Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina didn't have time to think, she had her sword out so fast you couldn't see it and whipped it across the air around of Akio and herself, tearing the space and putting a barrior between them. "Focus now!" she yelled at Akio, more from the stress of keeping the torn space off them than being angry. Then she whipped her sword the other way across the space and sealed it up again. "Don't think about me, fight!"
  2. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko gritted her teeth and nodded. She pounced on Haratsu. "So you were playing all along...weren't you. Enough with the charade!" She whispered a few words. Earth stems coiled around Haratsu.

    Haratsu took out his shotgun and shot at the stems. The stems were torn offand flailed helplessly.
    Aiko was getting angrier each minute. She had lost patience with Haratsu. "I can't belive I was tricked all along!! FIRE ROSE!" Thorny stems coiled around Haratsu's body. A oment later, the stmes burst into flame.

    Haratsu was heard screamiing in agony.

    Sartre glared at Aiko. 'She must have a weakness.....wait...Serifina.' Sartre took out his sword and attempted to impale Serifina.
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serfina felt the anger that had ebbed rising in her again and it made a nasty smile spread on her lips again. "You want a sword fight, come and get it loser!" she said, meeting his sword with her own and pushing him backwards.
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre was flung into a tree.

    Aiko, seeing her chance, took out a kunai, cut herself so that the kunai's end held her blood, and flung it at Sartre. The kunai hit his leg. She then came back to fight Haratsu once more.

    Haratsu was trying to shoot her, but ended up nearly killing himself when the shotgun backfired and exploded.

    " aren't they?" Aiko grinned and began to kill Haratsu, impaling him with her sai.

    Sartre grabbed his leg. "What the hell? My body..I-it's destroying itself.....what did she do??"

    She held Haratsu with the stems and turned towards Sartre, "If you really wanted to know,you have internal bleeding. I have a certain chemical within my blood that has several phases. Phase one- Internal bleeding...phase two- hallucinations...phase three- sudden mood swings...phase four- you become insane...and phase five- death. People who have had their dose of my blood die within 4 hours. Only a lucky few survive...but they die apainful death due to the blood loss, cardiac arrest, and heart failure." She chuckled. She turned toward Serifina. "You can finish him here and now, or you can try to save him....he is your relative after all......I can provide the antidote if you ask. It's up to you."
  5. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina was looking only at him, "I have my own antidote, thank you." she said in a flat voice, "and I only use it on people worth it." she closed her eyes for a moment, "Sartre, it's all up to you, say something to change my mind, or you die." a hint of a smile came to her and she almost laughed, "It better be good, I really hate you."
  6. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko chuckled and walked toward Haratsu.

    Haratsu was bleeding heavily.

    Sartre quivered. "Your my relative....can't you spare me...I'm your stepbrother.....give me the antidote..and I won't bother you again. I beg of you........" Sartre looked pleadingly at Serifina.
  7. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serfina stared back at him, suddenly cold. "Well, family, yeah that changes everything... not." she tapped her foot. "Will you stop killing others like us? And I don't just mean you say you will and then you do it anyway, I mean will you really STOP killing people like me and Aiko?"
  8. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre thought for a moment. ' what? If I accept and stop the slaughter, my boss will murder me. If I say no, I'll die of blood loss or something. Either way, I'm going to die anyway. Well, I have no choice.'

    Aiko tied up Haratsu and went back to check on Sartre. "What are you going to do with him?" Aiko jerked her hand toward Sartre. "I'm still thinking of what to do with Haratsu...I'll probably skin or flay him alive....hmmmmmm...."

    Haratsu stiffened. 'I'm doomed...' Haratsu tried tearing the ropes biinding him. He tried reaching for his gun which was layed on the dirt a few yards away from him. 'Almost there.' He finally grabbed his pistol, looking back to see if Aiko saw him with it, and began tearing at the ropes.

    Aiko sat down, exhausted. "Boy, am I tired..." She yawned. She glared at Sartre.

    Sartre, seeing Haratsu trying to escape, tried to distract her from looking back at Haratsu. "How many synapids have you brought back...alive? I heard that every one of them got killed."

    "SHUT UP!!!" Aiko slapped Sartre across the face.

    Haratsu got up after taking off the ropes. He pointed the gun at Aiko. 'I have to stay quiet...any sudden moves, and she'll be right on me. I need to get closer for a kill shot...' Haratsu came creeping up slowly, little by little. He went unnoticed by both Aiko and Serifina. He was right behind Aiko, then he jerked the gun at Aiko's head. "Any sudden moves, and your dead."


    At the last moment, Haratsu hit Aiko's head with his gun, knocking her unconscious. "One down, One to with me Sartre?"

    Sartre looked at both Serifina and Haratsu. "I-I..."

