Okay, so we've been reading H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds and it made me stop to think . . . is there life somewhere else out there. I mean based on the theory of the Big Bang and evolution it is quite possible that life has started elsewhere in this universe. I mean, the universe is infinite (at least far enough we couldn't reach the end) and the earth could probably be copied a trillion times and still wouldn't fill it up. So why would there only be life in one tiny little spot in the whole thing? First off, theory of "The Big Bang" There was first nothingness, except for a single ball of matter. That matter was so compressed that the particles inside it eventually led to it exploding and making other matter. That matter spread and was collected together in separate sections we call Galaxies. Those Galaxies are inside the Universe, where once there was nothing. Secondly, Evolution Theory After millenniums of being collected together to form the earth a meteorite crash landed on the surface carrying bacterium. That bacterium grew and grew until it covered the land. It evolved into bigger organisms and kept evolving to form everything. Based on these two theories I find it almost definite that there is more life out there somewhere. Scientists have found a habitable planet (far away) that might support life. It's arguable that what happened to Earth in the Evolution Theory is currently happening to that planet, or has already happened. I would just like to know what you all think on the possibility of life outside of Earth.
Sweet first voter!!!! Anyway in regards to your question, I myself have always believed that there is other life outside our own. I've always thought though, "If there is other life, how technologically advanced are they?" Like in War of the Worlds, and Holly Wood, life beyond our planet is always shown as more advanced, hostile, and intelligent. I can't say for sure the depth in which the outside life exists, but I do believe something else is out there. Of course with N.A.S.A. no longer doing space projects at this point in time, who is to say if we will ever find them.
It is totally plausible, however I doubt we'll ever know. We may one day find the technology to do so at some point but I am unsure whether we will find anything since the universe is so big. The theory is that conditions for life on earth were perfect so life began but in our Milky Way all other planets are either too hot or too cold for life. However, species could easily adapt to the world they begin in just like in Evolution. It is also said that if the Oxygen levels were even the tiniest bit higer or lower we would not exist, there must be at least somewhere else in the vast universe like Earth, it's basically infinite so it must be so. I'm not expecting green people with huge heads but something, maybe even another species of human is on another world, that would be fascinating.
First off, what comprised of the Big Bang originally was just more than matter. This "spec" held the four(or more theoretically speaking) fundamental forces of the universe and...well...it's too big of a description for me to put up here since it doesn't pertain to this topic. Anyways, with how big the universe is, there's a probability of 1 that life exists outside the Earth. There really shouldn't be any debate on this really. "Life" doesn't mean intelligent beings. It could be microscopic organisms as well. Water has been seen to exist in other planetary objects in our solar system so there's no doubt life exists outside the Earth.
Well I was talking more about intellectual life, like humanoid. Obviously there is going to be some kind of living organism but I am talking about life that could build rockets and space travel like us. Life that is yearning to understand what is out there and wondering if there is life outside there own. It's really weird but there may be another planet with civilization that is equal to our own. There could be some that are still in the earlier years and then some that are advanced like in The War of the Worlds. Why Hollywood always makes them out to be bad I have no clue. I would like to see a movie where we co-existed peacefully with each other. The best thing I could think of would be if proof fell right into our lap. If one day there was just a sudden crash landing in a field somewhere and there were humanoid organisms inside looking to *blah blah blah goes on about a rant of first alien encounter* . . . In conclusion, if they found us that could easily jump start our first steps into the outer reaches. I know some of you may think "You're just a nerd who is way to into sci-fi" and to that I must say, Yes . . . yes I am ^_^
In your case, the correct term is "geek". XD But I think what I said earlier still applies. The universe expands faster than the speed of light and is even accelerating so it's so large right now that there's no way there isn't intelligent life out there right now. Also, if there are life forms out there that can travel here...their technology would be so advanced that if they were hostile, no weapon on Earth could ever stop them. I'd hope that if we were visited that the other lifeforms would be intelligent enough to ...well...not kill us all since it should be considered to be a good thing to interact with another sentient being. As for the aliens being humanoid...that's highly unlikely. We happened to look the way we do only by chance and nothing more. Technically speaking, humans are structurally inferior to nearly every other organism on our planet. I'd say that if said aliens had the technology to come here, they might have already evolved further than humans have.
-_- **** it all. Why did I has to be out-geeked??? lol Anyway, since this is all speculation anyhow there is no telling exactly what is out there. They could be humanoid or could have evolved to a species of nothing more than conscious beings without a body (all speculation) Though I agree that they more than likely wouldn't look like us (enough to fit in without being noticed) but they might show similarities. Like Ienzo said, i'm not gonna be expecting little green dudes running around with lazer guns. Though if you think about it, the technology needed (as you said) would be so advanced to be able to travel here. What if they are already here and are simply observing us as a people? Maybe they have chameleon like adaptation abilities to be able to blend into there environment. There is no telling what you are gonna get when something evolves. There are infinite possibilities, just in this universe alone.
