So, Sony is intrested in their super PS2 emulator, not to mention they plan to release PS2 games on PSN, plus future dreamcast ports/emulator? awesomeness. Source: [URL="$1328865.htm]GameZine[/URL]
Looks promising, question is whether they will go through with it. People can change their minds, let's just hope they stick to these things. I really would love to play some of my PS2 games again seeing how half of them don't work without a DualShock 2 as mine has broken and I can't get a new one since it breaches my money saving scheme. Anywho, sounds like something every PS3 owner wants.
Wow. Just amazing news. I do hope this idea keeps on track, since I bet many people would be willing to buy exactly what they'd be selling. Crossing my fingers for the future.
You know, Sony loves to take our money. Not that it's a bad thing, but haven't any of you noticed how they always upgrade/modify the previous console to make a more appealing version? But, that's beside the point, Sony is really over-doing itself. I mean Dreamcast? Holy crap, best console to ever exist right there xD. Now DC titles on PSN?! We love you Sony <3333!!!!!
If they start putting up ps2 games on the psn they better add some hard to find games like Ico and Godhand. I have yet to find those games and want to play them badly.