Kingdom Lyoko

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Mixt, Jan 28, 2008.

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  1. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    What would happen if KH characters stumbled upon the world of Lyoko? We find out when Sora and the gang get a letter from the king explaining how Tron found the Lyoko Network while exploring the data space.

    Plotline merge happens at the end of KH2 and end of CL Series 1

    My only rule for the moment is No god moding this means…

    One, don't control other characters. I'll consider it ok to say something like "John kicked Billy in the shin" but if the other person posts a defense to it, it has to be taken into account and everything after that point in the first post is negated because of the change in situation. (You must also give the other person time to react. No hit and runs)

    Two, you must have a weakness. I don’t care if you’re master programmer completely tied to the network, you must include a weak spot since trying to stop a completely impossible foe will mean the death of this RP.

    Three, don’t make a significant change to another user’s character without their permission or mine.

    I may create other rules if the need be and KHV rules also apply of course.

    You may have as many characters as you like but if a character is unused for 50 posts AND 1 week, then it is inactive and its free rain. Your character can be controlled, mutilated, anything. In other words if you neglect your character it can be godmodded against while you are still forced to abide by the rules. At double requirements (100 posts and two weeks) the character can be stolen or killed. (And I’ll keep track on this post so you’re not going to slip under the radar). On that note here is the custom character form.

    Race: {Whole, Nobody, Hearless, Other}
    Side: {Light, Dark, Nothing, or Twilight}

    If you want a charater being used by someone else go ahead and talk to them in PMs about it. It's completely doable to switch users, both people just have to agree on it.



    Aerith G.

    -Kadic Teachers

    I’ll make an archive post to keep track of everything going on. I want this to be updated at least every 100 posts or so. If anyone wants to take this job just let me know.
  2. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    can i be namine please*-
  3. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    You can be. You just need to make some plotline thing to get Namine out of Kairi. If you can't think of anything then Kairi has a similar personality, you just trade in the funky memory powers for emotions.

    BTW Sorry for the delay. I'm kind of lazy, especially when it's not all that constructive. No one is even looking at this thread really.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Kairi and Aelita, please!
  5. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    All yours Aerith

    Edit: I'll take Jeremy and Sora mostly to get this started up quicker. Anyone care to do the honors of starting?
  6. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    ooc- i can start if you want oh and if its ok can i keep riku sometimes two heads are better than one

    ic:namine woke feeling strange she looked around and saw she was standing next to a school "where am I? i thought i was gone forevfer when i merged with kairi"namine said and looked around she saw a strange blonde haired boy with glasses running towards a park "hey you there boy with glasses wait up!"namine called "can you tell me where I am please?"namine called

    riku woke up in a class room with everyone staring at him "whoa what happened"he said and saw a window and didn't recognize the scenery and he had been to alot of places trying to stop the nobodies "where am I?"riku asked

    "calm down i'm a teacher here your in kadic junior high one minute you weren't here the next you are now do you remember anything out of the ordinary happening before you got here young man?"

    "my name is Riku! and no i don't one minute i was on my home islands the next i woke up here"riku said

    "emily take riku to the infermery(sp?) please i think he may have hit his head after all he appeared out of nowhere in mid-air then fell to the ground"the teacher said

    "yes miss. come on newbie"she said

    "my name is riku and i'm fine i just want to go home but i live on another world!"

    the whole class just laughed at him
  7. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Jeremy sat at the super-computer typing away when suddenly he saw a waring on the side screen

    "Unidentified Biometric Signiture"

    But as quickly as it came it was gone. Slightly paniced he called into his headset "Aleta are you allright? Something new just entered Lyoko for a split second"
  8. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    namine looked around she heard a voice talking to a girl called aelita "hello! is anybody there?"namine shouted she could see a gigantic forest next to a huge red tower "hello is anybody in there?"she shouted but saw there was no entrance "strange"she muttered

    riku ran from the room and saw a factory "hey maybe theres something i can use in there" riku said and ran as close as he could to find a wall "heh easy i'll just scale this wall"riku said and jumped over it then ran into the factory he pressed down on the eleevator and he saw a few buttons with numbers on "hey i can work this out"riku pressed a few random numbers and the door opened he saw a funny computer "hey what is this supposed to be?"he asked stepping out of the elevator

    "riku? riku is that you?!"namine shouted she had definetly heard his
    voice but from where?

    ooc-i gotta go have a nap now see ya later
  9. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    OOC: later

    IC: "I'm Jeremy, who is this?" he called back, look at the unidentified figure next to the tower, then he added "I guess more importantly, does the name XANA mean anything to you?"
  10. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    "XANA? no why? has she dissappeared or something and bye the way i'm namine where are you? and what is that thing it looks a bit like a i don't know how to discribe it a cube with an eye in the middle and also a thing that looks like a robotic spider also with an eye anyway who are you and where are and where am i?"namine said

    "what is this thing?"riku asked and walked back to the elevator then went down again and saw a room with small booths he walked inside one and saw a wire he just touched it and it snapped and the botth doors shut and he felt some strong wind pushing up the next thing he knew he was in a place covered with ice "whoa a teleporter but how do i get back is anybody out there?!"riku shouted
  11. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "Those creatures you see are XANA's minions, and they're not exactly friendly. Run into that red tower next to you. I'll explain the rest in a minute" Jeremy watched as Riku was virtualized. Shaking his head he said "I thought I told Aelita not to install the auto virtualization process. I guess it's possable to bypass the computer's user interface." Jeremy used a few keystrokes and pulled up data from the scan. "So, Riku is it? Looks like I've got a rescue mission for you. Are you armed?"

