Lay Them to Rest

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Nov 3, 2009.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    For the past two years I have been working on cloning human beings and hoping to achieve the perfect human. The ones that I have fully made were not able to withstand the air and density around them that they died within an hour from being out of their containers. One, a female clone, had lasted for more than an hour and even spoke. It had said, “Help me.” It was hard to understand what she had said at first but she began saying it more and more until she actually did die. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong. I have every component that makes up the body of a single adult. There’s something missing.

    -Journal Entry #80: January 4, 2010

    Finally! I have finally made the perfect adult clone! Not only one but a large number of them. About fifty clones I have successfully made. While in their containers, they opened their eyes and all stared at me. But within a couple seconds, they had closed their eyes once again. I now know what I must do in order to make a perfect clone. It has been five years since I started and all of my work and putting in my own DNA, I have finally succeeded what I had first started.

    -Journal Entry #205: August 20, 2013

    Something has gone wrong, I don’t seem to understand! It has been eight months since I have made the successful group of clones but they have somehow turned against me. About thirty minutes ago, they escaped from their containers and came after me. I quickly ran away and hid in my study room, where I am now. I had also noticed when they were coming towards me, the color of some of their eyes were not normal compared to the regular human being. I saw one that had purple eyes, another that had crimson red eyes. Every single one of them, their eyes stood out, making me have a sudden chill go down my spin. My first instinct was to run. I don’t have much time before they find me. I figure I will lose my life at any given moment. If anyone finds this, find these clones and destroy them. All of them have a marking somewhere on their body that’s in the shape of a dragon. The color of their eyes are not normal and it seems as though they have powers of their own. These clones have been named D-

    For about a year, the murder of a scientist was constantly on the news. The reports said the room where he was killed was something impossible to bear. Blood was literally everywhere and on his last journal entry, they couldn’t read it correctly due to the bloodstains that were on it. But by his previous journal entries, all that the police really understand was that he was attempting human cloning, and succeeded. The police had suddenly become paranoid, thinking what this scientist must have done was simply create monsters. They decided to take action, but as they went around the city-Luna-they weren’t able to tell apart a normal human being from a clone. This caused them to give up on their search and to let those clones live on as they wish. The police only hoped they wouldn’t cause chaos.

    But due to the police stepping down, the military decided to step up. Military officers now roam around Luna, keeping an eye on every single civilian. The military has somehow obtained the scientist’s DNA, so some military officers tend to kidnap civilians, take them to their camps and test their DNA. The civilians they have kidnapped have never returned to Luna. They were either killed or put into the military. They have even found a few clones by this action. Military officers noticed that those that were clones had different eye color than a normal human being. They’re now assuming those that have eye color differently than a human are clones.

    Due to something that had gone wrong during the time they were being made, their appearance is a little different compared to the average human. But the main thing that is noticeable is the eye color. That is how the military and others are able to tell them apart. Klones are also able to reproduce just like any average human being. Throughout the years, more and more have appeared due to that ability. These clones are now a race. From what is known from the last journal entry, these clones had a name. Although, since the last thing on the entry is the letter “D”, the police assume that was when the scientist was attacked and wasn’t able to write it down. The military has simply given them the name Klones. Klones actually have powers of their own, which most of them have yet to discover. And, every single one of them has a marking that's in the shape of a dragon somewhere on their body.

    The Military
    Military officers are constantly patrolling Luna. The Klones that roam around in Luna are usually the ones that do a good job in avoiding the military. There are a few military officers who continue to do their job and search for the Klones. But, there are those that believe that destroying the Klones is wrong. Some have raised their voices against the higher ups, but others have kept their mouths shut.

    Luna and Civilians
    Luna is a simple large city that has been calm before the gruesome murder of a scientist. As for the people that live in Luna, most of them have lived normal lives while a few have actually seen Klones before. Most of the civilians believe if the Klones are annihilated, then maybe Luna will be peaceful once again.

