Least favorite Disney Princess (and I guess you can say favorite too in here)

Discussion in 'Disney Galaxy' started by reptar, Apr 15, 2012.


    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    So I searched through the forum and surpisingly there is no thread about fav/least fav Disney princess. SO I THOUGHT I SHOULD REMEDY THIS.

    So we obviously have to think about the time frame of when these films were made, like how Snow White is pretty shallow and is just the image of Princess stereotype, with the giggling and talking to animals and stuff.

    Ok but my least favorite princess would have to be Ariel, while I think her rebellious 16 year old personality was spot on, she was bubbly, and they way they portrayed her while mute was great, but she never learns something (I'm going to quote Nostalgia Chick on here) she never really gets punished for almost killing her Dad and making some pact with Ursula, I means sure she says sorry at like the last minute and then she gets rewarded anyway? by letting her be with her man? She was only 16 she would have gotten over it and fall in love with some merdude later on. Again I don't think she is TERRIBLE its just annoying, especially with this whole hipster obsession now with her.

    My favorite would have to be Tiana, she was hard working and did not believe in wishing, she believed the only way to get what you want is through hard work (which is great for a child to look up too). The thing is also the symbiotic relationship between her and Naveen, they both learn from each other, he was a bum and she was a stick in the mud. She learns the difference of what she needs (love, family, friends) and what she wants (restaurant).
  2. MuchoMarshmallow Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 29, 2012
    Camp Half-Blood, Athena Cabin ;)
    I agree about Tiana, she was the best. All the other princesses just frolicked around singing and falling in love. But I seriously cannot stand Briar Rose! Especially when she finds out she's a princess! Argh!!! But her godmothers are awesome. Especially Merriweather, the only grumbly sarcastic fairy that can pull off blue!
  3. Xella_XV Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 7, 2010
    In my own world
    it may not count but does Kiara from Lion King II count? She is the Lion King's daughter so she would be a princess technically? If so, she's my favorite. Lion King is my favorite Disney movie and even though she's a teenager, she fights and argues with her father in what she believes is the right thing to do. She stands up for what she believes in and in the end, it made a difference and united everyone together. It teaches you a life lesson about how different anyone and everyone is. We all may be different in personality or whatever else you want to add to that but that doesn't mean we have to fight over the differences. We all need to united and become one.

    Anyway, my least favorite is Snow White. I hated her singing, and she wasn't acting very princessy when she literally broke into the dwarfs hut and cleaned it for them. Who's to say that they liked their home to be dirty? She also used their beds, even after thinking that people might be living there to begin with. It was very rude of her to barge in someone's house uninvited.
  4. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I think I could say there are a few I dislike. Off of the back, I immediately think of Snow White, but dismiss it due to times being different and women and girls were viewed differently by the world, and even though she completely broke into the Dwarfs' house, she kept home, she cleaned for them, cooked for them, made sure thy were on schedule; if that's not paying for your stay, then I don't know what is.

    I guess if I had to pick a least favorite Princess out of the Official Princess Lineup, I'd probably have to go with Ariel as well. One reason probably being that she's sixteen-years-old and rebellious, and I already can't stand that crowd, but she blatantly disrespects her father's wishes, and goes to Ursula out of defiance to him. Of course, King Triton maybe shouldn't have been so hard on her and completely flipped his tail when he saw that statue of Eric, so I think her behavior is partly blamed on him. Regardless, it doesn't really give her the right to go and nearly destroy the whole merworld.

    I wouldn't be able to pick a favorite Princess, but if I had to say, I'd go with either Rapunzel, Belle, or Tiana. Personally, I think Rapunzel is very silly for never leaving her tower before, and then not seeing Mother Gothel for what she really was, but she's freespirited, has a way with people, and she just appeals to my inner little girl.

    I like Belle because even though she's completely outcasted from the town, she doesn't care, isn't uniform with all the other people, and would rather be smart and clever, despite the standards for women in that time in France (example for that given the three Barmaids). Then there's after, when even though she's seen what the Beast looks like, she's completely willing to take her sick father's place as his prisoner. She might have a small case of . . . of Stockholm Syndrome, but hey, kudos to you if you fall in love with a beast in which no one would dare look at twice.

