Kingdom Hearts: Twilight's Darkness

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Twilight_Nobody13, Apr 17, 2011.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Several centuries ago, the first of many Keyblade Wars was fought under the rule of the Twilight King. A story no one has ever told before. The Twilight King, Neo, and his parents the God of Destruction, Enoch, and the Goddess of Peace, Apollimi, created a world in which mortals could live in peace and harmony. Their land was known as Haven.
    But when Enoch discovered the power of the Heart of all Worlds, he craved that power and sought it out. Kingdom Hearts was created in several different worlds but in the Haven...a darker power was formed. The Darkness of Kingdom Hearts overcame the light within it and formed only twilight. They called it the Dark Side of Kingdom Hearts. Apollimi and Enoch, by order of their King and son, Neo, gave the people of Haven the power to wield a sword called the Keyblade when they came of age and embued each Keyblade with a personality and mind of their own, enabling them to be able to communicate with their wielders.
    There was no rest for Neo as he fretted over the power he'd given his subjects and now their rising hatred of his reign. Out of terror, a Keyblade Master named Martel, gathered together many Keyblade wielders and rose up against their Twilight King. Martel claimed he forced them to use Darkness and she would teach them the way of Light. A small battle ensured and Martel fled with many wielders to the land far north of Haven's City of Twilight where she taught her followers of the Light and was revered as their new Queen. Martel named her new home and city Lumini where only Light shone in the streets.
    Neo and Martel clashed with both boundaries and ideals. With Enoch and Apollimi on Neo's side, Martel's city of Light was cast into the dark shadow of Haven. With Neo pushing his followers toward war, many of the citizens of Haven allowed Darkness to rule their hearts and the denizens of Lumini let the Light shine within them.

    NOW-- Your story begins on the brink of this war. Each side has it's own inner conflicts and side to the history and future. As either Keyblade wielder of Haven or Lumini, Darkness or Light, each will meet with the other.

    Lumini:-- A land of Light where Martel's blessings go with every citizen. This city lacks some of the more refined and technological advancements, but it has enough to make life simple and yet challenging.

    Haven:--A large city that is forever basking in the shadow of the Castle of Twilight. Darkness rules supreme in the hearts of the citizens, though it changes very little in how they see their King. A King who they love with all their dark embued hearts. Haven's citizens have only the finest tools and improvements that they can ask for.

    1. No God-Modding, Power Playing or killing another's character without their approval and mine.
    2. Keep violence and all others to PG-13 (there are younger people who frequent on here)
    3. Follow the Roleplay Section rules
    4. No spamming.
    5. In your first post please put "Long live the Twilight King" if you've read the rules.
    6. No flaming. If you have a problem with someone else take it outside of the RP.
    7. You cannot control another user's character without their permission.
    8. If you take more then 4 days to reply to someone, that person is allowed to skip past you instead of waiting.
    9. Be realistic in at least terms of Kingdom Hearts. I don't want someone in the middle of a battle suddenly teleport away and be fighting another person in a different world.
    10. Feel free to be creative in being dramatic or as evil as you want. The storyline is not set in stone and doesn't completely revolve around the King and his war.
    11. No yaoi/yuri (for the younger one's sakes)
    12. At least five lines in your post. If all else fails be despcriptive. I don't want a lot of posts with one liners. I'll let it slid a few times but continued I will give you a warning.
    13. You may have up to five characters. If you want more, PM me and I'll consider it.
    14. Relationships are encouraged, just keep it PG-13
    15. Have fun. :)

    King Neo, Martel, Enoch and Apollimi are all controlled by me.

    Character Sheet Layout:
    Appearance: (pictures are nice, but a written description is just fine)
    Race: (Human, Heartless, Nobody)
    Side: (Light or Dark or even inbetween)
    Class: (Keyblade warrior, Defender -like Goofy-, Mage, Summoner, ect.)
    Weapon: (It doesn't need to be a Keyblade; can be anything you like)
    Other: (other things that you believe are important that are not listed above.)

