Learn from your mistakes. For example, if you make the mistake of staying up till some ungodly hour when you have to wake up the early the next morning, you will probably have a terrible day. Learn to not do that again. And don't make it worse by taking the time to write a poem about it.
I've already learned this plenty of times. And it's something you learn very quickly working, volunteering or not, since If you have to get up by 6:30 and you're allowed to stay up to midnight, I highly suggest you don't stay up till midnight
>Played vidya gaems yesterday night till 2:30am >Had to get up for work at 5:30am >Got recognized for being an exceptional employee 10/10 would do again.
When you need to wake up 5 hours later it sure as heck is. Trust me, you stay up till midnight all the time here, you're going to be walking around dead inside
In Latvia, $5.47 is enough for buy whole family potato. Instead, family is die of malnourish. Is happy day in Latvia. For them, suffering is over.
I have alarms set for between 6:00 AM and 6:35 AM every day on my phones (old one and new one). It's not always exact, of course. I'll go through cycles where I go to bed around 12:00 AM and wake up fine at 6:00 AM and there are cycles I'll go through where I won't get up until anywhere between 6:30 AM and 7:30 AM and just put my alarms on snooze because they're at arm's reach and fall back asleep.
Snooze? Then you just end up getting woken up again in 5 minutes. Actually, I do that sometimes with my alarm, and when I get out of the shower I just hear it going and going, and have to quickly shut it off, because my roommate can hear it as well without a problem. Although now I started using my phone's alarm, so it doesn't happen as often