laptop problems

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Mvalentine, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Yo khv can anybody help me? My laptops been having...Alot of trouble lately its an Acer aspire 1 netbook with windows 7 starter, now lately alot of times ill try to close a program, or copy and paste something..And all that happens is windows explorer stops responding and restarts...Not sure if it's to do with the main problem which is this: the laptop rejects my charger...It still sparks when I plug it in however i pug it into my laptop and theres just...nothing...I really need the laptop because it has a few important essays on there...due next week i dont have the time OR resources to start again so please can someone help me? I'm desperate.
  2. Kubo Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 6, 2010
    Penalty area, ready to shoot
    Perhaps the explorer is having problems with some kind of virus... run an antivirus scan with some anti-virus program (like malwarebytes antimalware- but it is not free) and see if it finds anything malicious and remove it.
    The charger problem is probably not connected the explorer problem. It is probably due to a faulty battery or the charger itself. Sometimes, the charger will not respond unless you put it in a certain way in the socket, try to move it slightly to different positions, or push it harder in the socket to see if it will work.
    Also you can save your documents to a usb flash drivew, or burn them to a CD, or even make a .rar file and put them all in and then upload the rar file in a filehosting sie like mediafire or megaupload, then write down the download link and if you can't use your laptop sometime you could use another computer, download those essays there and continue your work in that computer.
  3. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    I'd tried 3 antivirus scans before the it died came up with nothing, and believe me...I have been playing with the charger
  4. Kubo Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 6, 2010
    Penalty area, ready to shoot
    Have you tried to fix your pc from errors and stuff?
    Try CCleaner
    It's free and reliable. It will remove unwanted stuff from your pc and fix your registry problems.
    The charger thing I'm not sure... can you try another charger to see if that one works?
  5. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    When you say "explorer restarts" what do you mean? To my knowledge that would be annoying but it wouldn't stop you from getting to your essays.

    Is there another charging cable you can use at least for a test? Or another notebook that you can use your cable on? The cable will usually die before the power supply in the notebook does.
  6. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    no what stops me from getting to the essays is the power problem...I dont know if i can get a hold of a cable or not but it's worth a try
  7. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    If it is just the cable then you simply need to buy a new one. If it is the notebook's power supply then the issue gets more complex and then you really need a tech guy to look at it.

    Also I would contact the teacher(s) that the essays are for ASAP. If you wait until when you are supposed to turn it in then they will just see it as an excuse. If you let them know soon then they might be able to help, or at the very least they will be more willing to give you some grace on it.
  8. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Sounds like a virus to me too. If it had anything to do with power your laptop would just shutdown. My Acer laptop got infected a while ago and BOY was it a tough virus. It was disguised as an anti-virus (forgot the name, Doctor something) and kept asking me to register the full version just so that I give it my credit card numbers. I couldn' t use most of my programs anymore, nor copy/paste stuff. I could still use Internet Explorer and download anti-viruses (which is supposed to be impossible with the virus I got, I somehow got lucky) but I had to start Windows on safe mode in order to install them. I tried malwarebytes antimalware but it didn' t fix anything. I finally managed to find one who did the trick : SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition.

    Push F8 when starting your computer then chose to run Windows in safe mode. Download SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition, install it then restart your computer and let Windows start the usual way. Launch SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition, your virus shouldn' t prevent you to use it.

    By the way, starting your laptop in safe mode (press F8 right after imputing your password, at the very start, then chose safe mode in the list that appears) should allow you to use Internet Explorer and copy/paste your files, no matter which virus infected your computer.
    If F8 doesn' t work then maybe your computer has another F something assigned to this, try them all.
  9. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    fixed the power problem turns out the charger was shot, despite it seeming to be fine, thanks Patman I'll try that and see if it works thanks alot
  10. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    You can never dismiss that it could be malware, but the main mistake people make in fixing computers is assuming everything is a virus. If I were to bet against everyone who told me their computer was infected with a virus I would be making money right there.

    I would try running this first.
    There is a free and pay version of it. I use the pay version simply to support the company. The free version works great. This has been known to fix about 2/3 of the problems on my computer without me even needing to think about what could be causing them.