    Really, it could be due to the time in which it was made, but Tiana is easily one of my favorite Princesses, she works hard and knows that simply wishing isn't gonna get you anywhere, she doesn't need no prince, no way, she's a strong one, and it's hard work and dedication that gets you places, not wishing. Of course, she's a little . . . stuck, has some priority solving issues, but I think that her and Prince Naveen are good for each other, he teaches her to live a little, she teaches him to work harder.
  5. phoenixkh93 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 13, 2011
    Cinderella is my least favourite. She does nothing to help herself or improve her life, she is just a doormat that does anything her abusers want her to. If she hadn't been pretty the prince wouldn't have fallen in love with her and she would have spent forever working for her abusive family. What gets me most is that had Cinderella been ugly she would never been free.

    Now Pocahontas is and always will be my favourite. Caring, kind, free spirited, morally strong and so brave and courageous that she was willing to give up her own life to bring peace and save the man she loved. A true princess.
  6. NYAN CAT =^_^= Destiny Islands Resident

    May 18, 2012
    Gotham City
    I absolutely didn't like Princess Aurora. I mean all she did was:
    Sleep through the whole movie.
    Touched a needle. -who does that!-
    While her Prince Charming does the slaying of the dragon -Malifiecent(?)- she just wakes up and gets and gets the credit?​

    Atleast Princess Jasmine did something instead of being born yesterday and touching a fricking spinning wheel for Gods Sake!
  7. pompom Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 22, 2012
    Pocahontas and Aurora I just find them to be really boring. Poca felt too preachy and too prefect like she had no flaws. Same with Aurora she was even born with a prefect singing voice and looks before she spoke her first words. They just felt so boring. Plus I liked the guy that Poca rejects, he was kind and wanted to protect her.
    Even though she falls for John Smith [ voice by Mel Gibson UGH YUCK ]
    she later rejects him for a different John.

    My favorite however is Jasmine from Aladdin. She's strong and independent, she can fight proving that during the Aladdin Saturday Cartoon and she wants to marry somebody for love and not for shallow reasons. She also has flaws as she comes off as too bossy.

    All my love goes to Jasmine.
  8. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Lets have fun shall we. I most hated would have to be Ariel (I see her as one being the daughter of the king). She is such a snobby brat it is annoying. When she doesn't get her way, she goes to an obviously untrustworthy character and does it anyway. In the end, she still gripes and gets her way. Not a very good role model if you ask me.
  9. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Honestly I don't particularly like any of the official princesses... XD

    - - -

    Snow White: I generally find her irritating. Mostly for her voice, I don't know why but how girly sounding it is makes me want to punch her. I can appreciate the film for what it is, a product of its time. And The Queen scares the living daylights out of me, which I always like out of a Disney villain. But as a character I cannot stand her.

    Cinderella: Again, her voice grates on my ears. But as has been stated above, it bothers me how she seems to accept her fate. To me that doesn't show "faith" or "patience" as people have said to me in the past, it shows a self-victimising personality. And as phoenixkh93 said above, if she hadn't been pretty than nothing good would have happened for her. Which isn't something I really thought about until reading their post, but is a valid point nonetheless. I do love the film for the King however, the jumping on the bed scene is the only reason I'd even contemplate rewatching this film these days.

