For those unaware, The PC Browser gam has begun it's OBT today, and released some cool new features since it's Closed Beta Test.
New features include a helpful tutorial, cutscenes, new cards, story quests, and even some new heartless! Famitsu has posted an article to summarize the game's experience which has been translated by goldplanner for all you english speakers. It cen be read below.
And now for some of the goodies from the OBT...
First off, the game now features some handy teachngs and rewards to start you off. One of the cool features of the tutorial is the station of awakening portion, which will allow you to select a union. Players are given the choice to choose between 1 of 5 animals; a Unicorn, a Fox, a Lion, a Snake, and a Bear. Depending on which animal you chose, a wise looking masked man known as "The Foreteller" will appear throughout your journey with the mask resembling your choice. Once in a union, you will team up and compete with other players in order to gain as much "LUX" for your team as possible.
The five unions are Anguis, (Snake) Leopardos, (Leopard) Unicornis, (Unicorn) Ursus, (Bear) and Vulpeus. (Fox) The images of each foreteller can be seen below.Next, we have some of the new heartless. The first two can be found in Dwarf Woodlands; The Achoo Mole, and the Jewelry bag. The third new addition can be found in Wonderland, know as the Flower Rider.Another new feature is te moogle that occasionally pops from a treasure chest you find. It gives ou opportunities to get more rare cards.Here's a picture of Chirishii. The small, little minion of the foreteller. They help guide you as the moogles did in the past.Like the CBT, I only know so much...If you have some information and screenshots to share, do feel free to share them!
Kingdom Hearts X[chi] Open Beta Test + Info
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jul 8, 2013.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jul 8, 2013.
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