Still not done, but I figured I'd post it to see reactions, like if the colors are accurate-ish, since the majority of the images I found for color reference are all tinted a lovely shade of red. xD I'll update this as I color more, expect...quite a few. Cnc, WIP, feedback mainly on colors.
The color is good, I like the hair. But what the **** is that black thing on his head? Sorry to be blatant, but what is it? O_O
Yeah, they're headphones. xD Even in the game a character says something along the lines of "I'll rip those crazy headphones off your head". Thanks, both of you. :3 @ Misty - I cropped the panel from the original page, but unfortunately that's as large as it gets. >:
looks awesome and must have taken quite some time to make the colors are alrigh but wat axacly did you do? the colors or everythin? didn't take that long, I kinda rushed it. xD Erm, yeah, I colored it; I've been focusing on that more recently.