Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina looked back at Aiko, "Why don't we bring her with us, and let's see what's inside. I want to make sure no more of us," here she meant synapids, "That they know how to... affect." she winced, thinking of the pain the chemical had given her, it hadn't compley gone but the most of it was mostly a memory now. "I wouldn't put it past them to try and find a more effective way of killing us by expirementing. People seem to find it easy to forget humanity and do horrid things to others." she walked over to Aiko and picked her up. "Lead the way."
  2. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre nodded. He srept silently inside the base hallways. He could hear clinking. "There's someone in here...I'll go check it out...Cover yourself and Aiko." He took out a pistol and aimed at the nearest target. He fired.

    The SES truned around and spotted Sartre. One of them fired his shotgun at him, and missed.

    Kyoshi saw Sartre. He was trying to get out of the chains. He loosened his right arm, and grabbed a knife. He flung it at an SES.

    One of the SES aimed his pistol towards Kyoshi, but was killed by Sartre.

    Sartre helped Kyoshi off the chains. "We have a friend who has been put under a sort of 'spell', we need an you think you can help us?"

    Kyoshi nodded.
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina put a sheild around Aiko and took her into the room, her sword ready. "Ha! I'm so physic." she said in a odd moment of humor. Suddenly an alarm went off, "Crap. Let's get out of here. Come on." she put Aiko over her back, the sheild still on her, and headed out of the place, blasting light and air at the officers trying to subdue her.
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre heard the alarm and started running. "You! We gotta get outta here! Fast!"

    "You go on ahead! I'll catch up!" Kyoshi started grabbing certain chemicals and potions. He put them all in a sack and started running towards the exit. 2 men blocked his way, kyoshi jumped over them and continued running.

    Sartre was with Serifina and Aiko outside in the forest. Sartre rested beside an Oak.
    Kyoshi came minutes later and held a large sack. "where's your friend under the spell?"
  5. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina gently moved Aiko off her back and sat her down against a tree, "Before we go on," she looked skepticly at him, "let's make sure we know who we're dealing with, all of us. I'm Serifina, this is Sartre," she gestured to him, "And this is Aiko." she pointed to her. "You are...?"
  6. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi didn't hear Serifina call Aiko's name. He sneezed. He cleared his throat before responding. "I'm Kyoshi...I'm also a synapid...if you were wondering..."

    Sartre thought he heard the name somewhere. "Weren't you the dude that wiped out base number 23?"

    Kyoshi grinned. "Yep! Those dudes pissed me off, so I had to use my did you know?"

    "I'm a former SES, now I am working alongside Serifina...Or else she'll kick the crap out of me..." Sartre laughed.

    Kyoshi took out a couple of vials with bluish green liquid. "These are healers, and these are venoms..." he pointed towards 2 black vials. "And these are several antidotes...I don't know which will work though..." He pointed to 13 other vials of different color.
  7. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina barely heard him after he said his name, "K, Kyoshi?" she stammered out. "That's wonderful!" she suddenly said, happily, "That's just perfect! Aiko will be just extatic when she wakes up! She has a god on her side." she said cheerfully, taking the 13 vials and seperated the onces she recognized and knew won't work from the ones she didn't know and hoped they would work.
  8. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    When Kyoshi heard Aiko's name, he turned around and saw her on the ground, apparently unconcious. "W-what happened?" He looked worringly at Aiko.

    Sartre didn't understand what Serifina meant. "Kyoshi, are you okay? Do you have any bruises or are you bleeding?"

    "Yeah...I'm fine..."

    "Serifina...did you find the right antidote?"
  9. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serfina nodded, holding up an orange vial. "This should wake her up. And we don't really know what happened, Kyoshi. Although I belive it was an attack from that b**tard who is now dead." a icy look flashed in her eyes for a second but it passed and she knelt by Aiko to give her the poitiion.
  10. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi was waiting for Aiko to wake up. 'I have finally found you, all of these years I have been very worried about you...'

    Aiko's vision was getting blurry. She blinked, once twice, and woke up and saw Serifina. She immediately remembered the battle, Haratsu and the assassin. She grew angry. "Where is that F****** assassin! I'll shred him to pieces and feed it to the birds!" She didn't notice Kyoshi.

    "You're still energetic as usual, aren't you?" Kyoshi grinned.

    Aiko, surprised by the voice, turned ar ound quickly she nearly broke her neck. "Kyoshi!" Without hesitation, she embraced him.

    Sartre was relieved that the potion worked. "Good job, Serifina. You should be a healer...just suggesting.." He smiled.
  11. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina stood up, smiling and then looked at Sartre, "Yeah right. But come on, let's give them some space to talk." she started walking off and lightly tugged his sleeve to make sure he left too. "They'll have alot to talk about and we'll be in the way. Maybe we can find some food." she said, already concentrating on the air again.
  12. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre nodded. "You're right. Speaking of food, do you think we should raid the base and steal their supplies and rations? It will be the perfect revenge, I know all the paths and rooms. Should we?" he asked.

    Kyoshi returned the embrace. "I've missedyou so much...Iwas worried that you might have been caught and possibly killed..."

    "You still have negative thoughts don't you? I was hoping that you were still alive and safe somewhere..."

    "Still alive?" He raised an eyebrow. "And you're telling me I'm always negative...think of yourself for once..." He laughed.

    Aiko giggled. "Why and how were you captured? I thought you can beat them abilities pale in comparison to yours...though I think Serifina could beat you.." She teased.
    "Not a chance."

