Legends of Tyrrus

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Relatively Sane, Dec 30, 2015.

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  1. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    Darklight Disturbance
    Mechanisms within the ancient door begin to grind open, before it suddenly closes with a slam. From the darkness, an enormous spindly shape appears...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The dark spider slowly unraveled its webs and descended in front of Kara, mandibles dripping a dark venom. It made a low guttural noise, but did not move any closer and remained at a distance

    Rayyad suddenly looked distracted "..." he stared at Tessa and Conrad with a questioning expression "Your friends are here, I think. Or they might not be your friends... I mean, I don't want to assume. There's a girl, young, pretty... I-I mean..." Rayyad stuttered and blushed slightly "Uh, I mean... yeah... they've arrived at the main gate... uh... what do I do?"
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Kara spun, her eyes widening as she slowly backed up, pressing her body against the cold stone of the door. "Ren?" She said quietly, her voice barely more then a whisper as she and the spider faced each other. "Ren I need you to be very quiet." She tried to make herself look bigger, but not threatening. Not to be taken advantage. "The biggest spider I have ever seen is staring at me." She said in a hushed voice, fear worming its way up her spine and curling in her stomach. She could use her teleportation ability to keep out of its grasp, for a small amount of time anyway. But by herself? She would die.

    This is why you don't grab everything you see. She scolded herself, trying to maintain a light attitude despite the danger.

    "Purple lilies, remember?" She asked
    Ren, her voice cracking a little.

    Tessa paused, half turning to look at Rayyad. There were a lot of girls that could fit that description, but all the same...."Can you hold her there until we can investigate for ourselves?" she asked, pulling a piece of hair from behind her shoulder and beginning to braid it. "I mean, if it's Kara or something, I wouldn't want to hurt her, but if it's not a friend, then we shouldn't just let her stroll in." She glanced at Conrad, hoping he would agree with her. "I mean...if it is Kara..." She bit her lip.
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    There was a spark of hope as the door started to sound like it was about to open. However that hope was shattered as the door slammed shut on him, locking Kara in and him out. "No..." He said breathlessly as he stood there staring at the door. From the other side he heard the muffled voice of Kara, and it didn't sound like anything good.

    Laurentinus leaned his back against the wall as he cursed himself silently. He couldn't say a word no matter how much he wanted to. He couldn't risk making too much noise. He had to keep his mouth shut for her. A tear leaked from his eye as he stood silent in hall next to the door. He failed to protect someone else precious to him. First his mother, then his sister, now
    Kara. There was a reason he was such a stickler for the rules. Why he didn't let people get too close to him. In the end he couldn't protect them, any of them. What was the point anymore even? For one day he let himself have fun, let himself get close to someone, and now they were behind a stone door facing their doom, and all he could do was stand in the hallway and wait to see if what he feared came to pass because if he tried to get in and save her, he would make way too much noise and anger the spider more. He couldn't risk that. He wouldn't risk that.
  4. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Rayyad suddenly stopped and explained there was someone at the main gate. Someone who might be one of their companions, if it were it would be Kara. If not then it could be anyone. "I agree with Tessa, just keep her there until we can get back there to look for ourselves, we can't just go back now to check." He told Rayyad, he caught Tessa biting her lower lip as she considered it would be Kara. "If it's Kara, she'll get pissed, but that'll blow over. After all it's merely to keep her safe, after all it's dangerous out here. What would happen if she ran into one of those spiders and no one would be there to help. No, we should protect her from herself." He told them sure protecting them from getting hurt too badly was one side of his reasoning the other was settling a score with the girl for her remarks and actions on the carriage, Conrad smiled, oh this was gonna be good.
  5. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Kara pressed her palm against the door, her eyes never once leaving the spider, afraid to even blink. "Ren, tell me a story." She murmured, her legs quivering as she watched the mandibles of the spiders click, the legs shift to hold the weight of the swaying body. "Tell me something happy." She didn't want her last moments to be filled with pain and horror.

    Well, undoubtedly there would be that. But if she could go out knowing something good had happened in the world to
    someone special, then it could hardly be asking too much, could it? And please, She prayed as her eyes watered. Please don't listen if this goes badly. She didn't need the last memory of her being her screams. That was just too morbid for Kara Webb. Ha, maybe with my last name I have a secret ability to communicate with arachnids. If that's the case, now would be the time, Special Power.