    1. No god-modding or powerplaying. I see it, I kick you out.
    2. Stay ACTIVE. If you join, then I want you to actually post. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give you one. If someone ask for a recap, please give them one. Don’t expect me to do it.
    3. Good grammar and good spelling = understandable posts and me not going, “WTF DOES THAT SAY?! DDD8<”
    4. Keep EVERYTHING PG-13. Romance, anything above PG-13, take it to PM. Everything else, violence, language etc. leave it all at PG-13.
    5. No controlling others’ characters without their permission.
    6. No killing others’ characters without their permission.
    7. Do not do *this* when showing action. I see it, I kick you out.
    8. For the appearance, if you’re going to use a picture, please use a link. If not, try your best to be descriptive.
    9. Don’t post too many pages while I’m gone or if I am here but I’m not posting. If I’m not posting, I’m keeping on eye on everything.
    10. Make this your own RP, you’re out.
    11. Be random, you’re out.
    12. Rawr.
    13. Roar.
    14. B|
    15. No constant one-liners. I understand writer’s block but please, do not post one-liners post after post after post.
    16. Three characters max. If one dies and you already had the limit, I won’t count it against you.
    17. If you wish to quit the RP, then please tell me. Kill your character off or something.
    18. If you did not read the rules and you are kicked out for something, then it’s not my fault.
    19. If you have any questions, you may leave me a VM or PM. Whichever is fine.
    20. Please do have fun and enjoy yourselves.
    21. For the Klones, please do put somewhere on the OC form where they have the marking that's in the shape of a dragon.
    22. If I add anymore rules, I’ll let you guys know.

    Klone OC Form
    Weapon: (optional)

    Civilian OC Form
    Weapon: (optional)

    Klone OC’s
    Username: Aura
    Name: Lucy
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: She has red eyes.
    Personality: Can sometimes come off as a bit of a cold person towards others, depending who that person is. If it’s someone part of the military, she won’t hesitate to kill them. If it’s someone that’s just like her or if it’s a human, she’ll be a little more compassionate and gentle. Although, she feels if she shows too much of it, it shows that she’s weak. Headstrong and usually calm in most situations.
    Bio: The day she had finally escaped, Lucy felt different. She didn’t quite understand what it was, but she knew she was different from those that she saw when she wandered around Luna. Confused and scared, she had quickly ran into an abandoned house where she found clothes and at least somewhere she can sleep. Eventually, she continued to return to that one house, considering it her home. She has encountered several military officers and has been close to being taken away, but she was able to escape, barely harmed.
    Weapon: The sword in the picture.
    Power: Can read one’s mind, whether they’re awake or not. She just has to make contact with them.
    Other: The dragon shaped tattoo is on her right hand. It goes around her wrist and the head of the dragon is on the palm of her hand.

    Username: Firion von Kickass. ...<-<
    Name: Alan
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: He has yellow eyes.
    Personality: Blunt, quick to act, and slow to anger. He does what he can to avoid simply being a "dog" and following orders without thinking about them but he does what he's told regardless.
    Bio: Alan doesn't remember anything about his past because...he doesn't have one. He was created for the sole purpose of hunting down the others of his kind and does that job well. Although he may not be a high ranking officer, he is usually out alone and rarely receives orders. Alan does not think much about those he hunts but finds no enjoyment in taking them out.
    Weapon: Sword in picture. XD
    Power: Can draw out his own strength and focus it into his weapon for either a "lightsaber" effect(as in cutting through stuffs) or to use as a ranged wave-like attack.
    Other: Grrrr. Arrrgggg. Rawr. Roar. EDIT: His tatoo is this: It's on the palm of his right hand.

    Username: Friendly_Heartless
    Name: Kaya
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Has purple eyes girls/flower-1.jpg
    Personality: Kaya is gentle in nature, but she can be feirce when she's in trouble or danger. She likes to be quiet sometimes so she can think at times, but other times she can be quite talkitive and social.
    Bio: After Kaya escaped from the lab, she's been greatly interested in the outside world. Being careful to avoid the military though, she's been in hiding for quite some time, but she doesn't let that stop her from exploring and experiencing the new world. She likes to read different books in her spare time, and she wishes to find the other Klones so she can have a friend and not be alone.
    Weapon: Metal rod. Only uses it when she's threatened though
    Power: The ability to control water and use it with her attacks (Like if she moves an arm to punch, then the water would follow her hand to make the attack more effective... Like Avatar so to say. ^^; )
    Other: She has her marking of a dragon on her left shoulder, and the tale snakes down her arm to her elbow.

    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Auora
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: She has green eyes.
    Personality: She is easy going and fun to be around when she's not in a mood and/ or in a fight. She can be very dangerous but when she' calm and happy, she's completely harmless.
    Bio: After the murder of the scientist, she roamed free in Luna while her fellow Klones. She leaves them from time to time to explore which is what she loves to do.
    Weapon: ?
    Power: Moon power and darkness
    Other: She has a pet cat and loves to be in Nature.

