Labeling people:WRONG or RIGHT

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Daenerys Targaryen, Apr 26, 2008.


Is Labeling People Wrong OR Right

  1. YES it's fine

    4 vote(s)
  2. No its wrong to do

    25 vote(s)
  1. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Its hard to not label certain people.
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I actually disagree with BOTH of the options in the poll.

    I don't think labeling should be done. But, I also don't find it "wrong." I guess all I have to say is that "labeling" is destructive and causes people to hate eachother for reasons no one knows of, and sometimes those reasons aren't true.
  3. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    eh..its not meant to its just something were people should state their opinion on the whole subject it might be labeling the people who do but i think your just thinking to much .-.
  4. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    labeling is wrong, on the condition people are doing it maliciously.

    on the other hand, labeling in a positive sense is great. If someone's smart and excels at something, then by all means, label them as 'exceptional' or 'gifted' but do it with respect.
  5. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Firstly no one here is going to disagree it is wrong to label. But I must say I don't like how you left out other labels and judging by your avatar directly relate to you. Not trying to make a personal attack but just need to include others in you ideas. But its a part of life, its something people need to get over.
  6. DarkAnubis Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2008
    In my House
    Actually I think it depends in a lot of things, like the label, and the person you label, not everyone has problems with labels some people even like it, but then again it depends on the label no one likes being called gay or ****** or emo and stuff, but for instance nicknames are labels and some of them are OK, like my friends call me Charly.
  7. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    im gonna get so hurt for this but i put "yes."
    Im not a gay basher,
    or anything of that sort.

    Labeling is a human thing to do. It helps form memories and makes it easier to find things, create things, do just about any verb, actually.

    The frisbee is yellow.
    the car is white...
    these words are black.

    i just labeled 3 things, and no one can tell me that its wrong to do.


    there are correct ways to label, and incorrect ways to label. As Dr. Martin Luther King said, "do not label someone on the color of their skin, rather the content of their character." Substitute that for being homosexual, or emo, or something...

    If that was your question, then its wrong to label people that way^^^

    but thats only a minority compared to what people label in life. this computer is silver, the keys are white...I think those are okay things to do.
  8. DarkAnubis Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2008
    In my House
    You´re completely richt, labeling is part of our daily life, you just have to know HOW to label, it´s incorrect to say that someone is gay cause you´re mad at him but if you say he´s gay and he and you know he is it´s alright ause it´s reality. the thing is you cant hurt people feelings by labeling them, that´s when it´s wrong.
  9. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Labeling is a nessicary evil.
    It is just an intrinsic part of human nature, it is how we group and define things afterall. That being said, it is not a good thing to let how you label someone influence what you think of them seeing as how each person is different. So I mean, it really isn't a matter of right/wrong, but more how you personally handle it.
  10. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    It's only right if it's true.
  11. DarkAnubis Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2008
    In my House
    Not quite, cause even if it is true it can still hurt some ones feelings, yes its true but you still have to be considerate.
    For example there is a girl in your class thats ugly you wount start calling her ugly, or ogre or stuff just cause its true.
  12. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Well if it's true and a good thing. Like people call me the name of the girl I like, it's a good thing to me, just shows me how much I like her.
  13. DarkAnubis Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2008
    In my House
    yes but still one must think of the others feeling, i dont want it to sound sissy but its true if someoneis an emo and people bother him for that you wont start calling him stuff.
    the thing is you have to how to label, i mean when they call me by my name im being labeled, and its a good way.
  14. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    It' s only alright if it doesn't hurt the person's feelings...
  15. DarkAnubis Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 11, 2008
    In my House
    yes, that´s right
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Nah, it is pretty f'ed up, but it isn't like you can do anything about it in this day and age. Most wusses in the world prefer to fight with their mouths insted of their fists, and then they try to make themselves look so cool even though they couldn't hurt a fly. As a matter a fact, it's kinda pathetic.....
  17. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    i get labled as a hyper ****** or dip **** but it's an inside joke we have at school from the time my friends and i saw Epic Movie XDD
  18. Repliku Chaser

