Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by MasterKeyblade777, May 21, 2007.

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  1. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    My so called "friend" thinks Im childish cause I play Kingdom Hearts.
    cause it has Disney Characters.
  2. Zekushion Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007
    Mount Olympus
    Nah. The only people who know I do are my sisters and the other Table Dwellers at my college. We've had good long discussions on Kingdom Hearts and nobody bothers us about it. M-san wears a Heartless pin on her hat and I haven't seen anyone mock her for it.
  3. Got-It-Memorized? Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007
    I don't really tell many people that I play it.
    I've mentioned that I play it to my friend but she didn't laugh, I think she wasn't really interested though...
  4. MasterKeyblade777 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 11, 2007
    Dude, that's excatly what I go through to!:eek: I'm in 7th and 12, and I only tell my best friends. But some how other people find out. Thanks for telling me.:)
  5. Thir13en King's Apprentice

    I really don't tell anyone. If they see the game lying around, thats fine. Also I have a KH background on my laptop and I get made fun of to the point of me changing it everytime I go there. They may not sound like friends but they are. Even my girlfriend (I'm a GUY) knows I play and she doesn't care, she actually fell in love with Demyx after one cutscene.

    I have friends that play the game to that are mocked so we just play it at each others houses every once n a while
  6. ラクシーヌ Banned

    May 18, 2007
    Unless they bring it up, I do not tell anyoneabout me liking Kingdom Hearts, it is not that I do not want anyone else to know, it is because my friends are usually talking about something else, and I do not want to change the subject.
  7. Member13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 1, 2007
    Betwixt and Between
    Some of my friends like to play it too, but my brother always makes fun of me because I love kingdom hearts but am only 11, its not like im an old man or anything and he used to like stuff like this when he was little.
  8. kaiserdrake Guest

    Yeah,my friends tease me too abut kh because there are disney characters in it.But i think that's what makes the game special.What do you think about it?
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    my friends go "oh some relation of final fantasy? sounds good" then i tell them about the Disney connection and they look at me funny and edge away........i try not to talk about it.........
  10. BirthBySleep Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
    Stoke-on-Trent, England
    Hardly anyone's heard of it in England X|
    But the majority of people who do know what it is have played it so it's good :D
    However when I first started playing there were a couple of people who knew who it was who'd never played it assumed I was gay because I liked something Disney :confused: but yeah, haven't really had that much stick for it...
  11. Veridal Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 9, 2007
    my friends don't like rpgs so I'm always trying to explain then how they're special.... but they still don't get it =_=
  12. MasterKeyblade777 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 11, 2007

    Hey, take it easy.:cool: Revenge is bad, look what it did to Peter Parker! But still those guys are messed up. Just ignore them and move along...

    "Move Along" by All American Rejects:D
  13. kairi_namine__sora_roxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 28, 2006
    Hmmm...I've gotten teased about liking alot of stuff. At one point, my friends teased me because I like Harry Potter. But little did they know that exactly a year after that they would become more obssesed than me...*shakes head*
    Sometimes people make fun of me because of my obssesion with anime...but that's dull now.

    But...I don't think I've ever been made fun of for play KH. I first played it over one of my friends house, I have 2 friends whose brothers play KH, and my other friend...well, her dad plays. -_-;
    Anyway, my answer is no. :P
  14. Gravity Chaser

    Nov 5, 2006
    Blomps are for the soul... <3
    Nobody has ever bothered me about it...rather, we get into long-winded discussions over bossbattles and the like. I can see why some people would get teased for it, though...
  15. RoxaSoraGirl Traverse Town Homebody

    May 20, 2007
    YES. I really do have that problemo.
    Even my best friends didn't talk to me for a week and a half because they decided that I was immature because I play KH and am a Sora fangirl (erm, Roxas, too). We're okay now, one of my bffs has CoM and we talk barely about it sometimes, and the other one...well the other one doesn't count anymore because she's considering going out with a guy that she knows I like- and she doesn't care.
    That's why I make AMVs and have a YouTube account- because I have more friends like me- I mean like CLONES of me, and it makes me feel better to know that they don't hurt me the way my best friends did when they decided that I was too immature (to be honest, I thought they were growing up too fast and they were pretty much trying to control my life. I had to spill I bunch on my personal secrets to them, it was the only way to explain why I'm so immature sometimes). :(
  16. Meh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 12, 2007
    I'm not teased for playing KH2. Not a lot of people care. Except there was this one time when me and my friend went kinda crazy talking about it...I won't expand on that.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    No one bothers me about playing KH. Then again, I am not in school either and in college a lot of the silly need to fit in and stereotype stuff goes down dramatically. If people get on me for something that they consider 'kiddish' I tell them that it isn't so mature really to me to be out getting wasted and complaining how I'll never drink again while worshipping the porcelain god either, or making up drama to get attention because that's what happens on TV. Most people have learned to just leave me be or they go out and get what I like after I say it's good. I can't even number how many people I've gotten to play KH. In the end, it sucks that some people get made fun of for things, but in the end, other people's opinions shouldn't deter people from doing what they enjoy. School people are not going to always be there.
  18. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    No. I fear I will be.

    My friends all hate Kingdom Hearts and all Anime. They think it is stupid.

    I really like my friends though. A lot of stuff happened before I could tell them I like it, and I'm in too deep now, so I can't.

    Only two people outside of my family know; a girl I met at my summer camp who I saw reading a KH manga and talk to online all the time now, and a kid at school who I also saw reading a KH manga.


    They both call it "My affair".

    So I'll be having with a boss and they'll be like "what's wrong?"

    "affair problems"


  19. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    You haven't seen my computer...It's sad how much Kingdom Hearts stuff I have on there. 90% is of KH, and I have over a million files on that thing =3.

    Hmm. Well, I'm constantly talking about it, always mentioning it and quoting it, always playing it...I'm your average obsessee. Plus I make AMVs, I spent three months on my latest one (The Bird and The Worm =3).

    Some of my friends are fans (I got them into it, most likely), some of them don't know what it is, some of them hate it. I know it bugs everyone when I constantly talk about it, but I can't really stop anymore XD...Anyway, they do sometimes pick on me or talk about how obsessed I am, but it doesn't bother me and it's usually just playful stuff, you know? It actually makes me feel good that I'm such a devoted fan, in most cases.
  20. Shining Soul Moogle Assistant

    Jul 11, 2007
    Yes...only by one guy. He actually hates all Square-like games and anime. But luckily, his friend is warming up to KH, so I'm allright.
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