    My characters:
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Ash Novella
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Side: Dark
    Class: Keyblade Warrior
    Weapon: Sharpflash:
    Bio: Ash has been Neo's best friend since the King was a young boy. His loyalty in his King has never faultered and now he commands most of Neo's dark army. Though Ash's mind wanders often, he's a reliable person when it comes to defending his friends and beliefs. Most would say Ash is rather bland as he doesn't disobey his King without good reason or the order was not given.
    Other:Ash's famous attack, Whip-Lash-Fire is often used as a form of Collision Magnet where fire wraps around the opponent and hurls them into another object.

    Name: Alice
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Race: Human
    Side: Light
    Class: Keyblade Warrior
    Weapon: Sunburst:
    Bio: Alice follows Martel's orders with a strict whip. Alice's mood varies from kind and gentle to a sort of sadistic rage. Alice holds a growing love/hate relationship with Ash.

    Name: Adrien
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Side: Light
    Class: Keyblade Warrior
    Weapon: Nightmare:
    Bio: Adrien's often confused about his belief. Neo has been his King for years and yet the Light is something he treasures. As a kind young man, Adrien is always looking for that special someone to tell him what's right and wrong. He values what his Keyblade says above what Martel tells them.

    Name: Xenree
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Black shoulder length hair, silver eyes, wears and Organization XIII coat.
    Race: Nobody
    Side: Dark
    Class: Summoner
    Weapon: Dark Void:
    Bio: Xenree loaths all life and holds her summoning skills as a great power. She rarely calls upon the aid of her summons, leaving her to seem less like a summoner and more like a warrior. She's kept herself near Neo since the beginning of the war.
    Other: Xenree keeps her coat on to hide a secret she keeps.

    Accepted OC's:

    Username: Monochrome
    Name: Lynn
    Age: Appears to be in her early teens, around 14 or so.
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG] (Expect no blindfold and with dark, blank eyes.)
    Race: Human(?)
    Side: In-between
    Class: Mage
    Weapon: For some reason she can use magic without any weapons.
    Bio: Most of her memories are forgotten. All she remembers is that there was someone really close to her but she cannot even remember if they were a male or female. She also vaguely remembers being completely scared of something or someone.. She woke up randomly in Haven, lost and confused with flashes of her past flashing before her eyes but otherwise she knew nothing. Only awoke in the city the day before this rp starts so has yet to make any progress in her story.
    Other: No matter how good a lock it, it never seems to work around her. And, also, long live the twilight king.


    Username: sora is cute
    Name: Faya Blen
    Age: 17
    Gender: female

    Uploaded with
    Race: Human
    Side: In-Between(Though sides more with the light)
    Class: Karma Gypsy
    Weapon: Karma Arms
    Bio: Stolen from her caravan by some scientists and doctors, she was tested on her arms to see if it was possible to genetically alter humans to become stronger. That failed and it cost the use of Faya’s arms. As the dancer, this became a problem, but she slowly started to keep her show going once more. But she still has a fear of doctors, scientists, and the constant waiting in a white room with only a ticking white clock didn’t do good on her either. She found her old caravan after a month of travelling, and they treated her wounds to work up her sanity again. She’s still a bit off, but her true nature comes from her dances.
    Other: As she moves, her bangles on her arms and feet constantly jingle, usually meant to draw a crowd. Her arms are disabled, and her right eye was affected by the numerous amounts of tests preformed on her. She relies on her Karma arms to be able to pick anything up. She doesn't care if the Twilight King lives long, as long as she feeds her caravan she is fine.


    Username: Cat<3 Sora
    Name: Cat
    Age: around 15 or 16
    Gender: Female
    (just like that, accesories and wings and all...)
    Race:She doesn't know though she assumes that she's human
    Side: Wanders between Haven and Lumini searching for a reason to fight... A reason to die for something
    Class: Keyblade Warrior
    Weapon: No Name though occasionally she's also been able to summon the Two Across to dual wield. When it's summoned happens randomly though.
    Bio: She's never had a place to call home or a family to care about. She named herself and looks after herself. She was able to summon the No Name while traveling between Light and Dark one day and when she found out what it was called she knew it was almost MADE for her... she searches for something worth fighting for and tries to find out more about her mysterious past. (she's wandering before the rp starts but at the moment she's currently wandering through Haven)
  2. Seasloth Moogle Assistant