My dad and I talk about this sometimes. I think it's a very real possibility that there is life outside of Earth, that there's more out even in this galaxy. The way I see it, why is Earth so special as to be the only planet in the entire, wide universe that has life? It might not necessarily be human life, it could be what everyone has stereotyped it out to be, green men. [lol] The truth of it is, we might not actually ever know what else is out there.
On just life itself, it has been proven that bacteria exist on Mars. This means that while there may not be intelligent life on Mars, it's only a matter of time (ten of billions of years, but time all the same) before there is intelligent life there. Just throwing it out there.
my opinion on this subject is if our planet can have intellegent life then it is stupid for us to think that no other planet in the billions of solar systems out wouldn't as well ^.=.^ you know it makes sence
Could I have the source of that? I haven't heard it before. As far as if there is life? Yes, of course. Humanoid life? Not necessarily, but there will more than likely be life that has more skills and intelligence than the homo sapiens sapiens, and there is probably some planet where the life is still at the Homo sapiens neanderthalensis stage.
I agree, also another possibility life somewhere out there is more advanced then us. You must let go your worldly thought that the earth was first and the earth is the only planet with life. We could be the first planet to have life . . . or we could be the millionth who knows? There is one way I believe I could hazard a guess though. If you look at which way the galaxies are drifting (According to the Big Bang) then anything drifting ahead of us (rather in the same direction but further ahead) I would hypothesize that since this Galaxy is ahead of us and (more than likely) had a longer period of being a Galaxy that if there were life inside that Galaxy it would in turn be more advanced. Though this is just a theory.
First source I found: http://www.marsnews.com/focus/life/ Another, partly unrelated article that points to the same conclusion: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2009/11/30/fossilized-bacteria-point-life-mars/
This is true, I've heard this. These bacteria will sure evolve over time into more complex individuals like we did but they'll be adapted to a colder environment. However, the other argument is- Is there water on Mars? All living things need water to survive, although I don't know if it's possible to evolve without the need for water.
Mars has tons of water frozen on its poles, so it only stands to reason that there's at least a little bit of water beneath the surface. And to be fair, life needs water, but it doesn't need to be liquid water. It's totally possible that intelligent life will evolve there. If civilizations pop up, the poles, like rivers on Earth, are likely to be where most of the species (Martians, from here on) will remain due to the massive amount of water. As time goes on, certain Martians will go out of the main area to explore the rest of the land around them. Also, given the fact that the poles are so far apart with very little water in between, there's a slim but significantly greater chance than on Earth that two separate intelligent species will evolve in roughly the same time period. Then there's the possibility that humans will still be around and have the technology to get to Mars, so it's entirely possible that the Martians will develop their technology at a faster rate than humans did. All of these things need to be taken into account.
Yes. There is water on Mars. Frozen lakes in the region of the poles, found in a 2005 scan. Just look around you'll find coverage of it from a number of sources. So let's keep this short and sweet. Life outside of Earth's atmosphere? Yes. Possibility of intelligent life? Yes, a possibility. The chances are low but not impossible. We've only known life that has been able to survive because of the presence of water. Doesn't mean it wouldn't happen, keep an open mind my dear science. We don't know how self awareness or intelligence would even be possible without certain environmental or biological factors in effect, it's not like it can just happen as hard as it is to imagine being around intelligence all the time. And we believe that intelligent life will be like humans. That's silly. Dolphins are intelligent, yet what do we have in common? More individual personalities then other mammals, social structure, language, different sexuality, Etc. That's not much we have in common with one of the most intelligent life on the planet, what's the chances of having something in common with extraterrestrial life? But I wouldn't reject the 'Aliens', simply find some common ground, build a relationship and learn more about them.
The chances aren't low, mathematically speaking they're ridiculously high. The chances of us making contact with other intelligent life are low. Also, if some alien species comes here, we'll have quite a bit in common. Physics and mathematics are universal. They would have different notation and have come across their discoveries in different ways, but there are some things that just won't change regardless of where they come from(unless it's a different dimension entirely). Though apart from science and I suppose the apparent need to explore, there may not be much else in common. Hm...of course, there's a lot we don't know and that's exactly why we as a species have to continue our advances in science so that we can eventually find something else out there.
Thank you. :) And to add; its ignorant not to believe there is life (Intelligent or not) outside of earth. The size of the universe is, as mentioned, infinite, of course there is.
This. I do also hope we can survive long enough to find something, although it's possible that some other intelligent life in another galaxy will unlock the secret of travelling at the speed of light or something similar so that they can reach us from however far away they are, because who knows- if there is intelligent life out there then they'll logically be doing the same thing we're doing- looking for life. They just may be millions of years ahead in their technology advances, we don't know. Although, I know they send out radio signals to see if they get a response but I don't know enough about that, I don't know how far they go.