Life with sora.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kingdom Hero, Feb 4, 2008.

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  1. Kingdom Hero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 3, 2008
    The world the never was.
    here u make up ur own story about sora, donald,kairi,riku,goofy, living together in one house!make it funny,akward,sad, IT'S UR STORY!!! so have fun with it. !~here is my story.....
    p.s. a little heads up, in ur story sora and kairi r married.



    g-gawrsh wats wrong?
    d-I cant reach the cookie jar........
    g-hehee dont even try I saw kairi eat them all lastnight.....
    k and s-hey wats wrong?
    d-look I bought those cookies and u ate them u fat hippo!!!!!
    k-im not a fat hippo
    d-fatter than a fat hippo!
    k- dont forget I still have a keyblade!!!!!!
    r-haha....funny story I kinda sold it on ebay for 1 mill. munny.....
    s-*this isnt good*
    k-sora , honey, i need u to go on ebay and find my keyblade , while I strangle theese two with my bare hands!
    g-gawrsh be easy on um! they didnt mean it,,....
    hi sign here!
    s-wat is it?
    r-o its somethin....
    -kairi runs outside
    k-A CARR! u bought a car with my keybladE!!!!!I will choke u so fast the darkeness jumps out!!!!!
    r-sorry look in the glove box.
    k-yay! a box of cookies~!~~~!!!!~~~
  2. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard

    d-*steals the cookies*
    k-hey give them back!
    d-no you stole my cookies so now i'm stealing yours
    s-this is gonna get ugly
    s-should i stop them?
    s-*summons keyblade*break it up brek it up give kairi back the cookies and kairi apologize to donald for stealing his cookies
    d-*gives back the cookies
    k-i'm sorry donald
    g-a hyuck i thought that was gonna end in tears
    s-stop being so goofy goofy
    d-steals the cookies from kairi's pocket and sneaks them into riku's pocket
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Livin' life with Sora (to the Tune of Livin' Life with Derek. In fact, that's what I thought the crossover was xp)

    D=(Whispers to goofy) I still think Kairi could lose a few extra tons.... (Devilish chuckle)
    G=(Chuckles warmly and silently)
    K(Eyes grow red at Donald and Goofy) And what are you two laughing at??:yelling:
    D=Nuh-nuh-Nothing! (Rights up posture into a salute at a princess of heart.)
    G=Goofy does the same ina s clumsier motion.)
    R= Hey, who wants to take the new car out for a spin? (Dangling the keychains. The Car Key is shaped like "The Way to Dawn".
    D= (Raises wing)
    G=Raises gloved hand.)
    D/G/R= (race out to the new car.)
  4. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    s-*points keyblade at car which then turns into kairi's keyblade*
    d-awwwww uh-oh riku it looks you're in trouble kairi riku has you're cookies
    k-*looks at riku's pocket then her own*theif!*she grabs her keyblad then points it at riku then takes the cookies back if anybody try's that again they will die
    d-hippopotamus lady!
    k-i heard that!
    d-i didn't say it riku did
    r-*runs away*
    k-ok now he's one i blame donald
    d-*runs after riku*
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    K-(Catches Riku)
    R-Wait, Donald planted those cookies I swear!
    G-Gawrsh Donald, he's smart...
    D- Goofy! (looks at Kairi with fear.
    K-(Eyes turn red again)
    D- (In a quick last resort, sends out an accidental blast of magic)
    K-(Suddenly turns into a hippopotamus)
    D-(Covers mouth and trys not to laugh) Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    K- (Crys uncontrollably.)
  6. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    s-*chokes after laughing so hard*
    r-oh no! don't sit on me!*riku laughed so hard after he said that*
    r/d/g-*rolls on the floor laughing
    k-*suddenly the depression switched toanger*switch me back or i really will sit on you
    d-ok i'll try*lets out a burst of magic and kairi turns into an elephant*ok it irreversible *donald accidently made another burst of magic which turned kairi back*not alot of difference if you ask me
    r-*smashes his head against a wall after falluing over at donalds joke*
    d-bye bye*runs away*
    g-gawrsh don't forget to send a post card!
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    D-Runs back and sneaks some magic dust into Kairi's pot of cookiees.
    K-Doesn't notice.
    S/R-IS laughing too hard to notice
    G-Is too dull to notice.
    D(Devilish chuckle) Let's see how much atkins works for you after a bite of these...(Sprinkles in the magical weight gain dust, over dosing on each of the cookies.) (Walks away)
    K-(Stomach growls and she walks over to her cookie jar.) (She is about to put one in her mouth.)
  8. Kingdom Hero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 3, 2008
    The world the never was.
    wow all this!!! yal r smart!!!!!
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    G-(Totally confused as he sees Donald tip-toeing out of the room with a smirk on his face.) (turns his head lazily towards where Kairi is about to eat a cookie.) NOOOOOOOO! (Goofy yells, going into slo-mo camera style and leaping 3 inches into the air, arms extended.)
    R/S- (Conversing and arguing who has the best keyblade.)
    D-(Goes to his room and writes his will)
    G-(After the slo-mo, he instantly falls to the ground, hardly even moving a inch forward, his belly flat on the ground.) Don't do it, your highness!
    K- (Bites down and chews the cookie.)
    D-(Hears the sound of a crash and clatter and loud munching.) (Writes faster.)
  10. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    k-(is so fat everyone except donald is outside from the fatness for it smashed right threw the walls)
    d-(finishes writing will that reads one sentence"put cookies in my grave so I can eat them when i'm dead")
    k-(is so fat she can barely move)someone wil pay for this! (still can't really move so she has a drink and shrinks back down to normal size) Donald!
    g-he's already gone(goofy thought he was telling the truth
    s/k-NNOOOOOOOOO she crushed the cookies *both sommon keyblade and points them at kairi*
    s-you will pay for this literally go and buy some more cookies
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    K-(Glowers at Sora and Riku, who lower their keyblades and cringe) I think you should! I'm BUSY! (Heads off to Donald's room)
    S/R-(Nod at each other and run for the door.)
    G-Wait fer me fellers! I don't wanna be here neither! (Goofy clambers out the front door)
    D-(Examines his will and hears a knock on the door.) (GULPS)
  12. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    D-nobodys home!
    K-*Kicks the door down* Donald come out now!
    G-*changes mind and runs to donalds room and hits kairi oin the head with his sheild knoicking her out* Run Donald!
    D-*Runs as fast as he can while dragging Goofy*
  13. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    D- (Comes to a oddly placed brick wall down the hallway with Grafitti wirting.) What do we do now?!