    Tessa smiled in relief as Conrad agreed with her. "Kara is the sort to run into danger." She replied in turn, letting go of the braided strands of hair. "I just hope whoever it is doesn't think they're in any actual danger..." She sighed, turning to Rayyad. "Is there any way you could try to communicate? That way we would know if it was Kara or not. And we could tell her to just sit there until we come back." She supposed that would be too easy, and however Rayyad could see her, well...Tessa didn't want to push her luck, with the memory of the Webbar King so fresh in her mind.

    "Just do what you can, and let's hurry up and get this over with." She urged.

  6. coracle Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 1, 2016

    The drakes had set Fordington ablaze. The towns rooftops danced with flames and the survivors gathered refuge on the outskirts. Lyra had long awaited this mission, but in the face of the towns suffering she felt slightly unnerved. Nonetheless they were here to end this destruction. Lyra painted her face with confidence, placing her hand upon her sword pommel. Inside she was a mixture of anger and fear, but she suppressed it for now. Lyra began down the road into the blazing populace, calling back to the group to see if anyone was going to join her, she was not afraid of fire, having wielded it for a large part of her life and she would, if needs be, fight these drakes single handed, but the group had come to save this town and she was not going to turn down help if offered.
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    All was silent for a moment, then Laurentinus heard Kara talk. She wasn't screaming or trying to fight, she was simply asking him for a happy story. There wasn't much else he could offer from the other side of the door, so a story it was. "Alright Kara. I will tell you a story." He spoke to her softly through the door. His hands trembled as he reached into the depths of his mind for a story to tell Kara.

    "Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a girl. Now there was not anything extraordinary about this girl. She was no princess, she was not rich, and she had no magic, but that didn't mean she was not special. The girl was very special in fact. She might not have had magic but she had the power to make people smile anywhere she went, and she herself would never stop smiling." Ren started on his story. It was the story of his mother. One he used to tell his sister after their mother passed in order to help her sleep at night when she was sad or scared. His sister was not that much younger than him, but she enjoyed story even as a grown woman.

    "Now you would think that someone like this would be able to find a suitor very easily, however that was not the case. For you see this is no fairy tale. There is no prince charming just waiting to be scooped up. What she found instead was closer to... lets say a toad. He was the son of a blacksmith and a little rough around the edges. He was the only person that the girl had ever met that she could not make smile. Naturally that became the girls goal, she would make the boy laugh even if it killed her. Day after day she would show up at the blacksmiths workshop with a story, or a joke or something in attempts to make the boy laugh. Day after day she left unsuccessful. This went on for months, nearly six when the girl finally decided to not go everyday and start thinking of something else she could do to make the boy smile."

    "Noticing the girl hadn't visited in a while, the young son of the blacksmith decided he should go find the girl, make sure she was alright. He traveled a ways on foot to find her house, and when he found it he spotted her in her garden. She was tending to a beautiful set of roses. She had not noticed him yet, so the boy left before she did, not sure what to say to her if he had gotten closer.

    "The boy worked late into the night that night to make something for the girl, a gift of sorts. The next day while she was out he left it on her doorstep for her. A rose made of scrap iron from around his fathers forge. Inscribed on the stem of the rose was three words, "I miss you." When the girl found it that night she went rushing straight for the forge to find the son of the blacksmith, knowing he was the only one who would make such a thing for her. When she saw him she asked what he meant by what was written on the rose. He only responded with his own question, "Why did you stop visiting?" The girl explained how she finally gave up trying to make him smile so she left and gave it time to find a different way to make him smile. The boys response however shocked her. "It was the hardest thing in the world not to smile when you visited, but I needed a way to make you come back and visit because no one else would." He told her. Years later the same rough young man, and beautiful girl, now a woman got married and had two children...."
    Laurentinus trailed off before he finished with the happily ever after. He knew that part wasn't true, but he wouldn't let Kara know that. For now all she needed to know was a cute, happy story of how his parents met.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  8. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    "This guy with the hammer, he has the right idea." The not-so mysterious stranger replied. "Saving people isn't really its own reward. Saving people and then earning a bit of cash for doing it, is." He had a very bleak outlook on life to begin with. Now his opinion had just got worse, being abandoned as he was. He turned to face the barbarian looking chap who actually wanted something. He did actually appreciate the other guy's sentiment, but he didn't want someone else to end up ditched by his friends. Rule one of life, don't get screwed. He checked his pouches and dug out ten gold and flipped it over to the barbarian, each coin individually because he could.
    "There. And to be honest... I'm not sure if I want to go back there..." He considered the matter carefully. He then realised something. "Wait, who the hell are you guys? And sorry, did you say you were here with a Kellan?"