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Kerry
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Small, blonde hair, gold eyes, dragon runs up her back.
    Personality: Very quiet and mysterious, likes to keep to herself, only opens up to those very close to her, she doesn't like hurting people and will avoid it most of the time, but will if has to.
    Bio: She has always known she was different and has always hid. She is terrified of the military as they almost took her away, and took her one good friend away. She has sworn revenge on them for that. She will attack if she is provoked.
    Weapon: (optional) Depends what's nearby
    Power: ???
    Other: n/a

    Username: Xert
    Name: Nox
    Age: 21
    Gender: male
    Appearance: Nox is 5 foot 7 with black hair and purple eyes. He wears a green shirt with a black coat and blue jeans.
    Personality: find out
    Bio: Nox is rather confused about whats going on exacly. In one moment he was in a chamber trying to get out the next he was in alley in a large city.
    Weapon: none
    Power: Telekineis and something else
    Other: none

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Kade Simmons
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Rebel punk rock skateboarder at best. Likes to do things is own way and hates to be tied down. He tends to be friendly but will drift away if they start giving orders.
    Bio: Kade went out of the container and was taken in at a local bar where metal and punk bands would play and formed his music addiction. A few weeks later he got into a bar fight and discovered his power. He now has a job and has a a semi-normal living as a rising skateboarder for a magazine.
    Weapon: Two machetes he found in some person's shed kept in an all black Motorhead jacket.
    Power: During a fight time seems to slow down for him (still moving in real time) and he can attack with almost triple his strength. (Crush ribs, knock arms out of sockets and with his blades he can decapitate and dismember.)
    Other: His tattoo is located on his chest.

    Civilian OC’s
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Firion von Kickass. ...<-<
    Name: Alan
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: He has yellow eyes.
    Personality: Blunt, quick to act, and slow to anger. He does what he can to avoid simply being a "dog" and following orders without thinking about them but he does what he's told regardless.
    Bio: Alan doesn't remember anything about his past because...he doesn't have one. He was created for the sole purpose of hunting down the others of his kind and does that job well. Although he may not be a high ranking officer, he is usually out alone and rarely receives orders. Alan does not think much about those he hunts but finds no enjoyment in taking them out.
    Weapon: Sword in picture. XD
    Power: Can draw out his own strength and focus it into his weapon for either a "lightsaber" effect(as in cutting through stuffs) or to use as a ranged wave-like attack.
    Other: Grrrr. Arrrgggg. Rawr. Roar. EDIT: His tatoo is this: It's on the palm of his right hand.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Username: Friendly_Heartless
    Name: Kaya
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Has purple eyes girls/flower-1.jpg
    Personality: Kaya is gentle in nature, but she can be feirce when she's in trouble or danger. She likes to be quiet sometimes so she can think at times, but other times she can be quite talkitive and social.
    Bio: After Kaya escaped from the lab, she's been greatly interested in the outside world. Being careful to avoid the military though, she's been in hiding for quite some time, but she doesn't let that stop her from exploring and experiencing the new world. She likes to read different books in her spare time, and she wishes to find the other Klones so she can have a friend and not be alone.
    Weapon: Metal rod. Only uses it when she's threatened though
    Power: The ability to control water and use it with her attacks (Like if she moves an arm to punch, then the water would follow her hand to make the attack more effective... Like Avatar so to say. ^^; )
    Other: She has her marking of a dragon on her left shoulder, and the tale snakes down her arm to her elbow.

    If I need to change anything, let me know. XD
  4. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Is Squishy trying to scare me? B| You're in.

    Nah. Everything's fine. XD You're in too.
    We'll probably wait for one or two more people to join and then we'll start.
  5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Auora
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: She has green eyes.
    Personality: She is easy going and fun to be around when she's not in a mood and/ or in a fight. She can be very dangerous but when she' calm and happy, she's completely harmless.
    Bio: After the murder of the scientist, she roamed free in Luna while her fellow Klones. She leaves them from time to time to explore which is what she loves to do.
    Weapon: ?
    Power: Moon power and darkness
    Other: She has a pet cat and loves to be in Nature.
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Kerry
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Small, blonde hair, gold eyes, dragon runs up her back.
    Personality: Very quiet and mysterious, likes to keep to herself, only opens up to those very close to her, she doesn't like hurting people and will avoid it most of the time, but will if has to.
    Bio: She has always known she was different and has always hid. She is terrified of the military as they almost took her away, and took her one good friend away. She has sworn revenge on them for that. She will attack if she is provoked.
    Weapon: (optional) Depends what's nearby
    Power: ???
    Other: n/a
  7. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: The both of you are in. I'll edit the first post later. XDX We may start now.

