Hey, does someone wanna tell me how everyone makes the glow-y deal get its groove on? Because I've tried a few things, even some that didn't make sense, and I can't figure it out. Help?
There are many ways you could do lighting, such as using a gradient on a transparent layer then change it's layer mode to dodge, lighten, or whatever you feel comfortable with, or you could use a brush with any light color, like bright yellow or white, and then change layer mode, too. The dodge and burn tool is a godsend, though I'm not sure how you would use it in Photoshop, since I'm still a cheapskate using Gimp.
I barely know how to use the dodge tool. Actually, I don't think there's a burn tool in Photoshop... But I'll try your suggestions. Thanks Jo.
I'm not sure either, I use GIMP, and its just like a click and hover-mouse away. When I had CS I think you use a gradient in another layer below the text layer, or you could put green outline around the text and blur it up a bit. Sorry I can't be much of help, but Gimp is the free CS XD
I know PS has a burn tool, Wolfie used it when we were doing a collab. I find lighting to be very easy in GIMP with several ways to pull it off depending on how you want it done. Similar to what jojo was saying I find an easy method is make a brush with a large radius and hardness of zero, then of course mess with opacity, color, etc. A note though is to remember location of the light to see where you might end up with shadows.
Hmm, looks like I'll be downloading GIMP again. I really must get the hang of all this stuff. Thanks for the help again guys.