    Apr 11, 2011
    in wonderland
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Username: Monochrome
    Name: Lynn
    Age: Appears to be in her early teens, around 14 or so.
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG] (Expect no blindfold and with dark, blank eyes.)
    Race: Human(?)
    Side: In-between
    Class: Mage
    Weapon: For some reason she can use magic without any weapons.
    Bio: Most of her memories are forgotten. All she remembers is that there was someone really close to her but she cannot even remember if they were a male or female. She also vaguely remembers being completely scared of something or someone.. She woke up randomly in Haven, lost and confused with flashes of her past flashing before her eyes but otherwise she knew nothing. Only awoke in the city the day before this rp starts so has yet to make any progress in her story.
    Other: No matter how good a lock it, it never seems to work around her. And, also, long live the twilight king.

    Omg... Lynn was first created in a KH rp but it has been a really long time since her last kh role... Maybe this is her big comeback... I hope so. Means this rp shall be a long and nice one.

    I hope I didn't mess up. If I need to fix anything just tell me and I shall.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Very nice. Just one thing. Rule number 5. Then it will be accepted. <3
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Oh, yeah... I knew I was missing something... Okay, fixed it. <3
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Thanks, you're in. But I think that was obvious.
  7. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Username: sora is cute
    Name: Faya Blen
    Age: 17
    Gender: female

    Uploaded with
    Race: Human
    Side: In-Between(Though sides more with the light)
    Class: Karma Gypsy
    Weapon: Karma Arms
    Bio: Stolen from her caravan by some scientists and doctors, she was tested on her arms to see if it was possible to genetically alter humans to become stronger. That failed and it cost the use of Faya’s arms. As the dancer, this became a problem, but she slowly started to keep her show going once more. But she still has a fear of doctors, scientists, and the constant waiting in a white room with only a ticking white clock didn’t do good on her either. She found her old caravan after a month of travelling, and they treated her wounds to work up her sanity again. She’s still a bit off, but her true nature comes from her dances.
    Other: As she moves, her bangles on her arms and feet constantly jingle, usually meant to draw a crowd. Her arms are disabled, and her right eye was affected by the numerous amounts of tests preformed on her. She relies on her Karma arms to be able to pick anything up. She doesn't care if the Twilight King lives long, as long as she feeds her caravan she is fine.
  8. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Username: Cat<3 Sora
    Name: Cat
    Age: around 15 or 16
    Gender: Female
    (just like that, accesories and wings and all...)
    Race:She doesn't know though she assumes that she's human
    Side: Wanders between Haven and Lumini searching for a reason to fight... A reason to die for something
    Class: Keyblade Warrior
    Weapon: No Name though occasionally she's also been able to summon the Two Across to dual wield. When it's summoned happens randomly though.
    Bio: She's never had a place to call home or a family to care about. She named herself and looks after herself. She was able to summon the No Name while traveling between Light and Dark one day and when she found out what it was called she knew it was almost MADE for her... she searches for something worth fighting for and tries to find out more about her mysterious past. (she's wandering before the rp starts but at the moment she's currently wandering through Haven)

    Oh and one last thing, Long live the Twilight King!!!

    So... Am I in old buddy?
    If i gotta change anything let me kno, kay?
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    You two are good. Accepted! I think I'll wait for a few more before we start. If you guys could tell your friends (lol I'm not sure how that's funny...I hear it a lot) I could use some more people on the Light side.

    Oh, and I think it's obvious but if not, the people on the Dark side start in Haven, Light starts in Lumini and everyone inbetween can start wherever.
  10. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Just tell me when we're startin'. I wanna do another RP, i mean its been forever and mine is long since dead and gone... :(
  11. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Long live the Twilight King

