Anyone play this game, just wondering? Dota-esque gameplay and it's FTP. Lately I've been hooked on it and many of my friends been hooked too. Add me! My UN is Vennyven =D
I've posted quite a few threads about this game! It's an AMAZING game, and i'm heavily addicted to it XD my name on it is Gexln
I haven't posted threads about it, but I definitely like it XD don't play it as much as Smurf, either. My username is miaulement. Add me, man! XD
Weird, when i posted up the thread, it didn't show any threads with similar titles O-o Both of you getting added right away. =) I'm excited for Lulu. =w= cause I only play support. xD I fail with any other class.
Lulu looks amazing, insta-buy for me! I generally play a little of everything, AD carries being my favourite!
Ahh, Lulu. She looks adorable. I don't really play supports, but I honestly wanna try her out sometime. Hopefully in a not-too-distant free week she'll be available. :D Have you tried Fiora this week? She's super easy to play and fun! XD
Eh she's good, but she doesn't really need attack speed items thanks to her E skill. Do you by any chance have skype? I'd prefer to converse over that then spam this thread to oblivion XD
Oh ...forgot about that. Proves how much I play AD. HAHA Anyways, Lulu Champion Spotlight! She looks tough to play... [video=youtube;R1Gs1D2rUIM][/video]