thank you forbes for being ahead of the curve.
"wholly unique to the world of television" And what would that be? I can think of many cerebral cartoons that came long before Avatar.
Don't forget the myriad of love triangles which instantly make relationships much more complex and interesting! admittedly tho korra gets some points in the dark department for the murder-suicide and the rotting corpse But yeah, this is total BS. Even ignoring all the other shows that did dark just as well and better long before Korra, the point about the bad guys never winning in ATLA is ass on head backwards. Did they just forget when Azula wrecked everyone's **** at the end of Book 2? Even the solar eclipse invasion ended up being a total bust lmao.
>Different than any other show >Is every anime Oh boy, intelligence is definitely present! Honestly, I knew this was a doozey the second I read "Avatar: The Last Airbender was a game-changing series for Nickelodeon." I mean, as true as that is to an extent..... That's not exactly an easy read.
*Animated drama XD Seriously though why is Korra a groundbreaking show? Unless they speak regarding western animated series which still, is not the case. The author of this article should watch Ergo proxy Wait what?
Didn't you know? Tenzin secretly deals drugs on the side. He uses his contacts in the police force to avoid detection. This might be why he has so many difficulties connecting to the spirit world.
I don't even get how they can call that the bad guys winning. That had all the drama of any of the other kids shows I watched where the bad guy wins for one episode and then gets beaten in the season finale. The original series was way ballsier for ENDING on the bad guys winning in season 2. Plus stuff like Azula being defeated is just plain dark in its own way.
I cried when I saw her at the end. I felt bad for her. Strangely that was the most heartbreaking scene in the original series for me. I still want the ending where Azula becomes reformed and lives happily with her siblings and friends.
There was so much wasted potential with Amon. But then again Bryke seemed to even forget the Equalists had a point that the Avatar and company were proving all too often. But then again, I'm of the camp that would prefer no romance at all and focus entirely on action. Because I found the Equalists and Amon interesting. Romance, especially of the teenage sort, is boring. And Mako is a tool. He's other things but I want to keep it clean. Can there be a spin off series of nothing but Equalist shenanigans please? /grumpy writer syndrome