    Username: AwkwardFailure
    Name: Max
    Age: 17
    Appearance: (pictures are nice, but a written description is just fine) In here
    Race: (Human, Heartless, Nobody) Human
    Side: (Light or Dark or even inbetween) Light
    Class: Warrior
    Weapon: The sword shown in the picture, and if ranged he uses a pistol.
    Bio: He grew up being raised in the darkness, but at the age of 10 could not take it anymore and ran away from Haven. He stole his fathers sword and his brothers pistol. For many years he lived out on his own, searching for the light he needed. For a few years sometimes he ran into old people from the light, who would challenge him. Although he had never killed anybody, since on his first day out alone he had killed an innocent animal with a pistol, so he refuses to injure, or kill his enemies in combat. One day at the age of 13 while sitting out in the woods by a fire on a cold night he sensed somebody watching him. Soon, as Max would've suspected, out came a boy, but for once, a person he met didn't challenge him. He got taken over to Lumini, and learned their ways of culture, and nowadays being older he is allowed to go off, searching and wandering. He still looks up to the boy, now a man, who had rescued him.
    Other: Nobody has ever seen his eyes, which remain a mystery to many. The reason he has many scars is because of as stated as a child, and he loves a good battle, so therefore picks a lot of fights. He normally wields fire, and in tough situations he'll bring out his true light.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Accepted. Nice bio, it caught my interest easily.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Think we'd be able to start by the end of today or do you still desire more people?
  14. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    My thoughts exactly.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    We shall start at the end of today. I'll edit this with an actual response sometime after school. But today we will start. If you guys want to post with a little bit of who your characters are and such you can.
  16. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Al righty then... im just gonna start some inner monologue then...

    "I feel like ive been walking for ages... i havent seen anyone in so long but still... it feels... odd. Like someone has been following me this whole time."
    Cat turned around and summoned No Name. These days you could never be too sure whether someone(thing) was following you.
    "Whatever you are, come out now! Im damn tired of being stalked and you might be a nice punching bag for me to practice on..."
    She smiled at that last remark and looked around, sure that a group of Heartless or Nobodies would show up at any second for het to fight. Just then a few Neoshadows appeared and she charged in head first, the only way she knew how to start any fight...

    OOC: That good?
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Darkness. Never ending darkness to every side of her. It was a maze with no exit. A prison with no bars. No sound, no color, nothing. How did she ever find the light? It led her here, to this town. Haven they called it. She was lucky just to get its name though, as no one stopped to listen to her. Only from papers did she get any useful information.

    Since first waking here in this unknown land the day before she had stayed to herself after finding no one friendly and stuck herself in alleyways and the like to stay out of the way. Only now did she find herself in an inn, having stolen a pouch of money from someone paying no attention to the world around himself.

    She had just awoken from a dream, not caring what time of day it was, and was trying to recall what had happened in said dream.

    The maze... No one was there... But then why, why do I see someone whenever I close my eyes? Who is he, or her, and why do I see them everywhere? She thought of this as she got to her feet and looked in the bathroom mirror. Dead eyes stared back at her.

    Lynn was the name she had given herself, because it sounded...right. But... Perhaps it was that person's name and not her own. Who knew. With a defeated sigh she gave up trying to recall that lost dream and headed downstairs to the tavern part of the inn.

    ooc - sorry if I rambled. Kinda inspired by this... Well, not kinda; very inspired.
  18. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    OOC: You have a right to be inspired. You do some great RPing and you add in plenty of mystery... My kinda style indeed...
  19. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    OOC: Your really amazing at RPing, you honestly add so much detail and such to your posts it makes me feel like I am there..and it takes a lot for me to feel like I'm there.

    The mans weapon clattered on the floor, and he dropped to the ground, knocked unconscious by the force he hit his head. Max walked up and examined him, not permanent, but at least a few hours guaranteed. Max looked around and lowered himself to the ground, taking what looked like an oversize handkerchief out of his pocket. He put it around the mans bullet wound, and as he made it tighter when he tied it the man winced in his sleep. Max smirked, got up, and walked away.
    He found a path along the forest, and started walking along it. He started moving a bit faster, anxious to get back quickly. He almost forgot he was still holding his pistol, so he simply reloaded it and put it back into it's case, buckling the case shut for good measure. I still don't get why I fight the enemy..then just tie up there wounds and walk away. Why can't I have the guts to kill them? he looked at a watch he stole over from Haven, and saw he should have been back by now. After all, he had to help make meals today. He broke out into a sprint, kicking up sand behind him as he ran.
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    ooc: Nice start everyone. <3


