Basically a little thread to discuss the musical marvel thats gaga. She's moe than a pop singer, she's a performance artist and a visionary of fashion and wearing haut couture. She's been touring worldwide since November 27th practically butchering her health away (she took only one weeks break back in Janurary and there been and odd few days or two weeks here or there) and when she had only 23 days and completely reinvented her whole tour for when she took it to the UK and yeah I've seen it twice (going on three soon) and I can see each show is different, at least for her words and outfits. She's pop; but she has rock roots and real vocal talents. I love her a she inspired me to be myself and have fun (her aim is for people to be ok with themselves and the can be weird cos it's ok) This could be an appreciation thread/discussion thread whatever really.
Gaga is a wonderful singer, and i know she wants to keep doing tours, but i'm a little concerned about her health. :/
Right now Gaga is in Japan about to start her four date stint in japan then it's to europe and uk for may/early june then come june 28th she's in america touring til september 19th. She's doing fine health-wise The only time she cancelled any concerts was back in January from exhaustion. And on the first night in New Zealand which was recent; well yes she was on her back for the whole of Bad Romance but herself and her opening act have said it was just jet-leg and its not serious. She's been in the recording booth recording new songs for her next album in her spare time. I saw a picture of her arriving in Tokyo and she looked very well in her giant platform boots.
Many people don't like her cuz of the lyrics in her songs and cuz some think she's crazy, but I think she's really good and purty. Sure her some of her songs may be frisky, but, we all have our own way of expressing ourselves. My fav song from her is Love Game.
Frisky? XD I guess people look at the superficial glamerous surface she keeps on many of her songs while theres very often something underneath it with a deeper meaning. Telephone is her lastest single and thats really a song about her fear of strangulation and how work rules her life with little time for fun (hidden under the lyrics of course) and her next single will be Alejandro about her fear of men and the video will of course be a genius creation that a drug addict couldn't even fathom while high.
I like her a lot, her music is catchy and fun. However, I think that she is becoming over-hyped and over-whored. It has become "cool" to like her and I am actually getting tired of hearing about her now. I admire her courage to always be so daring, but sometimes I think she tries too hard.
In not into that type of music but she had me at Just Dance-She was amazingly random,cool and hot so not im...a GaGamite! (New word here people,use it!) xD
yeah my friend is going. lol she's gonna wear a reallty funky outfit^^ OMFG! YOUR BACKKK BLAIIR! *HUGS*
Not only is she a great singer, she's freaking hot! i mean, wow XD anyways, her songs are very catchy and are really good (even if some are a little ummm frisky? lol) but i hope she stays as popular as she is now for at least another year :D
I've only heard a few of her singles, but if they're any indication, she's okay. Some of her singles are catchy and she's not a bad performer, but overall I don't care for her too much.
how do tyou make lady gaga cry? poker face! Seriously she has got a good voice I DO like her songs...the videos are just strange though.
Shes...unique. I like her quite a bit, but I wouldn't classify her as one of my favorites. That said, I will definitely break out in song when she comes on. As for her outfits, they're...special alright. I just don't want to see anyone else wear them for anything other than a music video.
From what I've seen from interviews and read in articles I'd say she's generally a modern day normal person in a way. She has quirks and is flamboyant in many forms, and I admire her showmanship skills. What I particularly like is her image. Not that I really love the looks she's warn, what is good is that before becoming Lady Gaga, she was an attractive woman in a conventional sense and while most people would have flaunts that side she turned her image into something radical and unseen before. The courage and craziness to ty something completely new is something I admire in the music industry. Like Kanye West's album 808 & Heartbreak or the Black-eyed Peas' The E.N.D, both weren't the convetion of the genre they are usually placed into, and instead creating something interesting and new that people like and are copying. I have to say I am getting sick of hearing her songs on the radio now. I do think their good pieces, but until it dies down on the radio I won't really accept them. But yeah, in summary, revolutionary trend setter but unfortunately her music is whored.
When it comes to a matter of just sort of having something with a beat to mess around to, to have a groove laying down, she's good. But despite her talents, and whatnot, she's doing something that I feel every artist in her line has done. She's being used by the music industry the same as pretty much every other pop/rock artist has been at some point in their span. Adn that's what draws me away from her. The way she's touring, as you've so well put it here, and the way I see her displayed as an artist, seems to hint that she'll be dried up as a result of the industry in a few years. That's why I stick to things that are non-mainstream. They don't get publicized, they don't get worked over by the labels, and they last for so much longer when they avoid being totally immersed in the corporate side of things.