Laptops or Books?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Flyn Pnut, Jun 10, 2009.


Laptops or books?

This poll will close on Oct 26, 2036 at 2:27 PM.
  1. Laptops FTW!! Computer nerds rock!!!1!

  2. Ya can't beat a good book!

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  1. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    me and rissy?

    How are you right?
    You didn't prove anything.

    You confused me also.


    Just nevermind.
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Ok...This thread has gone from intelligent to spam. Just for the record...If people come here posting incoherencies, then don't expect not to receive retaliation. Now, I'm not very fond of de-repping, so I don't do so, but the fact that I got de-repped is seriously tempting me to do so. If you want to come into a debate corner that is part of the site where intelligent replies go, don't come here expecting things not to get a bit heated. It's important not to come here with a heated attitude.

    Just to stay on topic:

    In what terms should we compare the two things? Are we comparing them overall, or just one quality?

    In which case if it's overall, it can be divided into many categories, such as durability, usefulness, ect.
  3. 007 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 5, 2008
    Behind you
    you can read books on a laptop, but they're more expensive and need batteries. still, I say laptop
  4. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    But why?

    I think the two things are completely incomparable. Seriously, it's like trying to compare a chocolate cake to a wardrobe (okay, slight exaggeration there).

    For instance, taking the analogy of the "whether it was free" point. If I was asked if I wanted a free laptop I would probably say no. This is for a number of reasons:

    !. I already have on (broken at the moment but being fixed ASAP)
    2. I have a PC which I have all my files etc on
    3. Getting a new laptop would involve moving everything onto the computer which takes time.
    4. I would need to install some packages on the computer which I already have on my PC.
    5. Some of these packages are shareware so I would need to get a new license putting me out of pocket.
    6. I already have a much better computer as a desktop so why get a slightly more portable one that will just be taken up with stuff I already have.

    On the other hand there are many things that you could say about a "free" book.

    1. You may not like the book/subject matter etc.
    2. You may never read it, just put it on a shelf and leave it
    3. In the event that you already have the book in question it is a waste of space just being there.
    4. You may read it once and, it having no depth, just put it on a shelf never to be touched again.
    5. They can sometimes be heavy to carry around and/or be doorstops.
    6. You may have wanted a different book!

    So you see, it is futile to try and compare things which, inherently are completely dissimilar.

    As for my personal opinion, well, as you can see, my decision would be based on several factors but I think that unless I already had the book or it was by Stephenie Meyer (oh yes, I went there) then I would probably chose the book.

    Thanks for reading this mini-essay brought to you be clawtooth35

  5. Flyn Pnut Banned

    If you think about it, a laptop may cost more, but, you never get bored of it. In the end you finish a book, so you have to go out and buy a new one. If you get a new one every month, for 10 years, and you buy a laptop at the beggining of 10 years, and keep it till the end, if it's a good laptop, you probably would of SAVED money.
  6. Hunter (MAVERICK) Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 17, 2009
    In your head
    the only bad about the laptop is that if u drop it,wet it it will break and you have to charge it so it doesnt die but other than that its the best
  7. Flyn Pnut Banned

    I have dropped my laptop a couple of times (not me my little brother -_-), and it didn't get damaged.
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Wow those were a lot of deletions. I'm not too fond of where this thread is going. Toshi and krayzie, I had to delete many of your posts either because they were spam, insulting or both. If I have to take such measures again I will warn you. Consider this your only verbal warning.

    Also, this thread was meant for debate, difficult as it may be, so posts like "laptops are better than books" have been deleted as well. This section is meant for posts with a minimum of substance and argumentation. You'll know if I'm talking about you by the sudden absence of your post.

    That is all. I'm on the verge of locking this thread.
  9. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    The edge of a new hard-cover book can be quite painful, I've gotten a few nasty gashes after dropping a book on my foot >.<

    I'd honestly choose the book. Especially If I get to choose what book. And lets face it, how many of your friends would be willing to buy you a laptop?
    Maybe I could get one if I asked my parents real nice, as a combined birthday/Christmas/graduation gift, but I wouldn't bet my money on it.

    There are some books in my shelf that I've read 5-6 times in a matter of a few years. I wouldn't be too surprised if I reread some of my childhood favorites again when I'm in my 30's or so.

    And I haven't heard of anyone who has kept the same computer for ten years. Some of my friends get a new computer every two years or so. And there is a thing called a LIBRARY. You pay, what, two-three euros/dollars/pounds (I'm not familiar with foreign library-systems >.<) get a nice little card, and use it for years and years to borrow books FOR FREE. I doubt that even my late-returning fees have added up to a sum larger than the price of a laptop.​
  10. Flyn Pnut Banned

    At least laptops aren't dangerous, I mean, you could, get a paper cut, forget to plaster it or whatever, go play outside, get dirt in it, it gets infected, you have to go to hospital to have your finger cut off.
  11. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Excuse me but I would have said that A laptop was a lot more dangerous! You could get an electric shock or it could overheat and catch fire!

    The chances of this happening are slim to none, seriously, A papercut wouldn't get infected unless it was very deep, which they inherently aren't, and /or was bleeding. I certainly have never heard of someone getting an infected papercut and in any case, anti-viral and anti-bacterial drugs plus a dressing would have it fixed in no time!
  12. Riley103 Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 23, 2009
    I say books, because Laptops need electricity to use and books are more educating. In contrast though there are a lot more things to do on a laptop, but I still choose a good book, because I'm a nerd. :D
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