I walk down the hall, See my friend, But there's someone else, Who is she? They're both yelling, Arguing, Curse words fly, Insults soar. Running over, My friend's on the ground, I start to yell, A crowd gathers. My ears are ringing, The stranger's yelling, I yell back, Something hits my face. Cool tile against my back, A warm liquid on my head, Vision fading, Blackout. Yeah... School issues... *shakes head* CnC please? :3
Hmm...interesting poem...suspenseful mood...definately emotion and thought process being accounted for....good poem Destiny....
Thanks, Last. ^^ Oh, and because I just noticed I may have given the wrong picture, no, that did NOT happen... That's what I believe will happen if I get involved with this issue. :/
It has a nice tone of emotion to the poem, and I must say I can agree with the message you are providing. School sucks no matter what you do with it. :/ And when I saw the title, it reminded me of my previous poem Knocked Back, Lovely.
Holy snap....this reminds me of a scenario I played in my head of what would happen if I tried to break up a fight involving a friend. Anyways. Not Bad. Very nice. More emotion than what my poem had anyway.