    I put 'no' because I gathered the question was more on stereotypes, labeling and bias due to stereotyping someone based off appearance, which I feel is wrong for the most part. I think maybe there should have been an option of 'sometimes it is a necessary evil', because though I hate stereotyping people as I feel everyone has many levels to them and is not so simple to just slap a sticker on as in 'he's gay, he's emo, he's a gang banger, she's a ****' etc, sometimes people try to 'live out' a stereotype.

    I like to dye my hair black with red streaks in it at times and wear black. I am not emo and am very clear on it. I have a neutral disposition to life, am a 'realist' instead of a pessimist and like various types of music, play sports, and don't write bad poetry. If we go by the 'label' of emo, a person has to be a variety of things as society assigns it such as a cutter, wears shaggy hair and baggy pants, goth sort of clothes, listens to aggressive music about painful life, hates people and whines a lot about how much life sucks. Even those who 'say' they are emo can't all live up to the stereotype.

    If a person is gay they aren't going to automatically go get rainbow clothes, have a fascination with pink, color their fingernails, be immaculate, talk in that passive 'gay' voice, be bishonen (if male), be a butch (if female), are also into sado-masochism or other sexual behaviors frowned on, etc. Does anyone ever fit -all- of these labels people place on gays? Doubtful.

    I could go on and on as to why I feel stereotypes themselves are wrong because they seldom dig in and get to know a person for who that person really is. Labeling a person though is kind of a necessary evil at times such as when you describe a crime scene to a police man. Was the man holding the gun white? Did he have a Hispanic accent? Was he wearing pants with his underwear showing and a Strongbad T-shirt? Was there a skinny anorexic looking girl beside him with reddened eyes? If I describe someone writing a paragraph about the person I will have to describe what that person looks like so people get an impression. If they put it in their heads however that just because I say a person is black, wears loose fitting pants and a wife beater and a bandanna that he's a ganger, that's not on me. That's on them.

    We do have to label things also as we are a people that knows some of our own kind aren't well, great people. There are those who will try to beat you up, those who bully you, those who may at any moment blow up because the world sucks and try to take you with them in their irrationality, those who get on you because you wore the same shirt two times in the same week, those who think you are stupid and hold you down, those who passively aggressively ruin your world by talking behind your back etc. Knowing that there are these kinds of people out there, labels kind of automatically spring to mind as a way to warn yourself and others that this person is bad news. Is it always right? Of course not. But I do think on some level it is rather instinctual as is prejudice. We can overcome it though and if we must use labels, at least do it with a correct assessment if we open our minds to realize people are more than they seem. However, if someone talks behind my back and others tell me some story that isn't true...I'm still going to call the person a few labels of my own, even if I know there is more to that person, because they really ticked me off.

    One thing I have taken to doing though in recent years is to say that a person is 'being' something instead of saying the person 'is' something. If I say they are 'being' a B, it doesn't mean I always think the person is, because that wouldn't be true. If I say a person IS emo, it implies the person always is emo, but if I say that he/she is 'being' emo, it means I am recognizing that the mood currently the person is in sucks to me. In this way it's kind of a mental discipline to myself to say a person can't -always- be in that state so it is a 'temporary' label that later I would remove when I'm shown later something more to go off of.

    So, labeling...sometimes is a necessity for description, sometimes investigation and to make things simple at the onset of meeting someone, that first impression if you will. However, if people don't dig further than that and just keep the label on someone because of that first impression, that's prejudice, bias and shows the person doesn't care to investigate into the matter more.
  19. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    I put yes, because some people make that image for themselves. Like goths and emos and gays. Its not that they're wrong, but the whole making fun of them thing comes along with the whole package, you know?
  20. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    Aye, people ought to stop labeling others so much.