    Note: Allmost forgat you can alter people's appearence, weaponry what not for while they are on Lyoko
  12. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    ooc:ok but no duh

    bic: "riku looked around* "yes i'm armed who wants to know"riku asked as he tried to summon the way to dawn instead he got a sword "hey this isn't my keyblade and where are you voice and what do you mean by rescue mission?"riku shouted

    namine ran into a tower as a laser narrowly missed her "what is going on here?"namine asked herself "this has to be a dream"she pinched herself and felt nothing "this really is a dream i'll wake up soon"she said
  13. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    OOC: Well some people have to be told in order to realize that, so yeah. Better to state the obvious that to have people think wrong.

    IC: "I'm Jeremy, the kid sitting at the computer you saw before jumping into the scanner. Anyway, your Lyoko being is determined the first time you enter the scanner based on subconcious desires and what got placed in the data base. I can manipulate forms by swapping the programs you use with new ones but that can take a while. Well I digress, someone else showed up in Lyoko randomly but she got cornered by some monsters. Only problem being, your in the wrong sector."
  14. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    "right so how do i get to other sectors do i have to swim in the sea or something?"riku asked

    namine for the first time looked at herself she saw she looked like a princess "i look dumb in this dream"she said suddenly the tower started to shake she stepped out to see the monsters were firing at the tower "um voice i think those things outside are trying to knock the tower down!"namine shouted

    ooc- dmmit i gotta go again "even though i'm not very tired!"i said that really loudly anyway before i get in more trouble i gotta gobye bye
  15. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    OOC: That seems to be going arround. Same thing happened to me two days ago.

    IC: "Don't worry to much about the tower. It's close to indestructable unless megatanks show up. Anyway Riku, you need to find a tower. You should be within sight of one to your left."
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Kairi looked around herself and looked at her outfit. "What the hell?" She looked like some Japanese warrior with a single sword. "Where am I? How did I get here?" She was immediately dropped to the ground, hearing the sound of a laser. "What is hell is happening?!"

    Aelita was keeping the girl she found on the ground as long as she could, protecting her from the two Crabs that appeared. "Energy Bleam!" She shouted, shooting a pink ball at the Crabs and destroying them. "Jeremy, tell me where the tower is! I need to get it as quickly as I can!"

    "Jeremy, are you here?!" Aelita shouted. "I can't hold these guys off for long!"

    "Who are you talking to?!" Kairi shouted.
  17. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "Yes I'm here" said Jeremy. "The tower is in the desert sector. I'll get you an overboard to take the girl with you"

    Sora slowly awakened in a large dome with an eye on the floor. The walls seemed to spin as Sora got to his feet "What a fall..." he said holding his head he moved closer to the wall expecting it to stop moving once his head settled but it didn't. He tried to call out his keyblade but nothing came. He was stuck waiting
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Aetila watched the overboard appeared. She jumped on, tossing the girl behind her. "By the way, I'm Aetila. Who are you?"

    "Well, Aelita, voice, I'm Kairi," she said. "What is this place?"
  19. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    "i see it jeremie was it?"riku said running inside the tower "what now?"riku asked but he slipped off the edge of the platform inside he saw lots of numbers around him then he sort of flipped and then saw namine "uh jeremie was namine the girl you were talking about?"riku asked

    "riku you're here as well?"namine asked

    "you betcha but i thought you were sealed inside kairi forever"riku said

    "so did i but i just woke up outside of here oh by the way there are strange monsters outside"namine said

    "oh yeah well i'll see you in a sec"riku said and ran outside he just started slashing a blok with his sword but didn't work then the tip of the blade hit the eye in the center and the blok blew up riku did tis too the rest of the monsters thats it namine its safe"riku shouted

    namine came out "thanks riku i thought i was a goner i'm obviously not and don't i look dumb in this princess costume?"namine said

    "no you look pretty"riku said

    namine laughed "don't let roxas here you saying that"

    "roxas isn't here though"riku said "anyway jeremie what do i have to do now
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Aelita found a tower and got off the overboard. She turned to Kairi, "Coming?"

    "Coming!" Kairi also got off the overboard and entered the tower. Walking to the edge of the platform, they fell off the edge. Kairi stared at the numbers surrounding them, then they flipped and landed on another platform. "Whoa, what is this place?"
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