    Twilight covered most of Haven most of the time during the day and when night was pitch dark. Most of this was due to the looming black castle that blocked the sun with it's height. The Twilight Castle. A place that frightened small children from it's horrifying stories and gave young men the courage to take Neo's gift and hold it proudly. A dark palace that held the only King to rule Haven. King Neo, the man who'd created Haven, sat slumped into his throne chair. Though he gave the people what they needed, there were many visitors with comments, complaints and questions. He'd promised his mother he'd answer everything his subjects needed to know and yet he tired of their pestering. Not to mention the ever present threat from Lumini. Jet black hair fell into his ever vibrant gray eyes as he stared down at the woman dressed in a green velvet dress. He could clearly see that she'd dressed her best to see him, but everyone did. Despite his young appearance, he held the wisdom that was far beyond his age. Letting out a long, drawn out sigh, Neo lifted his hand to motion for her to stand. "Yes, Lady Kesler?" She stood, scrambling forward a few steps before Keyblade warriors dressed in a thin layer of dull armor blocked her path to their King. "Oh, please my Lord, you wouldn't be so unkind. My family....the forest entrance is blocked from citizens. There's an herb in that forest my son needs! My King, please!" Neo frowned, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Blocked....I don't remember ordering that. I'll look into it Lady Kesler, you have my word." Another sigh escaped his lips as she left and he was alone in the empty castle again.
    It was often that the King was left alone. Being King of a city devoted to Darkness was tiring.​

    Ash Novella, the only Keyblade warrior to have grown up with the King of Haven. Some would call him lucky....others, cursed. Neo asked his opinion and called on him for favours almost every day. there was no room for a relationship within his free time. Listening to the crunch of gravel under his feet, Ash sighed, just as tired as his King. Swaying on his feet, Ash knocked into another citizen. Before his eyes could open, a Keyblade covered in darkness touched his collarbone. "You wanna do that again, boy?" Ash smiled and lifted his head from the ground, letting his nearly black eyes focus on the man standing before him with a hostile expression pasted on his face, "Perhaps you'd like to remove the blade from my neck before I remove your hand." The man paled as he slowly realized he'd picked a fight with the King's favorite. "Uh....A-Ash Novella!? What a surprise! But I'm going to need an apology. Or else you'd like me to put in a word with the King." Ash felt a twinge of anger in his heart. "You threatening me boy?" People stopped and watched as Ash glared at the man with a Keyblade resting on Ash's collar.

    Alice walked with Adrien, smiling as he commented on the peaceful city. Lumini wasn't much, but it was enough for the few citizens who had followed Martel out of Haven all those years ago. They stopped and watched Martel playing with children and putting flowers in their hair. Adrien sighed, listening to the constant voice in his head, And yet you've never even spoken to Martel have you? Don't be a coward, go speak to her. Adrien frowned and thought back to his Keyblade, You and speaking to Martel. What is it with you. Nightmare, c'mon, we both know I'm never going to speak to her. Alice nudged him and started to pull on his arm, dragging him toward the beautiful Queen of Light. "Lady Martel!" Martel's mossy green eyes flicked up from the children and a smile spread across her lips, "Alice,'s nice to see you again. Adrien, how is your grandmother doing? I heard she was sick...." her lovely smile faded and Adrien felt a cold wind slide across the back of his neck as the children's faces dropped with Martel's, "Oh...uh, she's doing....ah, I can't lie to you Martel. I haven't seen her personally in a few days, but mum says she's gotten worse. I need to find a way around Neo's...uh..." he stopped talking the second he heard himself say the Twilight King's name out loud. "Sorry..." Martel patted a small boy's head, "It's quite alright Adrien. I understand not everyone believes the Twilight King is as bad as the stories say. As a thick forest separates us from seeing most of Haven, except what reaches the skys." She lifted her head to the sky and stared at the top of the Twilight Castle that touched the Heavens and Adrien shifted nervously, "The Twilight King's men block the entrance to the section of the forest where the only medicinal herb grows for my grandmother's illness." Alice gently touched his shoulder in sympathy and Martel nodded.


    Xenree stood guard with several other Keyblade weilders in the forest. Neo might not have ordered it off limits, but she knew what grew in that forest. Several trees here grew a fruit that, although glowed in the dark, also had the capabilities to enhance magic capacity. Xenree's eyes glittered as she thought of a large ability to cast more powerful spells. How many more years will it take for my plan to give me what I want. This fruit is the beginning, I know it.
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