Last departure thread. (Promise)

Discussion in 'Departure Hall' started by Jayn, Mar 21, 2010.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    For all who care; (If you don't, gtfo of my thread)


    I'm leaving for a variety of reasons. No, these reasons don't apply to everyone or to the site itself.

    1. There's just no point of getting on anymore. Everyone I talk to frequently has my number or email.

    2. Getting worked up and upset over stupid internet drama just isn't worth it.

    3. Serious problems in real life with family and friends.

    4. With very, very few exceptions (like one person), everyone I've gotten close to on this site has caused me heartache, vice-versa. I just want to forget ever meeting certain people. Lesson learned life, can't trust anyone.

    I liked you. :c (or not)

    Janime: You are that one person who I still trust. xD You're the sweetest thing ever and I'll miss you.

    Zeonark: I wish we could have talked more, but I'll see you on Youtube sometime.

    What?: I always enjoyed our little talks, and I'll never forget you saying happy birthday to me. You don't know how much that made my day. ;_;

    Xephos: I feel bad, since we stopped talking much too and you were sweet. I'll miss my kitty. c:

    Periwinkle: You're a very down-to-earth person, and I enjoyed talking to you. You're seriously like my sister.

    Roxas: Livejournal, ftw?

    Foofy: Family. <3

    Aura: Thanks for being there to talk to, even though we pissed each other off. Let's hope this ends the cycle for you.

    P: You were awesome, intelligent, and helpful. Thank you. <3

    Hellkitten: ... *Nudge, nudge*

    Rayku: Did we ever finish that game? ... Oh well. xD Good luck with college and stuff.

    CtR: I have to admit, I used to not like you very much before you and I actually talked. It was similar to the Twilight situation for a number of people. They dislike the hype. D; But now I think you're so sweet. <3 I'll miss youuuu. You were nice to talk to, and helped me try to see things more positively. Thank youuuu.

    What about me?

    To everyone I didn't mention, it could mean one of a few things.

    A) Fuck you. Trying to forget you the hardest.

    B) I totally forgot and am sincerely sorry. ;___;

    D) We weren't close enough.

    E) Who are you?

    F) You don't care. xD

    Have fun musing over that.

    Moosik? Stowies? ROLE-PLAY?!?!

    I'll be posting my stories on Livejournal from now on, so shoot me an email if you want it.

    As for my music, I'll be uploading most of it to Youtube. (LittleJayneyCakes). You can message me there also.

    Now for Role-play, all I can say is sorry. ;D

    Bye. <3

    Goodbye, KHV. Also won't be getting onto MSN messenger anymore. I'll check my emails sometimes. I won't be getting onto Facebook, to avoid my father. I'll miss most of you. ;_;

    This is the last thread I'm making here, regardless of if I pop back in the check messages or something in the future. 8D

  2. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Awww, I know we weren't really close, but I know I'm going to miss you, I always loved the music you posted up and you made me laugh a lot. I really liked that story you wrote about the khv members. I hate to see you go through troubling things, and I hope everythings works out in the future for you. Take care of yourself. You're awesome and you'll be missed. c:
  3. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    I'm so close to crying. ; ;

    But anyway, I hope everything works out perfectly for you. I'll miss you tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and...I'll stop myself. I WILL find a way to talk to you. Or you find a way to talk to me. ;_; I love you to death, gurlllll! <333​
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Well...I'm going to go through hell trying to figure out which applies to me.
    Anyways, you know you're the other half of my soul so hope things work out for you and can't wait until we're able to talk again..
    I greater than infinity you, Lovely-chan.
  5. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    While we never really talked, it sucks that another member is leaving. So good bye and I hope that things get better for you.
  6. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    ;-; Sis-sis, no! You better still get on MSN at some point in the near future, I miss our talks. D: Good luck with the real life stuff, I know you'll reach all your goals, you're far too strong to let anything stop you. :3
  7. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    D: D: D:
    I know we rarely talked on the forums and we usually only had an occasional talk on msn but still, I'm gonna miss ya Jayn. Good luck with everything. I'll try e-mailing you sometime.
  8. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe

    We didn't talk a whole lot, but you definitely were/still are one of the sweetest people on this site. I'll miss you. <3 [​IMG]
  9. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    I kindly ask you to come back right this damn second.

    Seriously. Ever since I left and came back, you've been one of the few people who still talk to me here. Which actually meant something to me, seeing as no one notices me anymore. Also, there are some you can trust, I hope you do remember that. And whatever Life problems you have, I hope you sort them out.

    Have a good life. Hope to talk to you again soon.
  10. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    I fall under the E) catergory however I now feel sad I never got to know you from the response to your depature. It seemed as though you were a cool person to have around on the forums so even though I don't know you I'm sad lol. Goodbye stranger. Goodbye cool person. Goodbye.
  11. Rayku Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 10, 2008
    Gotham City
    aw ****erdoodles, I'm late

    I'll finish the game right now:

    Jayn had used her superpowers to kill off the monsters and finally got out...

    ;--; If you ever read this somehow, I'll miss you very.,very much
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I wonder if you ever got Umineko installed.

    Well there's not much to say that others haven't said before. See ya.

    This site is like crack. I maintain that no matter how many good reasons you have for giving it up, you'll always come back again.
  13. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Well, it all can't be rose-colored and beautiful.

    Jayn, I really like your music, and I will be following it from youtube, I guess. It's sad to see a good member like you go, but you must have your legit reasons. The site has been on a certain decline lately, but hopefully it will get better.

    I wish you the best of luck with everything, with the hope that things will get better.
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