Can I say that I'm jellin'? You've got some good use of textures and filters there. I wish I was as good as you. I personally don't like that the stock is so small, but that's really no biggie. Can you tell me how you made those splatters, and how you made that light...oh and the lines bellow the XIII too?
That blue in the text is dumb. Other than that, the tag is sick. EDIT: Oh, and you have a case of impossible lighting. But it's not too big of a deal. Still looks nice. Just keep it in mind.
I make the splatters with a little program called alchemy. It's a cool little doodad. LINK Those lines are scanlines they're a little pattern you can download or make yourself. I realized that when I was making it I just didn't want the light-source at the top.
You're amazing. ;o; It's not fair. Tutorialz plz. Also, do you have a DeviantArt? Oh. Right. Something meaningful so be here. I guess I like it because of the textures and shapes. And I actually really like the lighting. It's interesting.
Oh wow, I really like this. I think the blue in the writing looks good and the render blends in well with the background. I'm no expert but I love the different lines and just the colours in general go well together. Plus the stock is very high quality. I don't know how you could improve, probably by making it bigger like Chev said, but that's all I say.