    G- (Closes his eyes when he sees Kairi storming down the hallway towards them.)

    (I'm going to do something totally random by doing this. XD)

    Maleficent suddenly appears and wihisks Donald and Goofy away.

    K- Is knocked off her feet and Is surprised to see Donald and Goofy gone.

    D- (Wipes brow while slumped in the Hallow Bastion Heartless chapel room) Thank you Maleficent!

    M-(Turns around and smiles evilly at the duck) Your lunch has arrived!

    D/G- huh?

    Oogie Boogie- (Pretending to look sullen)Ooh! I'm feeling weak......(Grins evilly) With HUNGER!


    OB-(Dancing around Donald and Goofy) Now I'm feelin' antsy! And I've nouthin' much to do! I think I'll cook a special batch, of snake and spider stew! And don't you know the one thing? That would make it work so nice?

    G- (Gulps heavily)

    OB- A Rolly Polly Dog and Duck! To add a little spice! (Cackles)

    Later, when Donald and Goofy are tied to a metal slate above a boiling pot, Oogie Boogie is dancing around and Goofy and Donald are sweating with worry.

    OB: One more roll of the dice-! (Holds up his signature dice) Oughta do it! (Throws the dice into a skull that randomnizes them and the dice come up one and one.) WHAT?! Snake eyes!? (Pounds his fist on the table hard and the dice come up five and six and Oogie face turns into pure glee) ELEVEN!

    D/G- (Looking each other in the eyes, both gulp)

    OB-(Pulls back a lever and waves to Donald and Goofy) So long feather face! (Pulls the lever all the way down and the metal bed angles straight up.) And Dog Breath!

    OB- When he doesn't hear a splash his grin disappears and turns to confusion. He looks toward the bed revolving back his way.)

    K- (Is laying on the bed, looking seriously at Oogie with a mad face.)

    OB- Kairi! But everybody said you was dead!

    K- (Loses her angry face.) Nobody ever said that...check you lines dude....

    OB- (Takes out a tattered book of lines titled "Script" and puts on bispectals that don't even cover his eyes right.)'re right....wonder what made me say that one thing before...

    K- (rolls her eyes and gets of the bed.)

    OB- (Throws the bipsectals and the script.) But you'll have to be....DOUBLE DEAD! (Press a button under his foot and King Cards with sharp swords appear in a ring and Oogie runs off to saftey.)

    K- (Dodges the swords, managing to get close to Oogie)

    OB- (Makes the wheel they stand on start to revolve and gets off to the side. Presses another button that brings out three Skeletons with guns.)

    K- (Steps on the guns and steps carefully on them, staying in one place while Oogie gets closer.)

    OB- (Realizes he stepped on the revolving wheel by accident and is heading fastly towards Kairi. Runs in the opposite direction and belly flops in order to press another button that makes the Boiling pot stirer rise up. What he doesn't realize is that one of his threads gets caught on the button and he jumps onto the pot stirer.) So Long, Kairi!

    K- (Notices Oogie's string and pulls it hard.) How dare you treat those who I will kill shortly after this-

    D/G- (Wave innocently at Oogie and grin, still sweating with worry to come.)

    K- (Pulls the string harder) So SHAMEFULLY!

    OB- (His string comes out and his ragged cloth body gets caught in the still rotating stirer. His outer clothe off, he's just a big pile of bugs.) Wha- What have you DONE!!! (Most of his bugs start to fall into the boiling pot below as he chants "my bugs, my bugs MY BUGS!" getting smaller and smaller voiced as more bugs are lost.) MY BUGS! MY BUGS! (By now, his brain bug is scantering all over the place, in a tiny voice, and is eventually crushed by Kairi's shoes.)

    D/G- (Wipe the sweat off their brow.)

    K- (Turns to them and grins evilly) Now you both die!

    D/G- Uh-oh!
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