    BIC: Lucy's chest felt tight as she tried catching her breath, a body of a military officer laying in front of her. The body was covered in blood while Lucy's sword had blood all over it, same goes with her hands. The last thing she needed was another officer chasing her. She hoped it wouldn't happen so early either. Lucy leaned her head back against the brick wall and placed her free hand against her chest. The tightness she felt on her chest began to calm down, which helped her breathing begin to relax. She took one last deep breath before she narrowed her eyes, glaring at the body. "Damn these guys," she cursed under breath, moving away from the wall. "When the hell will they leave us alone?" Lucy turned away from the body and walked away from the area, figuring someone would end up finding the dead military officer. The area was pretty open but she was lucky enough that it was only them two when she was attacked. The tip of her sword dragged against the pavement, leaving a few spots of blood in it's trace. Inhaling once more, Lucy took off running, hoping nobody would see her until she was cleaned off.
  8. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Hi would it be ok if i joined?
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    You don't have to ask. You can just fill out the OC form and then post it here. So yes, you may join.
  10. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kaya clutched a book to her chest while she walked down the sidewalk. She visited the library a few minutes ago, and found a decent book to read. She scanned the area ahead of her behind her darkly shaded sunglasses, and breathed quietly. 'I don't see them today...' she thought in her mind. Kaya had been hiding from the military for a while, and none had attacked her in a week or so. It made Kaya feel relieved, yet nervous at the same time. They could just as well be spying on her and waiting to make the perfect move to capture her. 'Like I'm going to let that happen...'
  12. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kerry hurried down the street in a rush to get home. She was having a terrible day and by the look of things, it was about to get worse. The stupid military was patrolling the street she had to go down. She cursed her bad luck, she could go a different way but it would take her a lot longer. She stepped into the shaddows, as she considered her options, should she risk it or take the long route home?
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alan moved passed a crowded street, wearing only an armpatch to distinguish himself as part of the military. He slowed his pace until he came to a halt, turning around to look at the people going about their own business. He sighed and stepped back further into the alley he had just entered, lowering his left hand to the hilt of his blade. Don't see any that stand out. He thought to himself as he began tapping his fingers against the cold metal.
  14. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: Do you think you can make the OC form longer, please? You barely filled anything out.

    BIC: As soon as Lucy got to the small abandoned house she called home, she quickly cleaned herself off, washing away any spot of blood she might have on her. Once she was done, she let out a frustrated sigh, wondering if she should stay home or go out once again. One or the other. she thought as she stared at the front door, thinking for a moment. Frowning, Lucy walked out the door, keeping her head low, having nothing to cover her face. Some times she wondered how she was still alive by that.
  15. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kerry felt her back pocket, why was everything going wrong? She'd forrgotten her sun glasses. She sighed, it looked like she was taking the long route home, slowly she turned around and went back the way she had came. She put her hands in her pockets and looked down as she hurried back, this day could not get any worse.
  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kaya breathed out slowly to calm her nerves. Everything is fine... I don't think they know your here anyways. It was always a reassuring thought for Kaya, but she knew half the time she wasn't right. She merged in with a crowd of people who were crossing the sidewalk and looked around carefully from under her shades. Nope... I don't see anyone like me. She felt a wave of disappointment and clutched the library book tighter to her chest. Oh well... I'll find them, someday.
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kerry was forced into a large crowd, good to hide in but hard to hide her eyes from everyone. She kept looking down, to hide her eyes but that made it very hard to see where she was going. She kept banging in to people. She needed to get out of this crowd. She made up her mind, she quickly glanced up, spotted the way out then looked down again. She just hoped no-one saw. Yet another reason to get away quick.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alan raised an eyebrow, noticing a brief glint in the crowd he was observing. "That's not jewelry." He muttered under his breath, moving forward as he forced his way into the crowd. Now to pick out which one of these doesn't belong.

    OOC: Short post. D:
  19. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kerry pushed her way through the crowd, the sooner she got out the better. She was afraid that someone might have seen her eyes. She couldn't wait to get home. She finally got out of the crowd and hurried away, starting to run as she turned a corner. She kept looking over her sholder checking no-one was following her. She took a deep breath, she was way too paranoid.
  20. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Username: Xert
    Name: Nox
    Age: 21
    Gender: male
    Appearance: Nox is 5 foot 7 with black hair and purple eyes. He wears a green shirt with a black coat and blue jeans.
    Personality: find out
    Bio: Nox is rather confused about whats going on exacly. In one moment he was in a chamber trying to get out the next he was in alley in a large city.
    Weapon: none
    Power: Telekineis and something else
    Other: none
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