It pisses me off to no end. Its annoying to see people getting respect or credit when they dont deserve it.
each to his/her own. in fact i have LESS respect for those that believe them rather than those that lie
I dislike the whole lying to gain respect. For some it works, and they're very good at it. And sometimes they have to do it to maintain their personal integrity. Other times they just like it. It depends on why the user does it. Either way, it really isn't necessary to lie for respect. It just takes some decency and honesty. Isn't that like saying you have less sympathy for the killed than the killer?
Depends really, if its with some friends who has no interest in what your interested in, e.g games, then its quite silly, find friends who like you for your true self. however if it benefits you on a certain situation, e.g. a promotion at work then yeah, sucking up will be a good idea.
its dumb if you want respect earn it the right way or you'll eventully be exposed and considered scum, etc
Quoted for truth. Let's say you lie about your job. Your bosses may eventually find out. If you tell them you can do something you can't, then you're in a position that proves you were lying AND they need to find someone else capable of doing said job. People who lie to gain respect have very little self-confidence. Because think about it, if you have to lie to gain someone's respect, it's not you that's earning it, it's the lie that's earning it. Earn respect the right way and work for it. Don't be a ******bag and lie your way through life.
Back when I was young I was always lying, it got to the point where I had to watch what I say in and out of school. It eventually all fell apart in the end, so no, lying for respect is never worth it. It comes to the point where the only person you're lying to is yourself.
i try to quiz them on things they state they know.... and when they are stumped i laugh on the inside, some person i knew had a very dumb argument about... god i cant remember.... something in a game.... but anyway i knew the answer to what he claimed to know, i know thats confusing, but bottom line is dont fake it, especially if you cant back it up
I can't really judge a person before I know them. However if you lie for respect you don't get any from me. I don't understand the need to have people like a person who isn't even you. Acting like yourself and having people acknowledge, or even love, you is much more satisfying, imo.
i like honest trust worthy people i would want to hang with some lier who lets me down when i really need him/her i just really disagree with them plus their lying to seem cool could cause problems
Lying to gain respect is never a smart thing to do. Sooner or later, the lies will come out and whatever "respect" one might have gained via those lies would be lost along with trust and friendships. Lying to get the attention of the "popular" crowds may be fun and games in the beginning, but once caught, the very same people will not only hate you, but later pick on you for it. Not to mention their dislikes will influence the others from coming close to you. The best thing to do is to be who you are, and to find the people who love you and like you for who you are. Only then you will feel at ease and have the confidence to climb up the social ladder. It's never hard to find those who are lying or using you as a stepping stone, and unfortunately, this is something so, so very common in KHV. But it's even scarier when it is reality. In the internet, it's so easy to be someone you aren't, but it's such a terrible thing to do out in the real world. Who are you trying to cheat when lying? In the end, you only screw yourself with the lies.
same. Also, a white lie will become really tangled that in the end, somebody finds out, and the mess is bigger to begin with.
whoever does this is really just looking for people to like them, so their intentions are honorable even if their actions arent. its best if someone just talks to them and lets them know that its much easier and painless to earn respect honestly :D
Personally I hate liers. I admit I did for most of my time by claiming to be a guy and I deserved all those insults. Like Krayz said you'll be seen as scum after that because no one is going to trust you. If they do then I feel sorry for them.