    "Then how were you captured Mister. 'I'm unstoppable'? Did you suddenly faint?"

    "Ahaha.....remind me to laugh later I didn't faint, they stunned me with these wierd guns...."

    "Didn't you dodge them?" Aiko asked curiously.

    "They were shooting them all over the place...It's impossible not to get hit by those..."

    "Well sorry..."

    "It's alright. Say, where'd everybody go?"

    "I dunno..."

    "Shouldn't we be looking for them?"

    "We should, but I'm too tired to look for them...they are probably just resting somewhere....or looking for equipment to use...i really don't know.." Aiko wondered.

    "Do think they might get into trouble? They could be caught by those stunning weapons..."

    (No response)

    "Aiko?" Kyoshi looked towards Aiko. 'She's probably listening, she just doesn't want to show it..'

    Aiko didn't hear him, she was lost in thought.
  13. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina nodded, snapping away from her concentration in light of this better idea, "Sounds good. Lead the way then." she stepped aside to let him go infront of her. "They probably have better food than what we could find out here."
  14. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre sneaked inside the building. He crept slowly along the halls. He sawsomething move, it was an SES sleeping. "Whew...that was close"

    Aiko was starting to go to sleep. 'I'm sooo tired...and I have no idea why...'

    Kyoshi woke up Aiko. "Now's not the time to go to sleep...we need to look for them..."

    "Why? They are probably raiding the base or something equally disasterous"



    "Takeo's in there!"


    "We need to go help them.....NOW!"

    "Serifina can handle anything...she's strong and brave enough to scare the living daylights out of me....and that takes guts..."

    *sigh* Kyoshi grabbed Aiko by the arm, "We need to help them, Takeo will probably kill them...."

    Aiko rolled her eyes. "Fine...Let's go..."
  15. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina nodded and then silently pointed to a room labled supplies. She began walking to it and quietly picked the lock when someone laughed behind them. The laugh made her freeze.

    "Hello love. What are you doing here, stealing from us?" Takeo grabbed her shoulder and spun her to face him, "I've missed you. Don't I get a hello?"

    Serifina's eyes were big and for once she was comepletely terrified, "L, let me go, Takeo. Don't you, please don't you dare use anything..." she stumbled over her words.

    "No, I don't think I'll let you go again, dear. I'm glad to see I still inspire the old fear in you." Takeo pulled her close to him and looked directly into her eyes, "What are you doing here?"
  16. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre turned around and pulled Takeo away from her. "The question is, what are YOU doing here?" He glared.

    Kyoshi and Aiko were walking inside the hallways, avoiding SES's and looking for Sartre and Serifina. "I don't see them" whispered Aiko.


    "Where's the fun in that?" She smiled wickedly.

    Kyoshi saw her smile. "W-what are you t-thinking?" He asked nervously.

    Aiko stood up and ran throught the halls yelling, "Sartreeee.....Serifinaaaa!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!"

    "AIKO!!!" Kyoshi yelled.

    Aiko laughed.
  17. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo looked at him distastfuly, "I'm working moron. Do not touch me." he shot a blast of darkness at Sartre to knock hiim into a wall. "Shall we go love? I think we need to talk..." he trailed off hearing Aiko screaming. His eyes narrowed. "Who is that?"

    oh no, Aiko, go away, go away please go away! Serifina made herself stop being afraid for a moment and slapped Takeo across the face as hard as she could. "LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" she barked at him.

    He was stunned for a second but quickly grabbed her arm and forced her against the wall. "Look Sefy." he said in her ear, using a old nick name she hated, "Don't ever hit me agian or you'll end up in a gas chamber just like last time. We're going, now." he started dragging her down the hall.

    "Stop it! Let me go!" Serifina shrieked, throwing air and light at him, which he deflected easily.
  18. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre crashed against the wall and couldn't breathe for a few seconds. "L-let Serifina g-go..." he muttered.


    "AIKO!! Wait up!!" Kyoshi said tiredly.

    "SARTREEE!!!SERIFII-......YAYZ I FOUND YOU!!" Aiko shouted. She stared at the man holding Serifina's arm. "Who the f*** are you supposed to be?" She said coldly.

    "AIKO!" Kyoshi couldn't belive Aiko's attitude had changed since they were separated. "T-Takeo..." He recognized him immediately.
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo sighed and turned around, still holding Serifina's arm tightly, "Oh look, you have friends love. Hey didn't I have experiments put on you?" he asked Kyoshi. "Ah never mind, you'll die soon anyway."

    Serifina was trying to break his hold on her. "Don't hurt them. If you do I swear I'll-"

    "You'll what?" He snapped impateintly shaking her arm, "You know by now you can't hurt me, so just shut up." he looked back at the group. "You, girl. You seem to be a bit mad, that's not good. If you're mad you'll think you can beat me, if you think that, you'll probably die. So pipe down and ask things calmly, I may not kill you."
  20. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko seemed stunned. 'This idiot...telling me I'm not strong, calling me a weakling! Never have I heard such a stupid, ridiculous thing! I 'll show this idiot who's boss around these woods!'
    "Watch who you're calling a weakling, you asstard..." She said with clenched fists. She sent a rattlesnake to sneak up behind him and strike him in the neck.

    Kyoshi covered his face with his hand and sighed. "Takeo, take your hands off Serifina, and no, I was immune to the venom injected within me..." Kyoshi stars laughing. "Your weak potion will not work against me...."
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