Kingdom Hearts VIsual Art Book Release Date changed

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, been a while since news came up, but we'll start with the earlier news first.

    First of all, it seems as though the next installment of Kingdom Hearts Visual Art Book will be hitting stores a bit later then expected, it seems to have been pushed back to May 31st, though, the KH2FM+ Ultimania still going to hit the market at May 2nd. Expect some good extra content then.

    Edit: The Novel Translations were removed under the request of Manda-chan ^^ I apologize big time Manda-chan!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 14, 2007.

    1. Adeli
      Yes, she IS a foreigner. -_- Don't be so harsh on her, I'm sure her Chinese is much much better than her English [which makes me wish she translated into Chinese instead so she doesn't have to put up with ingrates like you. Honestly! She's already said her English is no good, do you have to rub it in?].
    2. ThunderOfLarxene
      manda-chan is great but shes just writen a journal explaining this, apprently she didnt get asked permission, and has asked for it to be removed.<< her journal explains this
    3. PopTartAddict
      As mandachan tells all.

      To Adeli: ...she's a foreigner....I repeat: What the hell is she doing translating it into ENGLISH? If it's bad she shouldn't be translating it into that language! I do like mandachan, her artwork is amazing, but if she was translating it...shouldn't it be to Chinese?
      And, reading her journal entry, even she says her English is bad; she made mistakes.
      EDIT: Here is an after thought, to make my point a tad clearer; If you were terrible at wouldn't join an AP class for that subject, yes? Yes.
      Same concept for this.
    4. Darkvincent
      pretty kol i hope they make more.............and manda-chan did a kol job in translation
    5. An Avenger Dreams
      An Avenger Dreams
      Damn, that novel sounds really good.. can't wait 'til the rest of it someout in translated form.. o_o
    6. Liekosulfr
    7. Tantrix187

      No she wants first that this gets deleted and the admins should ask for her permission.

      I wouldn't mind that by my works,but people are different ;)
    8. Liekosulfr
      *shifty eyes*
      Same thing. XD;
      I'll make an edit.
    9. lycoris_moon29
      Manda-chan said at least wait for her to finish translating it and fix her English. Then ask her permission.
    10. Adeli

      *snort* She translates it to English cause MOST OF HER WATCHERS ARE ENGLISH SPEAKERS??

      And bad example. I would join an AP class because such a class would push me to reach for a higher standard. Even the worst in a class like that is better than the worst in normal classes.
    11. PopTartAddict
      To Adeli (damn you quote button!): Okay, point taken. ENGLISH WATCHERS.
      That however does NOT excuse bad English. Okay, so what we all read was a rough draft of sorts, and they are bound to be mistakes; it doesn't matter how many. And yes, she will probably fix them all. But that version was not the one that was posted and the mistakes were there.
      Reminds me (don't know how) of something our band director tells us. (Rephrased) 'If you make a mistake on stage, playing, and the parent stands up clapping saying, 'oh look! How cute!' That's not right. He/she knows what he/she did and they have to FIX it. It's not cute. '
      Okay, yeah, you were able to get the general idea of it, and thinking...that's what really matters. It was just...not hard or painful...just...iffish to get to it.
      So middle ground in this...sorta: It had mistakes...but it was a translation for her English watchers. (An incomplete one, too. There is still one more part, I belive, and she has to edit it; according to the journal.) And now hopefully this matter is resolved, because I DID say some...not necessarily incorrect things...non-merit able (or however it's spelled) answers. And also answers that had no thought behind them. Non-thinking answers. (same thing) But it's okay; opinions are opinions and are not the end of the world.
      P.S Worst if still worst no matter where it is. Last chair in a band is last chair in that band...first chair in the band below it is first chair in the band below it. They may be of near equal skill but it does not change the fact that on is considered lowest and one highest. Also does not change the fact of the term 'worst'.
      That made almost no sense. But I'll leave it to confuse me.
    12. Fallnbroknwings
      Thanks again for the translation, it was manageable =] I appreciate it. :)

      Although, somehow I never got this, but how did Roxas get into the organization?

      Did Roxas get put into Twilight Town when he was "born" and then get recruited by Xemnas? Or did he meet Axel first and then he came into the Organization?