Kingdom Hearts: W7FHAX Style

Discussion in 'Archives' started by W7F, Aug 11, 2007.

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  1. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    LOL, it's okay.

    Did you say that there's a few new chapters? *Goes to look anyway.*

    Call me Theb, by the way. I hate it when people call me Bazilly.
  2. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Not chapters, paragraphs, lol.

    Theb? Sure thing. Wait... Then WTF is a Bazilly?

    I am officially typing, right now. Well, I'm typing these words right now, but I mean I'm typing my story. Not right now, I'm posting right now, I'm about to start posting. Wait... The ****!? God, I just confused myself.

    'Kay, I'll try again. After I'm done posting this, I'll begin typing my story. Yes! Sounds right. I guess I'll go do that now.

    P.S.: About that 2 page report on Ivory? After the first full page of bsing, I decided I'd better stop. Why write 2 pages of it, if she won't even grade it, since all I did was repeat myself? Heh.
  3. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    A Bazilly isn't anything. My name isn't The-baz-ill-y, it's Theb-a-zill-y, that's why I don't like it when people call me Bazilly. ^^

    *Goes to check on new paragraphs/chapters.*
  4. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL


    So that's why there's no space in your UN...

    EDIT: Its 12:15 a.m. (where I live) right now, and I've been typing for quite a bit. I don't have THAT much done, because I've been watching the awesomely talented (and hot) Kate Beckinsale slaughter Werewolves and Vampires alike in Underworld. I'm really tired, sooo... I'm gonna take a catnap. At around 3-ish, I'll crawl back to my comp and type and post. 'Kays?
  5. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    Indeed it is. :P

    'Kay. It's about three hours later, isn't it? But you're probably snoring. ^^ I couldn't wake myself up at 3 AM, even if I wanted to.
  6. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    *tries to get out of bed, at 11:00 a.m., and faceplants.* I crawl to the kitchen, and open the 'fridge. Grab 3 Red Bulls, and pull myself off the floor.*

    WTF happened...?

    *Shuffles to the comp, plops down, and pops open one can. Chuggs it. Opens new one, and hops onto kh-vids.*

    All duh above is true story. I wouldn't lie to yuz guys. I dun know what the hell happened. Lyke, I'm STILL the only one awake in the house. Everybody is snoring. I guess we partied to hard last night. Soo... Jus' to let you know, I didn't get much done. I'm not even going to give a time when I will post sh!t, 'cuz obviously I'm bad at deadlines. 5th or 6th one I haven't filled. Just... Sometime soon.
  7. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    Good morning! ^^

    It's okay about the updates. Sleep is definitely more important. But this is coming from a girl who gets grouchy when she's woken up before 12 hours of sleep. ^^;
  8. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    I want the new chapter.
  9. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    ^same here :D^
  10. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    It's really good (and long) Keep it up =D
  11. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Lyke, hai?

    I know, I know. Its been forever since I've done anything to this. I'm just swamped with **** from school. I'm failing 2 classes right now, and I'm currently doing a bunch of make-up crapola to get at least a C- by the time its Progress Reports, which just so happens to be this coming week. So... I'm almost done with all of the stuff I need to turn in for English and AP WH, so there's a large, LARGE, Jaimungo (did I say large?) chance (99.999999% chance) that this thingie will get a nice lil' update today. Alright, I'll be more specific. The second I get home from one of my biweekly 'family fun' shopping trips (*kills self*), I'll be typing fuiously. I had a dream last night.... We'll see how this turns out. I bumped this thread now, so you guys can skim the last part, to catch up ('cuz a wee bit of time has passed since this thing was buried). Alright, c ya' guys... around 5 Eastern Time? On noes... I gave myself anuthuh deadline.

