Kotaku Feature on Kingdom Hearts Cosplay

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix is releasing in just eight days in Japan, and while the rest of the world has to wait for a Fall 2013 release, that doesn't mean our fan community is quiet! Cosplayers are some of the most talented and dedicated figures in any fandom; with the detailed hairstyles and intricate outfits in Kingdom Hearts, we see some of the most impressive results.


    Kotaku, though a shaky source for reliable news, posted a nice round-up of some of the most awe-inspiring costumers!
    Check out more cosplays by reading the full article.

    Have we got any cosplayers here? Reply with your best photos!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Mar 6, 2013.

    1. 61
      thas cool.

      I'm not really a fan of cosplay, often times I think they just look silly.

      but some of these are okay.

      I've been seeing this one around google images for years.
      original (1).jpg

      this one looks nice.
    2. Misty
      It is hard to cosplay Kingdom Hearts especially because not only do you have the crazy Nomura designs, you also have Disney characters (like Donald & Goofy) which complicate it even further. There are some painfully bad cosplays out there but all the ones on Kotaku were really impressive (imo), especially the ones that made custom armor. @-@
    3. 61

      yeah I understand. I'm not saying that everyone sucks at it and that I could do an infinitely better job, in all honesty if I were to cosplay it would look far worse than any of those, but for me, and this is going to sound really mean but I don't intend it to be, since KH is such a cartoony thing, seeing real people in those outfits kinda offends my eyes in a way, because aesthetically it just looks so ridiculous seeing those outfits in real life on faces that look nothing like the characters, that I can't get past it at all or suspend any kind of disbelief whatsoever for me to be able to appreciate the positive aspects of their hard work.

      btw the Aqua in the OP looks really nice, I didn't notice before
    4. Misty
      That's true, I totally agree! It's the same issue that live action fantasy movies suffer from--the costumes and environments have to be extremely well-executed to look natural, and even then, some suspension of disbelief on the viewer's part is required.
    5. 61
      Exactly, and since the chances of most cosplayers having the money to fund something that looks good enough to believe is pretty much zero, and since they're trying to do something that's pretty much impossible to do well enough to actually look like the character they're cosplaying, I can forgive and understand the weirdness even if I don't like it.
    6. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      scuse you.jpg

    7. Misty
      Yeah, Gawker comment sections can be... well, like that, lol.
    8. libregkd
    9. Sumi
      they chose some pretty awesome looking cosplay designs. some are super duper impressive. : D it's cool that people put so much effort into them. the kingdom hearts community sure can put together some awesome stuff.
    10. Krowley
      Really enjoy some of the creativity and work people put into their costumes instead of just buying them. It's hard to make such outstand-ish costumes look legitimate.

      My personal favorites from the article;
    11. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Something I've noticed about KH is that when you take most of their clothes into reality, their thickness and rigidity basically dictates that they are made of rubber :P
    12. Labrys
      Yeah I agree. Some of these cosplaying are just painful to see (trying not to sound like a jerk)...... for example
      0_0 I think I'm in love [​IMG]
      I died.
    13. Misty
      I honestly don't think this one is bad at all--in fact the sword looks exceptionally well done, though it's obscured. I'm not sure I agree with the raincoat material for the shirt, but it's otherwise really good... Maybe not on par with some of the Kotaku ones but yeah. There's a lot worse out there.
    14. Cloud4012
      that's cool but what about roxas, axel, and xion
    15. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Halloween Town Org member costumes?
      Why was this never explored in games? That would've been a damn lovely treat to see, I can imagine some great costumes!
    16. Iskandar
      Why does the guy cosplaying Terra look like Brendan Fraser?
    17. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      Here are my favorites from the article:





      The Demyx and SoKai ones, I think, most perfectly captures the characters' personalities. : D
    18. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      Cosplay isn't normally my preferred department of expression to view either. but yeah, some of these are pretty neat.

      uhh... maybe THAt person should familiarize THEMSELVES with the series before making rude comments.