didnt know where to put this i made it when the site was down and was very bored I love you and want you to know even though we might not see each other again I will always be there. How you ask? We are like yin and yang I cant be with out you and hopfuly you can not be with out me. I will always be there in your heart like you will always be in mine. I wish that I did not have to leave but they need me. Dont forget my words, try to rember them forever and we will meet again for sure. And when we do we shall be wed and our lifes will be together for all of time. Just dont forget this and this shall be what binds us together for ever. Now I say that even if i were to die I will wait for you in my after life and then we shall be wed just live well and wait till then and we shall be one of those "happy ever after" stories.
Well I don't know how this takes creativity, but it seems like a very well, thought out message to someone close to you.
yeah i was bored and watch all of the stupid fleis before deicing to make this just to point out my borem no just made it for no reason idea from a rp