Whatever they do, the melee weapons need a serious nerfing of some sort. I remember much of my time in L4D2 was spent taking out countless hordes with just one frying pan. Also, I don't remember there being a zoo level. We need a zoo level. I don't get why Resident Evil Outbreak (File 2) is so far the only one that I can think of.
Meh, not getting my hopes up. I love the L4D games, but I really need an official announcement for it first, then Valve will finally make a game that has a 3 in it, and I will be very happy about it.
I'll try not to pull the "Valve can't count to 3" joke here. As much as I am excited, I'm very skeptical on this bit of info. I need to see official confirmation on this.
I dunno about that. Melee weapons are underwhelming against special infected. They kill Chargers slower than guns, they make it harder to kill Hunters before they get a pounce, they put you in the Spitter's puddle and the Boomer's explosion, they're hard to kill a Jockey with while pushing him, and they don't even reliably sever Smoker tongues. Not to mention killing a Tank or Witch with melee is basically all bragging rights and no practicality. They can potentially clear a zombie horde, but they also leave you with a dinky pistol when downed, so they can't even clear hordes when it matters most. Contrast the magnum, which has better utility in killing special infected, usually one-shots ordinary ones, and stays with you when you get knocked over. Melee weapons mostly work in specific loadouts where they fill a niche, or on teams otherwise lacking them. Beyond that, not having a back-up gun can be crippling in later levels of most campaigns, particularly Dark Carnival and the DLC campaigns where it's easy to get swamped and spend a lot of ammo taking out several hordes back-to-back.