I find enjoyment in the philosophical overtones and themes that present a society incapable of relating to other humans due to the growing dependence on technology, symbolized in the creatures themselves, and comparable to the psychology of the protagonist, evident in the motivation of said character. Many a conversation have I had with fellow students about the intriguing ideas presented in this series. jk i have no ****ing clue whats going on
Ah Digimon, one of my favorite childhood shows. Just recently bought the first 3 seasons when they were on sale on amazon. I forgot how good the third season was and you could see that Saban actually put effort into it when compared to their dubbing of the first two seasons. Anyone remember this episode and how the "censored" it? XD Spoiler Yes...milkshakes...
I have always liked every digimon series but Data squad not so much. The best digimon inn my opinion has to be Impmon from Tamers though.
There is no season worth acknowledging after four, and three would have been better if the protag wasn't such a bitchboy with a crush on a sickly girl with a boy name. Seriously the only semi-alpha person was Rika and she wasn't even likable until too far into the show. Plot was A+ though, nice and gritty.