    Kellan decided to remain tactically silent. He had a feeling that he knew exactly why the guy was asking, but he wanted to see how this was going to play out. The Knight of the Radiant Sword - the last knight - Watched with interest what the others were going to say to this. Depending on what happened next, he'd speak for himself. Right now, it suited him better to wait.

    In the meantime, Aston looked around at the others and noticed that Anthea seemed a little bit distracted by something.
    "Thanks for the help again." He said to the man who patched him up with a smile, and walked over to Anthea. It looked to him like she had something on her mind, and she wasn't going to say anything about it. She had serious confidence issues, but he hadn't the first clue as to how to break her out of her nervousness.
    "Something on your mind Anthea?" He asked, glancing around the forest himself. "Did you see something out there?"
  9. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Darklight Disturbance
    "Um... I'll see if I can try some kind of communication..."

    Shadowweaver was sitting listening to Laurentinus's story. He couldn't understand a word of it, but the general tone of the words carried across. This was the first time a talking door had ever spoken so romantically. When the story was over, Shadowweaver made a low purring sound, and slowly approached Kara. Rayyad, his master, was telling him to scrawl some things on the ground. With one limb, Shadowweaver wrote two words on the dirt Your name?

    Big Game Hunting
    "Indeed, a healer would be useful" Sanderson responded to Bryce "Although it seems they've already got medics on hand. There are plenty of druids around the Everwood who've come to help, look" Sanderson pointed out an old druid who was followed by many younger apprentices. He seemed to be in charge of the help efforts in Fordington "As for who else is in charge, that chap over there looks like a nobleman" Sanderson stated "I'd imagine the drakes caused the fire, fire drakes to tend to enjoy hot environments" Sanderson began to lead the group towards the village, though Lyra ran ahead "Lyra!" he called with concern "You can't fight them alone! Let us talk to the people in charge here before we do anything rash, eh?" With that, Sanderson began to lead the group into the centre of the camp. Ahead of them lay the fortified quarter, and around them lay tents and refugees from the burning city.

    The Mayor of Fordington, Lord Ulysses Emirys:
    "Thank god you're here!" The nobleman cried as he grasped Sanderson by the hand hurriedly and shook it "The Adventurer's Society, right? Things are getting worse and worse! Only one section of the town is safe, and we don't have enough guards to keep the populace safe! And it's not only drakes, they say the dead have started walking and are taking our vulnerability as an opportunity to attack. Of course, Elder Greenbeard is doing his best to help... well... I assume he is. And there's a mage from Haven investigating... I've rambled on too long! I am Lord Ulysses Emirys, Mayor of Fordington" he bowed "And you must be Sanderson Bracklewood. We've met before, do you remember?" as the lord said this, Sanderson's expression suddenly turned cold and slightly afraid
    "I do not remember. Do you know the source of the drake problem?" he asked, changing the subject
    "I don't. Greenbeard might, or Wizard Iceroth. But I would advise you to investigate more in the morning. Night comes, and with it, even more problems for us"

    "I see"
    As he spoke, Sanderson's jovial expression returned, though he seemed suitably serious given the situation. "Well I suppose we'd better help defend you for the night. I'm sure we will speak more in the morning, old sport"

    Old Man Greenbeard:
    "Aha! And what do we have here?" the old man croaked as he approached the group "A fine pair of forest fellows. And their friends? You must be the so-called Adventurer's Society. Well, I say you can start calling yourselves as such once you have an adventure and become more social" he exclaimed with a short bark of a laugh "You two, you're going to be helping me" with an old bony finger he pointed at Aedan and Panola "And don't bring your city-folk friends"

    "The rest of you can follow me. Do you think we should find this mage, or start preparing for night?"
  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Bryce followed the interactions between the three people, his leader and the two strangers, with focused attention. It seemed that two of their group, the Citrus God and a strange woman who could have been the Feather God, were being called away. Sanderson seemed content with this, and though Bryce was still thoroughly suspicious of the man's side burns, he could only agree that it made sense to try and spread their forces to a greater distance.

    "We should prepare." He advocated, reaching up to adjust his helmet before lowering his hand, realizing it was gone...."I have no helmet." He added, a little sadly. "And we should make sure we have bandaids and healing juice for everyone."

