> pre-order collector's edition of Mass Effect 3 months ago > already put $40 towards it > go to pick it up on Tuesday > sorry bro it's not here we'll call you when it's in > ... alright then > site says the store has it in stock > still haven't gotten a call back > find out gamestop only holds your order for 48 hours before they can give it away to any walk-in customer > probably won't be able to pick it up until saturday all because 'they didn't have it' when they were supposed to brb raging my face off. at least i still have the receipt. i can probably use that against them somehow. also i realize no one cares but i need to complain.
You'll have to mention to them that you still expect to get your pre-order even after the 48hrs. Heck they should be giving you a discount if they guaranteed you'd get the game on day of release. Call their office and tell them the situation.
Am I like the only one who's never had any problems with Gamestop? Seriously, I go to them for all my gaming consumption.
I've had a few issues with them, but never anything that got me to rage too hard. Costumer service wise I'd take them any day over the Play&trade beside my house, gawd they suck.
Yeah, they can only wait 2 days. My friend works there, and she even tells people to go to Fallout Games cause she knows how bad it can be.
Just yell a lot and demand to speak to the manager, seems to work 90% of the time. Of course, doing so will guarantee you're hated by all employees ever. but hey, video games, right
haha it's okay, i called them this morning and i'm picking the game up tomorrow afternoon. now i don't have to feel like i wasted 40 dollars. <3
Just a heads-up about the Collector's Edition: the case does NOT want to give you your discs, so be careful. I felt like I was going to snap the discs trying to get them out.
I had problems too, but not with Gamestop. I ordered my copy of ME3 CE from Amazon and I am finally getting my game tomorrow (it just reached my post office) BUT THAT REALLY SUCKS.
I can't get my freakin' soundtrack. Apparently "I don't own the Collector's Edition." It's sitting in front of me.
At least you guys got/getting your game. Folk that ordered ME3 from Game were left disappointed once they found out the company wasn't getting any stock in. And that was only last week.
it sucks because i've had to avoid like every site on the internet because i don't want any spoilers at all. when ME2 was coming out i read pretty much every single spoiler i could find and it kinda ruined the experience, so i don't want to do that again. also, i'm really hyped for the soundtrack and the artbook.
Yeah, heard about that. That has got to be the worst thing I've heard a game store do. Seriously, why take pre-orders when you already know you're probably not going to be able to come through with it? And you refund people with points apparently? They're just gonna want to avoid any more business with you. Yeah, try living with a brother who spent an entire day playing it. I had to leave the house or play my music loud while looking away just to avoid the spoilers. The Artbook is sick, but don't look at it until you beat the game. Kinda spoils the surprise of some characters you see.
The thing is Game is the Uks biggest game retailer and these preorders have been opened for months. Never before have I heard them not stocking up on massive game releases. I honestly feel bad for the folk that pre-ordered the CE version from Game since its impossible to buy else where (unless you're silly and loaded and decide to shop on ebay).
I WAS STUPID AND LOOKED AT SOME AND I HATE MYSELF. But some where just...THERE. I admit I watched one Garrus romance scene and I wanted to die its so sweet omg.