his weapons ready. "just to prove a point." he whispered in her ear as he thrust her against a tree and made a sheild of darkness around her. Clumsy Clumsy he thought to himself, still laughing.
    "NO point taken! I still say your lying!" Serifina yelled, but the sound didn't get through. "Stupid full, stop laughing at her..." she muttered.
  20. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: I'm gonna use the quote I told you today!! *giggle* lawls.

    Alex coughed and looked up at Takeo. Alex chuckled,"Do you know what else's funny? My foot up your ass!" Alex took out her sword and ran towards Takeo, while watching out for those darts. "Make fun of me will you..I'll f****** kill you..." Alex muttered. She didn't want to unleash all of her power..just a little bit to see how he would react to different things. If things get worse, she might have to unleash everything.

    Kyoshi saw that Serifina was stuck in the shield again, he ran towards her, and attempted to backfire the spell. He trie to pry the shield over, but failed.

    Sartre also saw Kyoshi and Serifina. He ran to help Kyoshi free her. He was thinking of using bombs he had specially made. The bombs were puny, but they made a powerful explosion and leaves a raging fire behind. Sartre had enough bombs to create a crater the size of Rhode Island.

    Kyoshi was trying to wack the shield with his knife and try to make the shield thinner, but all efforts failed. Frustrated, Kyoshi began clawing at the shield. "The stupid, retared thing won't open!!!"

    Sartre nodded in approval. "Dam straight. Serifina! Can you hear me!!"
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