    Aurora: I don't have much of an opinion on her, as she's barely in the film. Hence why I struggle to understand why people hate on her so much. Yes, she was incredibly naive to touch the needle, but we need to remember she'd never seen a spinning wheel prior to that moment. And she was bewitched. There was no way that that was her fault, the entire situation was handled poorly by the parents and the good fairies. But god I love the fairies in this film.
    Ariel: There's not a whole lot I can say about her that hasn't been said already. She's bratty, she didn't get any repercussions for her foolish actions, and she set a poor example by marrying far too young. But! She redeemed herself very slightly in the sequel in my eyes, as she realised the mistakes she'd made whilst raising her daughter. I did however hate this film as a child, it scared the hell out of me. And as a daddy's girl, seeing her father practically die scarred me for years.​
    Belle: For once I have something positive to say here. XD I enjoyed Belle's character, as it seemed to be more than a "I want a prince" plotline. She was clever, independent and witty. I do feel however, that making it so clear that she was"the most beautiful girl in town" was a bit over the top. Of course she can be beautiful, but honestly it just felt pushed. Particularly as all the other young girls seemed to be drawn to look just as pretty, so really I have no issues with Belle as a character. Just how the filmmakers chose to portray things.​
    Jasmine: Again, I liked Jasmine. She was definitely my favourite as a child as I loved how she was, what I believed then was, sassy, I now realise it was bossy. I identified well with her then, and I sort of still do now if I relate my younger self to her (seeing as I'm now 20 and not a bossy child anymore). I also admire how determined she was to stick to her beliefs when it came to love and marriage. And how she didn't fall in love as soon as her eyes glanced upon Aladdin.​
    Pocahontas: I do not like her as a character, but the storyline is a good watch. I think she was foolish to trust John Smith, and I hated how she seemed to dismiss Kocoum just because he came across as 'serious'. She never even seemed to give him a chance, although I don't believe a girl should marry a man just because she's told to she should at least speak to him once. And unlike Jasmine, she hasn't had her father pelting suitors at her left right and centre, so he might genuinely have thought the two of them would get along. I do admire her bravery though, I wouldn't be able to go to a new world alone like she did. Or speak to strangers like she did. And I definitely couldn't jump off a cliff into a lake!​
    Mulan: I love how she counts as a Disney Princess, seeing as she did the most out of all the princesses. She truly earned her title. Mulan has her flaws and her strengths, her beliefs and her doubts. She feels like the most developed character out of the line up to me, and she also feels like the most relatable as everyone wants to prove themselves, and everyone wants people to be proud of them. I didn't appreciate her as a child, but now I certainly do as the film is one of the things that inspire me most at the moment. And she makes an adorable boy. XDD​
    Tiana: I will admit, I don't remember a lot of Tiana despite having watched the film several times. But I think what she stands for is a very good ethic to highlight to children; If you work hard things will happen for you, but bad things may happen along the way so don't give up. And it shows you to never judge a book by its cover, as although Naveen seems like a pompous pillock for most of the film, he is a good guy deep-down. So although her character doesn't stand out to me, I will definitely be showing my possible children this film purely for the good morals behind the story.​
    Rapunzel: I do think Rapunzel deserves credit where credit is due, if you'd been raised your whole life being told that everyone was evil you'd be scared to go outside. I know I don't like going outside because of the threat of mean people, and I was raised to believe there's good in everyone. XD Her childlike zest for life is something I love to watch, and I love how she actually regrets the choices she makes that may hurt the people she cares about unlike other princesses coughArielcough. Even if it does turn out that in the end she'd been trusting the wrong people, but that's something I think happens to everyone at some point in their lives. The only real complaint I have about Rapunzel is how she seems to switch off her emotional ties to Mother Gothel. Gothel raised her, and I do genuinely believe Gothel did care for her even if her own vanity clouded her judgement, yet she really didn't seem too bothered that she died. She and Gothel had 18 years of memories together, Gothel was literally her world. And she just didn't seem to care that she'd died. I know there's people in my life who use me and make little comments that get me down from time to time, but if I lost them I'd be devastated.​
    - - -​
    Overall I'd say it's a tie between Cinderella and Ariel for my least favourite, I can't decide as Cinderella's inaction and Ariel's lack of remorse aggravate me equally.
    And Mulan is my favourite. Because she'd have a plotline worth watching even without her "prince" and, as the Emporer says, "You don't get a girl like that every dynasty". XDD
  10. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Honestly, the only Princess I really like is Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

    Aerial was alright, but meh.

    As for the others, I didn't like any princess who played the role of damsel in distress. Sleeping Beauty, Snow White (don't eat the apple stupid).

    Basically, my fav is Alice. And just divy up the rest and classify them as (actually did something important) liked, (did nothing and had to have someone else save them) dislike.
  11. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010

    Jasmine is the only one that didn' t bug me in any way, which is astonishing given how much of a tool her father seems to be. On second thought, maybe that' s why.

    Tiana seems alright too, she' s the one from the Princess and the Frog right ? I only watched bits of it.
  12. Roxasfan Xman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Traverse Downtown
    My least favorite Disney princess is....Snow White. The part where she helped the "witch" (The wicked queen) and gets tricked into eating a poison apple, was very ditzy. But what really bugged me about her is the fact that she cleaned up the Dwarfs' home and ordered them to wash their hands in order to have dinner. Is that the personality of a Disney princess?! I don't think so.