    EDIT: Well... Uh... It didn't happen. That .0000000000000001% chance kicked in. Our shopping expedition lasted until 9 p.m. Eastern Time. Sooo.... All I had time to do, was finish my homework, and now I have to go to bed. I'll just wake up extra early tomorrow and update. Sorry.
  12. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    Hurrayz for updates!
  13. Kelly Killz Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 15, 2007
    Wherever there's a cupcake.
    I officially dislike your family shopping trips now. But I think I can w8 until morning. I've had to w8 this long. Lol, j/k. Take your time. - But not too much time. Its been a long time, dont'cha kno'?
  14. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    From this time on, I am no longer leting you guyz know beforehand when the next update's gunna happen. 'Cuz every time I do, it doesn't happen. :(

    But, this time, I know for a fact, that I'll begin typing as soon as I'm done posting this. I told my parents this was a homework assignment :P. They don't understand 3/4's of the things that I have to do for school these days, so its not like they are going to check it. All they have to do is see me doing something, and they are satisfied. Heh. Anywayz, its starting to look like Ch. 8 will be a long one. I'll also be dropping a few more hints on the mysterous group of dudes plaguing Sora, Kairi, and Riku. Well, they won't exactly be hints. Anywayz... To work!

    Yumm... Mike & Ike...
  15. Zexion13 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 11, 2007
    Inside this computer.
    You are.....interesting to say the least. Even when not writing a story, you always seem to have one.^^

    To the short, but sweet update, it quenched my thirst for a little longer. Though, I guess I can't really say sweet, because it wasn't sweet. It was more like well written. I would give it either a Riku's-attitude-made-me-laugh-at-the-other-characters, or a poor-Riku-being locked-up-like-that. I can't decide.
  16. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    My life is a swirling abyss - No I'm not emo. XD

    But srsly, my life is a swirling abyss of stories. A few are not me, even more are fake, and a couple are hidden from view. But, yeah. Sorry it was so short. Sorry for what I'm doing to Riku (this was directed at Kelly, she's a Riku fan-girl). I have a lot more planned out then what I put up, but I was just too tired last night. I probably won't get to put up anything more tonight, 'cuz I already know in advance that I will have a lot of homework. Sooo... yeah.
  17. Kelly Killz Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 15, 2007
    Wherever there's a cupcake.
    At the Green: This made me laugh harder than I have in a while.

    At the Orange: Wow... Coming from you, that was deep. Worthy of a personal quote cuz'n.

    At the Pink-ish: I AM NOT A RIKU FAN GIRL!!!! **Throws Riku plushies into closet**

    At the Light Blue: U mean today? Aww... I was hoping for a little more. Even those few paragraphs you threw up were great. I still don't like what you've done to Riku so far. Do you hate him or something? What!? No warnings from now on? Does that include the PMs? I sure hope not. If it does, I'll be checking this sie twice as often as I have been. Which isn't good, by the way.
  18. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    Updatez? *Reads.*

    Yay! Updatez! Glad to see that Riku is his same old self. ^^
  19. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Lol, Kelly. In answer to your many questions...

    I will try to continue to pm u whenever I update. Its just I keep forgetting. the list of ppl I need to pm isn't helping. I'll write it on my arm now...

    Do I hate Riku? He's my... *counts on fingers* 4th fav. character, behind Axel, Roxas, and Zexion. He's ust fun to put in a predicament like this. But, because of this situation, it will cause something else to happen in the future... O.o a hint has been dropped, and will be expanded upon l8r. Look for teh clues! ROFL, reminds me of the back of the Lucky Charms cereal boxes.

    Erm... quote worthy? I dun think so. I just said what came to mind.

    Well, now I have to help My sis with her homework, so I can't type much now, but I'll try to do a wee bit more afterwards. Check back within an hour/2 hours after this post. It'll probably be sooner than that though. Oh, and Kelly... No matter what you say, I've seen your bedroom... You IZ a Riku fan girl...

    EDIT: Lol @ thebby (can I call you that?). Yep. Riku's still Riku. Even after injecting things into his brain that will soon begin to take over his-...

    Oh ****...
  20. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    Whatev. I don't care what you call me, as long as it's not rude or Bazilly.

    *Puppy dog face.* W-What are you going to do to Riku? *Is also fangurl.*
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