Last Person to Post IX~

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Daxa~, May 3, 2012.

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  1. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    Why hai there sweethearts, and welcome to LPTP IX.

    Winner of The Orginal: Spunk Ransom (before hack) Chev (after hack)

    Winner of the sequel: Kellyjelly

    Winner of the trequel: ... freaking Kelly *shakes fist*

    Winner of the quadquel(lolwut): Phantasmagoric(GS)

    Winner of the quinquel: finalform32

    Winner of the one after the quinquel (lol, funny word): Ienzo (Chris as runner up)

    Winner of the septquel: burnitup sabby

    Winner of whatever one the last one was: Daxa who won for Kelly and DT~

    Have an EDITED (08.08.11) song:

    Welcome to LP2P, welcome to the madness,
    Prepare to be lost in pure sweet randomness.
    This is the place to be, doesn’t take much to see,
    So come on, you’d better be ready,
    Because it’s about to blast off.

    OBJECTIONS flying round the place,
    Feenie’s here and on the case,
    Better not lie or try to run,
    Or his PW army will join the fun.

    Enzy’s there, light as a feather.
    She the one who holds us all together,
    Her presence makes the whole place glow,
    Get ready everybody, let’s go, go, go!

    MS is grinning like a Cheshire cat,
    Dancing around to who knows what,
    Her fairie magic’ll kick some ass,
    So don’t mess with this little lass.

    Then there’s ff, here to party,
    Ready with a hug, oh so hearty,
    He's our resident Xbox expert,
    Be careful now, don't get hurt.

    Burning motorbikes, probably with spikes,
    Grand entrances and future hikes,
    That’s our BiU for you,
    Always ready with something epic to do.

    Belgian waffles, goes the shout,
    Someone’s let our Machi out,
    With an extra dose of random,
    He’ll add to our mad tandem.

    Risk is in the house today,
    Witty and clever, ready to play,
    Desu weapon at the ready,
    Guess his mood, it’s never steady.

    Kelly’s causing a storm again,
    Dagger in hand stabbing all the men,
    With that dangerous glint in her eye,
    Better beware or she’ll blow you sky high.

    Chris is up to his usual tricks,
    Flirting, not caring who he picks,
    Teasing, making the whole place smile,
    This devil’s got some real style.

    That’s the team, that’s what we do,
    Always random, always new,
    Battling Dahlia or making stew?
    We’ll show you how it’s really done,
    So come on now and join the fun!

    For anyone unfamiliar with the faces you might stumble upon here at LPTP, there has been a character description made by our beloved Midnight Star! Click the spoiler to see it.

    Once upon a time in a strange unfamiliar land there was a small group of people, a mismatched lot by all means but this group together could do anything. Each of them was unique and brought something different to the team.The group has grown and evolved over time, new people have joined and others have left though still pop back every so often. This is the main LP2P from all of the threads, you are likely to find a selection of these currently active. Let me introduce you.

    First we have Chris, self-proclaimed leader of the group though there is some debate about that. He’s got no shortage of confidence and has such a style and elegance around him that gains him respect. He always appears to know what he’s doing. He fights with that same elegance and that simple smile, his twin blades a blur.

    Next is Enzy, the heart and soul of the group. Never without a smile upon her face, she holds the group together. Her bright outlook is like a ray of sunshine in the dark days they face. With her calm resolve, she often solves the party’s disputes sensibly, though still enjoys a good laugh. She does not fight, she’s the group’s healer and second in command.

    FF is ruled by his heart, his passion as strong as an erupting volcano. He cares deeply about his friends and will protect them fiercely, no matter the cost to himself. He will fight for what he believes in and will never give in. He wields a large broad sword with the all courage of a lion, never running from his fight.

    Feenie is the one who can make light of any situation and bring a laugh to the group when it is most needed. He can support anyone and is always dependable; he will never break his word or let you down. He is smarter than he sometimes lets on and can fight strongly too. He always has a cheeky grin and fights with a great showmanship, using his bo staff to great effect. Don’t underestimate this joker.

    Kelly is ice cool; she is perhaps the darkest of the group and sees things for what they are. She does not mess around with the frills and doesn’t fool herself. She takes it all in her stride, and nothing appears to phase her. She enjoys the darker side of things and can find efficient solutions, facing straight up to the hard truths of life. Her tongue is as sharp as her daggers that never leave her sight; this is one girl you do not want to mess with.

