My sister may have told you that i listen to only hip-hop and that i love it and i make fun of kids at school but it's not true. she lied. Do you lie????? like a lot???? more than most people???? i don't lie THAT much. only if i feel like it do your friends lie to you?????? my friends aren't the trustworthy type. at least not one of them :/
honestly i feel telling the truth isnt really that hard. okay yes ive had my share of lies but they were only little. telling the truth should be a breeze for everyone.
i agree. which reminds me my friend thinks she's gonna get bad grades and if she does she said she'll tell her parents the truth about what happened. she said the whole school year she wasn't trying anyways, cha. i agree.
I lie about small things occasionally - just things that I don't want my folks to b*tch at me about. I never lie about big things, or about things that can affect other people's lives.
I'm pretty close to being a compulsive liar but i'm not completely one. i just lie a lot sometimse they just slip out without trying and i dont feel like tellin ppl i just lied so ill just keep lyin
I used to lie a lot when I was a little. Occasionally I'll lie about something small, just a little fib. Smaller than a fib. A fiblet, if you will. But I've tried to stop. You just get caught up in the lie in the end.
Everyone lies and I try not to lie about big things. Little white lies are fine since they are not going to harm anyone in the end. They say the truth will set you free, but it depends on what the truth is about? For example if you were to say to your wife you look like a cow in that dress you would end up hurting her feelings or getting smacked for it. Instead you weasel out of it and say that color looks nice on you or that color really matches the color of your eyes.
I lie alot. Well, usually, I get mad very easily and start shouting random things (mostly lies) at a person. Most of them aren't true, just things that pop into my mind as I rant and rage on. Of course, I do apologize after I've cooled down for a bit. Most of the time, when my friends are asking me my opinion about what they are wearing, I'll fake a smile and say that I like it. But if the outfit is really hideous, I'll tell them the truth.
I used to lie a lot when I was little, like, when I was about 1 or 2 if I'd do something wrong I'd blame another family member, but the flaw in that plan was that when I lied, it was just me and my mum home XD I lie about little things now, I lie if people ask if I'm okay, as most of the times I'm not. Now-a-days, I either lie or keep my mouth shut, it's just what I'm training myself to do.
Back in the day, I was a HUGE liar. I've hurt lots of people with it, so I swore to never lie again. Now, I only lie when I need to.