Legal battle at school

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Patsy Stone, Sep 14, 2007.

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  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    At my school it is against the rules for boys to have hair touching the collar..............and they have finally got their comuppins :D.

    A boy in the year below me (his name is Darryl x]) was told by his head of year to get his hair cut or he would be suspended. Luckily Darryl's dad is a lawyer and he had with him a document drrawn up by lawyers stating that they would support him in a legal battle (i.e. sueing) against the school if they threaten suspension over his hair.

    My question to you, is this a case of sexual prejudice? Boys are not allowed long hair because they are boys, but girls can have long or short hair. Also, many other schools have no such regulation in their policy, so why should our school have it?

    Lol, all the teachers have stopped saying things about people's hair for now in case of further legal action :P
  2. Firestarter Merlin's Housekeeper

    as a boy with long hair, i find that totally pwnsome!
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I hate this aswell, I have hair definetly past the collar and I had to do my work experience in an office, still doing, but the discussion that I had with my teachers was that I would have to cut my hair so it was acceptable for an office job, I kept arguing to my teachers it was sexist for me to cut my hair just to get a job, I've kept the hair (YAY!) and am working their till the end of the week without any real problems, so its ver sexist to me, and hope this stuff stops!
  4. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Telling boys they can't have long hair is stupid, some boy look better with longer hair. Telling a boy to cut his hair is like telling a girl to wear a dress, it's just plain stupid.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Actually if more guys cared about this sort of thing, it is as you said, a form of a sexual prejudice and stereotype issue. Men and women both go through demands placed on them to wear and do certain things to 'prove their gender'. I will say that at college I was surprised to see a guy walking around in a skirt, and yes, a skirt...not a kilt or anything like that. I had to think why I found it to be such a weird thing and someone asked him if he was gay and he said no. After that I thought it was actually kind of cool that he had done that and I've seen a few other guys too. It wasn't like the skirt was 'short' either. It was well past the knees.

    Any way I get lost in things because I took a nap and woke up and am zoning. It is a gender prejudice that men at certain places can't grow their hair out. Because it is fought though and people do go against the social norm, more men have longer hair and do what they want. It's kind of funny that two stigmas of genders were only around in the last few hundred years as a demand...i.e. Pink being a 'girl' color was not around forever. i.e. Men having short hair as a requirement. Some 'style' things really do get taken too far.
  6. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Dude, I want to go over and hug the person who made that legal document.

    Thats a great thing. I support it.

    It is sexual pregudice. My dad has that sort of hair, and he would be outraged at anyone who thought against it.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I definitely find that sexual prejudice. I mean wow. Because of your hair? <_<

    They'd expel me for that, then, my hair is long. And I'd refuse to cut it for such a dumbass reason. =/

    Thank god his dad is a lawyer. =P I so bet he'll win too.
  8. Eclipse Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    meh,i got long hair too.i never had problems.LA is the best prejudice against long haired men xD
  9. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Lol, weird...

    The boys at my school are allowed to have their hair as long as they want. Some run around with buzz-cuts, while others wear their hair in ponytails. I fail to see how this would be "offending" or anything else in any way.

    Once again, it's the school overreacting...Probably worried about gangs and such...
  10. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    I think its fine. I estimate about 80% of the boys in my school has long hair. (including me)
  11. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    That is very sexist. But it's like that at my school, also. Hate that rule.
  12. saxoR_vs_aroS Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 1, 2007
    Take a wild guess.

    i did that on the last day of college... :D
  13. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007

    This Is Awful! Boy's shouldn't be told to get their hair cut for education. Thats horrible

    I think Its a Sexual Prejudice...But luckily his Dad's a lawyer
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    There are no gangs at our school as far as I'm aware (apart from maybe slight influence from paramilitary groups but I'm pretty sure there's none of that). The school is just obsessed with image, and they think that guys with long hair look untidy.

    Lots of people I've talked to think he is going to lose simply because it's him versus the Department for Education i.e. the government =/ I for one hope he wins, and I'm writing about it in the school's e-newspaper hopefully :D
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