I finally tried something Kingdom Hearts Based. I don't expect this one perfect with Axel's hair ETC CnC Please =D
=D thats awesome! you can draw great. Exept larxenes arm looks a little long and, like you said axels haircould be more spiky. Other than that an awesome drawing! =D
ZOMG AWESOME! except Axels hair, I think you should have showed their hands poking out from their sleeves. It looks a tad odd without hands. You've drawn Larxenes eyes really well. Axel seems to be enjoying it more tho, lmao.
First of all, your style seems a bit immature, there is no depth and the characters are very flat. I also seem to notice the eyes on your drawing tend to be too large. Try to downsize that, it'll look better. Other small things like body structure can't really be seen too well in the given picture but that's another things people tend to have trouble working with. So overall there is really nothing bad about this so much as it is clear that you are an amateur that doesn't put a huge amount of concentration and effort in. Practice will make this less apparent, but if you are content with your style as is, that is your own prerogative.