    Haratsu said, "You have to choose one of us...who are you going to side with? Serifina or me?"
  9. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serfina's eyes went from Sartre to Haratsu, He's actully... thinking about it? Where did that come from? But he has to decide now, before someone dies. Oh Gods protect her, I can't let Aiko die! She glared directly at Haratsu. "Let her go, now." she said, focusing her anger on the air, as she did the winds rose around her getting stronger and stronger.
  10. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu smirked. "What are you gonna do...bring a little breeze to blow me away?" He laughed.

    Aiko woke up in a starnge place. 'Where am I? Last time I remember, I was with Serifina...where'd everybody go?' "Anybody here?!" She shouted. In the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar face. "Who are you......" The person didn't speak. It looked like a girl of about age 10. "Who are you and what-" Aiko gasped. ' isn't her....b-but...she died several years ago.............Syra.'

    Sartre did not do anything to stop the fight. He seemed amused.
  11. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina raised the winds higher and the trees started breaking. She directed the winds at Haratsu so everything was hitting him, but she also kept the air protecting Akio. "Sartre, decide now, or your going to die." she said, over the roar of the air. "Haratsu, I'm not going to have a breeze blow you away, I'm going to beat the s**t out of you and then, you'll see what happens next."
  12. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre stared at Serifina and sighed."Fine, I won't kill anymore synapids'

    Haratsu glared at Sartre, "WHAT??!! ARE YOU CRAZY??!!"

    "But," Sartre continued, "My boss will know of it and hunt me down. Are you willing to help me out?"

    Aiko got up andwalked slowly to Syra. "It's been a while...I'm sorry to what had happened..."

    Syra nodded.

    "What are you doing here anyways?"
  13. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina kicked her back towards him, "The small vile, purple liquid, take 5 drops, no more." she made a big tree crash into Haratsu. "I'll help protect you." she said, so only Sartre would hear her, "Deal, right?"
  14. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu tried to dodge out of the way, but he injured his leg with several branches. "F**K!!"

    Sartre nodded. "Deal." He grabbed the vial and drank only five drops, no more, no less. "Now I have to take care of Haratsu. if he goes away, he'll be sure to tell the boss that I no longer hunt donw Synapids..."

    "Why did you team up with Haratsu in the first place?! They were sent to kill us!!" Aiko yelled.

    Syra glared at Aiko.

    (Flashback: Aiko and Syra were best friends....till they were teens, they went their separate ways. Aiko met Syra and Haratsu when she was protecting a small child. Aiko had no choice but to kill Syra. Haratsu had fled. The child survived and brought back to safety.)
  15. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Good, I'll keep up beating him up, you do whatever you want." Serfina said, smiling slightly when his back was turned.
  16. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre stared at Aiko. "Should we wake her up...or later on when the battle is over?"

    Haratsu was bleeding a little,but he still has a lot of stamina and strength to draw out his sword and slash it towards Serifina dn Sartre. "TRAITOR!!!"

    Sartre stared calmly at Haratsu, "Your the traitor, you fled after Syra was killed weren't you? You didn't put up a fight, you just let your comrade die before your eyes."

    Aiko trembled. "What are you doing here!!!!"

    Syra raised up a hand.

    Aiko felt her throat tighten, she tried to scream, but no sound came out.

    "Save your breath, no one can hear you." Syra snarled.

    (back in the real world) Sartre saw Aiko move. "Is she alive or de-" He saw Aiko's throat tighten as she tried to struggle. "Who's doing that?!" Sartre pointed at Aiko.
  17. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina kicked out at Haratsu's head to push him out of her way. "I'll take care of Akio, keep him off of us." she instrurcted. Crouching next to Akio she lightly slapped her face to try and wake her, "Wake up, wake up." she muttered, thinking of ways to wake her.
  18. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko was choking, unable to breathe.

    Syra was laughing. "You're going to die here, and now."

    Sartre took out a vial with a stange liquid inside and gave it to Serifina. "Here, let her smell this, she will wake up. It a potion made from the seeds and flowers from the foxglove and nightingale."

    Aiko was still struggling, her heartbeat slowed.

    "Now, before it's too late!"He said before shoving it into Serifina's open hands.

    Haratsu tried shooting the vial with his pistol. He missed."DRAT!" He took cover behind a maple tree.
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina deftly put the vile under Akio's nose. "Wake up now..." she muttered in almost a sing song way but urgently. "Wake up now."
  20. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko started breathing again. She woke up. "Syra? Where am I?"

    Sartre's relieved. "Your back."

    Aiko glared at Sartre, " Get away from me!" She took out a knife and attempted to stab him.

    Haratsu waited for a moment. "Who should I kill first..." He took out his sniper. He had it concealed with an invisible coat.
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