    Kara slid down the wall a little, her hair pushing up behind her head as she listened. Ren's voice calmed her heartbeat, and made her smile as she was held in rapture of his tale. She opened her mouth when he had finished, but before she could speak the spider approached, the purring sound reminding her of a cat. Had it liked Ren's story too? She couldn't help but laugh a little a that, before cautiously sliding away from the wall, leaning forwards to read the writing. "My name?" She asked, impressed that the spider could spell so well. "My name is Kara. Kara Webb. Probably not related to you, but," She laughed a little, "I suppose anything is possible, right? Do you...do you have a name?"

    If the
    spider was going to be friendly, she might as well make conversation with it. Perhaps they could come to an understanding, and further violence could be avoided.

    Tessa clasped her hands behind her back, her eyes drifting from Rayyad to the rest of the room as she waited to hear his response. Hopefully he could manage something, and the person wouldn't think it was so strange that they would try to kill the messenger.
  11. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Alice's pov:

    Alice banner.png

    Kara said thank you before they headed off, which somewhat surprised her. She was not sure what to say to Kara, so did not say anything. She looked at Lumen and they set off. Lumen and her walked for some time passing several spider nest on the way. She was sure that spiders would show up at some point considering that was all that they have seen. She spotted small spiders as she walked, but this was not what she was talking about. She knew that there was bigger spiders around and sooner or latter she would see them. That was when she could see that there was a large open door on the other side. There was several giant spiders in the way of getting to the door. Lumen then asked her what to do. She was not sure why the man was asking her. "Um, we wash them out." No, that would never work and would take a lot of water. She looked around to see if she could spot any clue to get by. As far as she could see the only way though was the narrow path between the spiders. The likelihood of the spiders noticing them was high if they did that. "We make our own path. I can try and move the cave around us so that we can make our own way to the door", she suggested.

    Kevin's pov:

    kevin Stilt banner.png

    It looked like Bob had a lot to learn about people and saving them. He thought back and he has been saving people for years and never really expected anything in return. Most, people offered food, but never any coin and he thought that this might be due to that most the people he save had no coin. He did not feel the need to answer the question the Bob asked, but he would say something. "We are just exploring that is all." He watched Aston go over to Anthea. Aston had a good heart, like some people from his past. Ason would do good.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "That's an interesting idea, but how exactly do you plan on moving the entire cave?" Lumen questioned. Maybe she actually had some way of doing it that he wasn't aware of. He was asleep during the one time he would've been able to see what kind of magic she has. Other than her healing water.
  13. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Alice's pov:

    Alice banner.png

    She was not really thinking abut moving the whole cave around them. She was just thinking on moving part of it. "Just part of it, just move the parts that need to be moved." She then walked over to a near by wall. She then put her hand on a near by wall trying to make a path from where they were to the other side. "If this does not work and it wakes the spiders run."
  14. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    Aedan saw Greenbeard approaching and was initially hopeful that he would be someone like himself. However, it wasn't quite what he expected. He wasn't quite as rude as the Night Knight, but he was definitely not as polite as he or Panola. However, he was one of them technically and he was trying to help people. There really wasn't anything else for it, was there?
    "Of course. We're here to help after all." The outside world wasn't at all what he thought it would be. One thing he did plan on reporting about it was that for the most part, with a few exceptions like Sanderson and Panola (Who was basically one of their people anyway), everyone outside was either weird or horribly rude. DId their mothers not teach politeness? He looked at Sanderson and the others. "I guess we'll see you guys later. Good luck out there." He looked respectfully towards Greenbeard, remembering how he was taught to respect his elders where he could.
    "Lead the way." He made a small bow.
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Anthea became slightly nervous as she saw Aston approaching her. She took a step back at first but didn't move too far away. When he spoke he had no harsh words for her, and no bad news either, that was good. Anthea kept her gaze at the ground where it belonged while talking to someone hire class than her before speaking. "I-It's nothing. I didn't see anything out there. It was just... Well you see, I ran in here so fast when I heard the yelling, that I forgot to mark or look where I was going or coming from properly. I was simply looking around to make sure I could figure out which way we came from so we could return to the path. After all Sir Kellan seemed like he was in a rush to get to the place that we were headed." Anthea explained to Aston.

    "Sorry if I did something out of line. I didn't mean to... I just. I don't know what is expected of me here." She tried her best to explain herself. If she wasn't to be a servant here, how was she supposed to act. What was she supposed to be like. How was she supposed to act here? She didn't know and she didn't really want to ask, so she was just guessing and hoping that she wouldn't get in trouble.

