Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by cstar, Jun 12, 2014.
Don't mind me I'm just gonna hang here.
Sure thing.
if you're lying down you've specifically stated you are not hanging.
I am hovering in the inbetween
Then I suggest we have a floor party to makes things better : D I'll get the floor cake
*tries not to cry* Oh, that's right...
What I read.
Maybe you're the only one who read correctly. -slowly takes off coat-
This is going better than expected.
-throws coat at you- NOW PUT IT IN THE CLOSET, SLAVE.
Typical. Put up your own coat.
-just lets in lay there- why was I wearing a coat in this weather.
i'll just leave this here.
/gets u some food & sets up a portable fan
-starts talking into fan to get that robot effect- Thank you my friend.