Leaked Death Note script

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Sumi, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    So, the movie is gonna suck xD MSN me if you want it.
    Light's new name: Luke Murray xD
    Anyways, yeah. MSN me if you want it xD​
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    It does exist -- I have it too. And seeing as it's a leaked script, giving you links would be against forum rules. You can find it with a quick Google search, though.

    Let me just point out, though, that with all things on the internet, the legitimacy of this script hasn't been confirmed. I'm not entirely sure if it's real, but if it's a prank, then someone spent a shitload of time on it so I suppose it's worth discussion anyway.

    And yeah, it's going to suck. A lot.

    My qualms from reading just a small part of the script:

    I don't have any problems with changing the very Japanese-sounding names to ones that would fit an American adaptation, i.e. Light being changed to Luke is okay... But how the hell they got John out of Soichiro or Murray out of Yagami is completely beyond me. I guess for John they were just trying to pick a common name, but Murray sounds plain ugly.

    There are already a bunch of things which I think could cause major issues later/are just stupid changes in general. For one thing, Light... Or I guess I should say Luke doesn't see the conclusion of his first killing (the one with the killer on the TV) when it happens. He turns the TV off before he sees what happens... Why?! He wrote the name in the notebook, and he couldn't wait a few minutes to see if the result was true? He instead saw it in a newspaper later.
    Then his second killing is not that rapist guy getting hit by a truck... It's just some other random criminal being killed by a heart attack. And correct me if I'm wrong, but if memory serves the fact that his second killing was a different method from his first was pretty important -- it served to prove that the Death Note really worked properly and that the first death wasn't a coincidence, as well as showing how he can disguise certain killings if need be. I haven't read all of the script so I don't know if he tries something new later.

    There are a few more things that REALLY piss me off, though (other than the fact that the entire concept of Shinigami has been removed, since I knew that before I started reading). One, Luke's mother is DEAD, while of course she is alive in the original. Apparently, she was killed at some store during a robbery. Bullshit. There is absolutely no reason to have her killed. I suppose one could say it provides a motive for Luke's actions, but Light didn't need that sort of motive other than deciding the world was rotten.
    Two, the opening scene has Luke being LATE FOR CLASS and saving some random woman on the subway. Light Yagami is supposedly THE PERFECT STUDENT when Death Note starts. So making Luke sleep in late is completely out of character. I don't know what to think about him saving some random chick on the subway though, I guess it just served to stress the fact that crime is rampant in the world... But it's extremely out of character for Light, who always came off as stuck up/self-important. Would he really interrupt his daily routine for the benefit of someone he never met?
    BUT WAIT, there's more. First of all, L is apparently part of the FBI. If you ask me, it's pretty important that L works independently, because that way he only takes cases that interest him... Thus him taking the Kira case shows just how serious the situation is. As part of the FBI he could just be assigned to the case, so it takes the meaning out of that entirely. It also means that there would be more people who know him personally, as well as more people who could pretend to be him if need be. In this situation, L could in fact be several FBI agents.
    Secondly, Luke shows his sister Sarah (Sayu) that he can hack into the Police system and look at criminal records. More bullshit. If she has a brain and she knows he can do that, she could figure out he has the Death Note... But Luke does even MORE stupid stuff on top of that. He goes out in front of some criminals' (two brothers) house and calls them up, threatens then kills one of them, then threatens the other on death for information... Why? To avenge his MOTHER, who shouldn't even be dead. But what makes this worse is that he confronted someone directly like that. No, he not only confronted them, but did it VERY EARLY in the game. What kind of an idiot... Just... Ugh. Again, completely out of character, not to mention that could give him away. Even I'm smarter than the people who wrote this script, I'm afraid.

    I stopped around there but I'll continue reading tomorrow... I'm thoroughly disappointed, that's all I have to say. I hope this leaked script turns out to be a fake or gets completely rewritten so I can rest easy.
  3. Shadow55551 Destiny Islands Resident

    Um guys I know the script is fake. ANN confirmed with Zac Effron that the movie is not even on the front line right now so I doubt it is even being worked on.
  4. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I read that same article, but that doesn't necessarily mean the script is fake. Just because they're not working on anything that would involve Zac Efron doesn't mean a script wasn't written at some point... Don't get me wrong, it certainly could be fake, but just because Zac Efron says they're not working on it doesn't mean someone already at least wrote a draft of the script. The script is written long before filming takes place, of course.
  5. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Well the whole script is a rough draft of the movie so hopefully they change a few things in the current version to make it seem more like the original Death Note.