    Then you’ve got Midnight, the little girl of the group. She loves to have fun, go hyper and mess around but there’s more to her than meets the eye. When she wants to be she’s a force to be reckoned with, she can be clever and is always there to help when need be. She’s a mini scientist, with a host of chemicals up her sleeves, ready to make an explosion. Then when she’s got her bow, be afraid, she’s an expert archer and this little girl can kick ass with an innocent smile on her face.

    Risk is always ready for action, he is quiet but his actions speak louder than words. His mind always thinking ahead, and his mood is as unpredictable as weather. You never know what you’ll get but it’s guaranteed to be interesting. His fighting style changes with his mood so he chooses to go without a weapon. This makes him no weaker as he fights with his hands using his skills in multiple martial arts.

    Yet another character in the group is Machazo, and there is never a quiet moment when he’s around. He always seems to have a glint in his eye like he’s up to some mischief, but what that mischief is remains a mystery. He loves to tease others and has an obsession with Belgian waffles. His weapon, a frying pan, is somewhat unconventional but before you dismiss it, it is surprisingly effective. His enemies soon learn this when boiling hot waffle mixture burns their face off before they get knocked out with a frying pan to the head.

    Another often found with the group is Teddy, who brings along a little good old-fashioned innocence. In an ever-harsher world, this brings a breath of fresh air. Despite his innocence, he is not so vulnerable as he is able to utilise a multiple of little contraptions and traps to protect himself and help the group.

    It is not uncommon for Makaze to appear out of nowhere and make his presence known. This controversial guy can debate like a true master, winning virtually any argument he chooses to. This also has the side affect of being incredibly infuriating and can make a sane person pull their hair out in frustration. Despite this being a strong weapon in itself, he also fights with poisoned knife.

    Cat, our time travel expert, she knows everything there is to know about time travel and inter dimensional stuff. She is always fun to be around and also noticeably has a thing for older men (one in particular). Her weapon, if you could call it that, is a sonic screwdriver and is most useful with technology or robotic enemies. She’s got a mean high kick too should they not be made of metal.

    Now as you can see, the group is mismatched and as odd as can be but if you combine all these people and skills, you get a formula not to be sniffed at. You get a team, ready to take on the world and who are just about capable of anything.
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male

    Anyway, what I was gonna post

    That would mean I look like this

    hastily Photoshopped pictures FTW
  3. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Yay, finally new thread.
  4. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Yay! Finally I can get back to my life.

    Also, I was making a nice song whilst you were winning;
    I have a dreeeeeeeam~
    To buuuurn this threeead~
    To maaaake it dieeeee~
    Becaaaause it's sh*****t~
    If you see the wondeeeeeerr~
    Of a fairy taaaaaaale~
    You can take the fuuutuuuure~
    Even if you faaaaail~
    Something good in everythng I see~
    I'll repeat the song noooow~
    Because now I need to have a P~
    I'll cross the seeeeea~
    To haaaaave a P~
    I'll crooooss the seeeea~
    I have some P~~~
  5. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Yay! Congrats, Dax! Now we have a new thread. :3
  6. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Yay, Daxa! <3

  7. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I already VMed you about this, but congratulations.

    And a few more seconds and that stupid doublepost would've gotten me the win...
    Still, at least it was you~
  8. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    And now I'm gonna get food at last. Haven't eaten all day.
  9. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    I think I'm going to go watch some Digimon now, finally.
    I'm dying right now ;;
  10. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Sweet. I was gonna offer a bowl of this

  11. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    lol, and now I will procrastinate on my stupid project that's due tomorrow by going out to Burger King with my grandma (like she promised yesterday) and becoming a fatter Yank.
  12. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Get me a bag full of Stackers :D
  13. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    Congrats on winning deary, the band is ready for your victory song.

  14. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    We will have to update the full version of the song and profiling eventually.

    Hello, everyone...
  15. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Ooh hey~ So they finally got round to closing it. How far past 5000 did you guys get? My phone died.

    And I will do, Makaze, just after my exams.
  16. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Did I tell you guys I did some karaoke last night?

    It was actually a pretty good performance if I do say so myself. Only did one song though.
  17. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Oh wow the win slipped right past me. What really makes me laugh is it went over 600 sum posts before it finally got locked. Grats Jakeen Buddy!!

    Anyways, posting like a boss.
  18. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    5,671 Replies
  19. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    I'm an idiot for walking out in the rain. I should've stayed inside.
  20. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009

    Well, it's still a valuable lesson to the staff.
    Never let LP2P go past 5000 for more than half an hour~
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