L: change the worLd (American premire)

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Scarred Nobody, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    The final installment has come!

    L: change the worLd is the final part in the Death Note Live Action trilogy. It was released in Japan Febuary 2008; directed by the guy who directed The Ring two.

    It will release for two days; just like Death Note 1 & 2 in participating theaters. It has been announced for April 29 & 30. The only thing that is different is the way they're showing it. For the "dub-hatters" (i will hold back a tounge lashing for now) the first day will show the subbed version of the movie. On the second day, they're going to show the dubbed version.


    I'm going hopefully see it on the 30th.
  2. rgoodermote Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    In honesty the dubbings were not all that bad. Compared to other dubs. At least the mouths matched some what this time round. Probably because they hired professionals.
  3. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    i know dude it was very impressive. i really have to give them their props
  4. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Yeah, I read about this awhile ago, when searching to find out when the sencond movie was coming out on DVD, only to find out that it came out a month before. I saw a link talking about this. the 29th is the subbed version, the 30th is the dubbed. I saw the other two in theaters, first one on my birthday, it was my present. I'm hoping to see this too. Actually, when I went to the theater to see the second one, the guy said there were two more movies. I knew about this one, but apparently there will be a 4th.
  5. rgoodermote Moogle Assistant

    Jan 17, 2007
    I am unlucky ******* I live in an area that doesn't show those movies. The only movies they seem to show are the extremely popular ones (which you know most of which suck big time and I just can't understand why people watch them, I mean most if not all of them seem to be slasher flicks which by common law really have no story, well this rant is a completely different subject). I was lucky enough to reserve all 3 films at F.Y.E. like a few months early. It pays to know people.

    Actually there are ONLY 3 Death Note films.

    However they are talking about making an American remake of the movies/series.
  6. Shadow Keyblade Newbie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 9, 2007
    Thank you for posting this up I didn't know they had updated the site I had seen this Raw on youtube and this is a tight film the Japanese Actor of L will say one line in English though I can't wait to see our voice actor for L once again take the mantle as L maybe for the last time but still I wonder how the dub version will do this is actualy a violent film more so then the first two I realy like how they did this