Well I've just started at this ^.^ Don't laugh :P ^^^^^^^^^^ Here is my first one.. Yuck... _________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here is my second one.. A bit better... __________________ Comments are appreciated!! Critisim is too.. Constructive though please! ;)
It's not bad for your first. Roxas is hard to make out, and the text needs work, but it's good for your first. Keep at it!
first one needs work.Its stramge.But IMHO i dont think the second one belongs to you. I think you just took it from someone else.Since it looks way better than the first.And it blends in more.Also as i said above,you probably just put your name and that sucky text that done blend in there.Another note is that the size is way different from when you first started.
My sigs are different sizes,a nd they all look different. Some are WAY better than others.... Anyway, Nice..=D The first one is a bit odd... I can't see the text that much, and Roxas is hard to see, as well. Try using different colors...Like I just learned of the Colro Variations tool..=D
They are good for your first time, and to be honest I like the first more, but the second is much more well done.
The first one looks like a typical beginner one. Keep at it and follow tuts to get better. And um...like Eclipse said, it's hard to believe the second one was made entirely by you. Very bad text though.
Ha, well I spent an enitire week making the second one.. The sucky text is because my text in accuality does suck ha. The reason their different sized is because my friend Jessix from the other forums told me to change the size, and she's much better at making sigs than you Eclipse. Glad you think you know everything...^.^ Thanks for the pointers though.. Next one I shouldn't make too good I guess.. Later
lol.well im not gonna start an arguement with some wannabe graphic designer.And prove that thats your tag.upload the psd so i can see it myself.If you dont,than that means you took it from someone else.As for you "friend" i have friends who actually get paid for the graphics they do.So dont go telling me about your friends when i got the best graphic designers at my side. -___-
I'm pretty sure I saw that second sig on planetrenders...... I dunno, but it looks ripped to me =/ NOT saying it IS, just looks it to me. Anyways, I like the second one, very nicely done.
Those are really good for your firsts. Looks like you resized the first one without cropping the original picture. 7/10 because the colors are fantasmic as for your second one? 10/10. :)