There are two different rides to two different places. One ride is with a group of people that you're pretty familiar with, but they have a bad reputation. They're going to an amusement park that's fairly close by. They'll cover half of the cost for you(gas money, admissions, lunch, etc). The other ride is with a group of people that you don't know that well. They're going to a place farther away and offered to pay for gas for a certain distance. You have to cover the rest of the cost(gas for remaining distance, admission, food, etc) for yourself. Which ride would you go with?
Depends on which ride is more fun. Though being with people you know usually makes things much more fun, so I'd personally go with the closest one.
It's a trick question. Both of the groups will kill you at the end of the day. I've seen this before.
Oh wow Umm well I would pick the first one, but then again getting to know new people is fun as long as you can do things to make it that way. But then again I really don't feel like dying so I'll just say I'm too tired I got you next week.
Ok Fine I'll pick the second one because I like to expand my friendship with different people. I don't mind payinc cause I got a hybrid... Yea no sike I just got a car with crazy mods so gas won't be a problem. The cops will be a problem besides that I'm set and ready to go.
I feel there has to be something else to this question, because at the moment, there's no reason not to choose group one.
I don't have money really, so I'm staying home. Failing that for the purpose of the question. IRL option one. But as P said it was presented to be very one sided, although there are people that will chose the second option honestly it is presented to make you want to chose option one. So that makes me want to answer choice two outside of the situation.