Larxene's Love Poem Chapter 2

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Sce13, May 12, 2007.

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  1. Sce13 Banned

    Jan 28, 2007
    In darkness, with Riku
    The Next Morning:

    Larxene woke up with a fright...She'd been up all night looking for the poem...She'd gone around asking everyone if they found a note...but all was negative... She waslked around the castle and heard laughter coming from a direction.. She walked towards the throne room.... She cracked the door to see inside...Everyone was inside but her....She listened to what Xemnas had to say...
    "Okay okay!" he said trying to stop his self from laughing....
    "I know he doesn't love me, but I feel as if I love him....The light that sparks between us, aren't too bright or aren't to dim!" he yelled out bursting in laughter.... Everyone was laughing, Except for Axel...who just sat there and listened to the poem with intrest...
    Larxene's eyes got wide.... She tried not to drop a tear...She was raised tough and she couldn't stand her heart breaking....
    She burst through the door....and saw Xemnas with the poem in his hand...
    "If it isn't miss cinderella coming to claim her prince..." Demyx said pointing at her... Everyone stated Laughing but Axel...he looked at Demyx, who cut down on the laughter....
    " aren't serious about this poem are you?" Xemnas asked...
    She just stared at Xemnas...The silence soon broke in....
    " want to hurt want to see me sink into despair....I'm serious about this poem...and I don't care if you tell it to the world!" she yelled...
    "How bout I tell the one you love?" he asked....
    She stared at Xemnas...
    "Take your best shot Xemnas..." she said in a heart breaking voice...
    Xemnas looked at the poem and recited....
    "He thinks I'm nothing, but that is not all...I love you till the end, Axel" he said...
    Everyone laughed....Larxene couldn't help, but she actually dropped a tear.... Xemnas stopped laughing, not knowing the pain he cause her... She turned around and walked out of the room..
    "Larxene wait!" he yelled... She turned around and asked...
    "What more harm can you do to me...Does this make you happy? To see me suffer? To see me cry? Tell me if I've guessed it..." she said.... Xemnas just sat there...She turned and ran out of the room...

    What will happen next??? We shall see

    Sorry it is so short...but I'll make the next one last long... I promise!
  2. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    awww thats so sad poor larxene, i really love this story, great work
  3. Sce13 Banned

    Jan 28, 2007
    In darkness, with Riku

    thanks....I'm hoping to end it with at least 7 chapters...but so far...i dunno
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