    Things went silent when his story finished. Laurentinus feared that the spider had killed Kara while he was telling his story. Laurentinus didn't realize he was holding his breath until he heard the mumbles of Kara and exhaled. She was still alive, thank goodness. It sounded like she was having a conversation with someone as well. The only problem was he didn't hear another voice. What was going on? He was scared to speak. He was scared to say anything wrong, so in silence he stood, waiting, hoping that everything was going to be alright. And while he stood there he prayed to whatever god would listen to him. He just wanted Kara to be safe.
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    And Lumen stood there, waiting for there to be any indication of the cave moving in any way shape or form. Eventually it became clear that nothing was going to happened, thus he spoke up once more. "Maybe we should try sneaking by all of them then."
  17. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    Darklight Disturbance
    "Uh, she says her name is "Kara". Know who that is?" Rayyad asked the others.

    Shadowweaver the spider scrawled into the dirt. It then looked at the door and pointed at it, with a questioning expression on its arachnid face Who?

    DM Message
    Alice is unable to move the cave. She's level 1, for the gods' sakes
  18. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    "No, not at all Anthea." Aston reassured her with an easy smile. "You've thought about something that none of us really thought of in all the rush. Well done. You're right, Kellan does seem to be in a rush, so without any directions we'd probably be sent charging off into whatever he seems to consider a good direction." He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes seriously.
    "You've got to understand something though Anthea, there's no out of line here. I realise that you're used to being below everyone because you've a history of being a servant, but you have to put that behind you here." He explained. He took one hand away and stood up straight. "We're all equals. If you need an order to follow, the only one you need is this - Do not be afraid to assert yourself and speak. If you think my judgement, Sanderson's judgement, Kellan's judgement or anyone here's judgement is wrong at any point, or you want to add something, you have every right to. In fact, I encourage it. The Gods know we need more thinking minds around here. I'm pretty rash at times." He released her shoulder and hooked his thumbs over his belt.

    "Just exploring? Weird way to explore, up by Fogwarden. Most people don't even know it's here. I'm not even sure how our leader found this place but for whatever reason, he's hauling ass to get there. There has to be something here. Maybe it's a load of treasure or something. After all, I doubt it's going to be because they're history enthusiasts." The still unnamed chap that they were talking to replied. "Also again, did you guys mention a Kellan?"
  19. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    "Yeah she is." Conrad agreed. "Well, that's not really in our control is it?" She convinced Rayyad to try and communicate with the person in question. Tessa let her eyes wander around the room and Conrad just stood there, remaining sharp after all it was a hostile environment they were in, not in the least judging from all the bones that were strewn across the cavern floor. And hostile environments meant that one would always have to keep their guard up. He didn't take his sword out quite yet, trusting his senses that he would see any opponent coming. Rayyad told them the girls name was Kara. "Yes, she is part of our group. Tessa, what do you think? Should we just let her wander? She'll get killed if we do that and I doubt she'll listen to any warnings given...." Conrad said.

    Baldomar gratiously accepted the ten golden coins from the stranger. "Now you, I can probably get along with." Baldomar said then the bloke wanted to know who they were. "I am Baldomar, professional reviewer of prisons, warden of the mystical secrets of the hidden art of Hammer time and all-round barbarian, what did you say your name was? Jimmy?" The bloke mentioned Kellan again so Baldomar felt obliged to help the man out. He walked over to Kellan, grabbed hold of the man carried him back to the stranger they rescued and held him up for the man to see. "Do you mean this guy?" Baldomar asked, then putting Kellan back on his feet "Why do you ask? He owe you money or something?" The barbarian really was wondering what the deal was here? But if he had any bad intentions he would smash the blokes face in faster than someone could say 'You can't touch this.'
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Anthea lifted her eyes to meet Aston's as he spoke to her. It all sounded so strange to her. Instead of being told to keep quiet and do what she is told instead of thinking for herself, she was being told to speak up and that they need more thinking minds. Anthea didn't know what to say to this, how to react. She already knew that she had to get more confident with this group, no one needed to tell her that. That being said getting to the point to actually do something was a different matter, it was a lot harder.

    The idea of talking and being more confident around these people wasn't made any easier with
    Baldomar's action in picking Sir Kellan up. Anthea cringed and looked away from that group. "Well if you don't mind me saying sir, I do think we should keep going before one of them completely scares off the poor man we just saved." Anthea said quietly as an attempt to speak up. Hopefully it would get them moving. "I believe we came from that direction, but I might be wrong." Anthea pointed out which direction she had figured that they came from. Aston claimed her to be a thinker, but she wouldn't consider herself that. Most of her knowledge and education was based on what Grason wanted her to know, nothing more. That being said she was not completely stupid, she did have some common sense.
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