Video Ladies and Gentlemen AMV...

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by Tahno, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
  2. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008
    Don't use that flash transition that much, transitions aren't that good when you use them horribly. Don't use the Tv Simulator that much, either. It's not good to use that effect too much.
    Effects should be used well in videos.
    Timing was not bad, but not good either. When making an "action" kind of AMV, use much more "impact", pretty boring when it doesn't have it. It's not good to use one scene from a game/anime for an amv, I know it is a pain to download clips, but it's worth it too be good.
    Don't overdo using the slow motion effect.