Sexy and everything, you are really good at this style. The only problem, even if you wanted the feel, is that you can barely see him. You should make him a teeeeeny, very small, bit more noticable. 9.2/10 :3
It's too awesome for hate D: I can try though ;D I hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it is so ugly rawr Is that better? ;_; It's not true just to let ya know
I'm not likeing how you don't see a ton of the stock... maybe it's because the b&w. Too much negative space, especially on the right side. With this style of sig in b&w it get's very annoying with the negative space, since there are limited colours.(Did that make sense?) That's why you should choose a B&w of either lighter or darker, and one colour to go with it. I'm not sure if understand that, but i'm not sure how to explain... It also needs more white-ish colours, to balance it out.