The effects are over sharpened, and you can barely see the text, other than that it's pretty good. Oh yea, the lighting goes from like uber white to no light at all almost instantly. So to help that, take down the intensity and fade it better.
The lighting is very intense for this sig, so tone it down a bit. It's very monotonous with the blue colors and the render is very low quality. Gradient maps might work well here. The text is very hard to see and the font doesn't go well. I do however, like the effects, but just not the coloring.
Not loving the Noise. Take it all out... It just doesn't fit. Render isn't cut well, and the lighting is just... No. First of all, it should be on the other side of the sig and it shouldn't be as big. Make it effect the sig by putting it on Soft Light. Get some FG effects in here as well.
Dude, fill up the white on the right, it overpowers the sig completely. Also, the text is not legible at all. I had to stare at it for a long time to find it. And the bad cutting render could be a good thing if you use a syle that fits it, if not, get a different render. Overall: 6/10
K, thanks for your fast replys guys. I'll work on it. And I'm using a bit of this on Corel, because Gimp is hard for me to understand (though I did most of it on there). EDIT: here's another. Please tell me what you think:
For the first one, the white is way to uber on the sig. Try making a blend on it. The text should be a bit bigger and more opacity. Put the text layer on top of every layer to make it more full of color. The noise is looking pretty annoying. Try brushing with the blue color more, it'll be an easier way to fill up. For the second one, it's really simple. It's a gradient of bnw, and you added some effect. Now think. Why would the text be on a white on white bg? That's like...making it invisible. Try putting it on the black part. And get some fonts.