not a yes, not a no sure we all see where this is probably gonna end up at Source:
Like it how there's not sh!tstorm here, at least. To me this is probably a pretty high signal of us seeing MGS4 on the 360, especially since, like stated, that Konami has been rolling in the multi-plat wagon for their other titles. And it'll be FF13 all over again.
Only fanboys would want the game to be exclusive, everybody should be able to play this masterpiece of a game.
i don't understand why fanboys would even care because i honestly can't see how it in any way would cause an inconvenience for them.
If it comes to the 360, I might pick it up. I've heard as many good things as bad about it, so that's why I say might. It looks pretty good, but looks can decieve.
Not all third party games should be multi-platform. Let's say a game is originally a Nintendo exclusive. Then it's built around the unique design of its controls. If you take on buttons instead of gestures, it takes away some of the feel from the game. And that's the same for when a game is a Microsoft exclusive or a Sony exclusive. It's designed around that specific system. It's like having Halo on the PS3 or worse, the Wii. It just doesn't work. And I think it's a good thing for these companies to have exclusive titles from 3rd party developers. It gives competition and actually gives reasons as to why this console might be a better choice than that console. I'm thinking of buying a PS3 because of LittleBigPlanet and Afro Samurai. I really don't want an Xbox at the moment because their library doesn't appeal to me all that much. Bottom line: We need 3rd party exclusives or there'd just be one console with everything.
Doesn't Sony own the rights to MGS 4, sorta like how Microsoft Owns the rights to Halo, but Bungie can produce any game not regarding Halo on any console
i don't think so, if i'm not mistaken, Sony didn't purchase exclusivity from Konami so Konami would be free to publish their games for any other system (even the Wii if they decide to do so)
That is correct it's just that Hideo Kojima didn't want to make the quality of MGS4 suffer by having it multiplat, much like Nomura with Versus XIII