to be honest...she is THE best new artist in many years...shes very original! and very cool here are 3 of her songs from her new album called "The Fame" due out in the states on the 28th Just Dance Beautiful Dirty Rich Poker Face im so in love with her style and her voice!! comments
Wow, I'm surprised no one has commented this yet o_o ANYWAYS, Lady Gaga is amazing. Just Dance is a great song. She does have a great voice and is very original. She's a great artist.
the video is so Babylonic XDD. but so amazing...she doesn't look like a "bad girl" but she is! the sheer sexiness of the uber.
what i love most is the fact is that she looks like a diva but ive watched some of her vids where shes like talking and stuff, and shes really down to earth love that!
Good music, but bad videos. I just think that most of the stuff on there is really unneeded. Regardless, like I said, good music.
I came across Lady Gaga's one song 'Just Dance' by watching Yahoo Videos and I was just enthralled with her voice and talent. Yeah, her videos may not be the greatest but she's also new and all new artists struggle with that. She does, however, have direction in them and is creative so I give her credit there. I bought her cd and she has quite a few other catchy songs like Poker Face, Paparazzi, LoveGame, Boys Boys Boys. I hope she sticks around as she has a decent voice and an interesting way of making pop/dance tunes have a unique sound. She's also a different type of girl in a way to the divas around. She's more of a 'bad girl' that somehow seems more down to earth.
Lady Gaga's one of my top inspirations now actually . I just find her so original and her songs really just make you want to get on your feet and start dancing [well the ones I listen to] . Poker Face is very popular in my class right now, and I don't complain at all. Though the first time I heard it I thought it was "Poke HER face" so it made me lol. But I learned quickly, and i'ts my favorite song by her so far - I'm inlove with it. Her other songs are just as well.
Has anyone here heard the acoustic version of Poker Face? It shows just how good a singer she is <3 Of course, her dancy songs are good too xD
I think she should stay in the studio and edit that voice then just show it in all it's....i can't even find a word for it.