Anyone else looking forward to the upcoming DLC? Most info can be found at that link, including the trailer. The 4 part comic can be found here. When it comes out, feel free to add Hellhound876 to play it with me if you play it on xbox.
It's nice to see the old gang return with all the perks of L4D2. Might be one of my necessity add ons.
This is awesome, I never realised this. The only thing is I prefer the L4D2 survivors, so I'm hoping they might make another DLC with them in.
The dlc itself is not out yet today, but I really suggest reading part 4 of the comic, it's out, and I think at least that the ending is really bittersweet D: Edit: Dlc release was moved to tomorrow.
I just played it, it's awesome. It's strange hearing the original survivors yell "Charger!" or "Jockey!" but I like it, and I like how it was done overall. If you haven't played it already go play it. The stupid thing took ages to update though -_-
Seriously I hated this DLC. It laked work. Usually I like Valve's decisions, and the voice acting that comes with it. But the only non-scripted event lines were "Jockey!" "Charger!" and "Spitter!". It sucks when you pick up adreniline and your character says nothing. It sucks when instead of saying "Laser sights here!" your character just says "Look!". And there are no comments on the uncommon common infected like the other survivors make. If Valve could get the voice actors in to record the scripted lines and support the new special infected then why couldn't they get them to support the other new features? It's not like the coding isn't in the game already. It just felt half-done because of the missing support for the features L4D2 has. IMO the people who downloaded for the original L4D game didn't get the short end of the stick, because it still feels like a completed game.